Thursday, December 31, 2020

Parents With Identical Twins That Accidentally Switched The Kids

Someone on AskReddit asked for parents that accidentally switched their kids to share their experiences. Can't imagine the kind of embarrassing panic that must've ensued after these discoveries. 


Text - Ambly_Andberg • 48m A bit late to the party - I'm not a parent but two of my brothers are twins. Unfortunately, twin 1 passed away about a year ago. During the wake we had TONS of pictures of him, like way more than even I expected. And one thing my mom would do with them whenever we were somewhere or doing something photo- worthy is take three pictures - one of each twin and then both together. About halfway through the wake my family realized my mom had accidentally chosen one picture o


Text - AverageGirl_8 • 2h I had a classmate that has a twin sister. One day we - me, her twin, her and her boyfriend - went from school by train. Classmate sat with her boyfriend and I sat with her sister. Boyfriend had to use the toilet and when he was gone, they got an idea - apparently they never tried to switch to see if he would notice. So, they quickly switched some clothes (they were dressed similarly), changed their hair styles and switched the seats. When he came back, he looked at one,


Text - frumpy_teapot • 3h My dad has an identical twin. Until I was about four years old they'd sometimes pretend to be the other to mess with me. After that age I could pretty easily tell them apart, but I couldn't (and still can't) really articulate how to do it to other people. It was just like "it's easy, my uncle has a softer face." They have identical-looking noses, cheekbones, jawlines, facial hair, etc. Neither is really noticeably fatter than the other or anything. Looking at them side


Text - I'm an identical twin (the older and better one, which I will rub in his face forever). Its a bit embarrassing but my parents were kinda lucky as Thad a a small birthmark on my penis. Nothing gross or any, just a small pretty circular dark spot slightly left of center on top of the shaft. When we were babies my dad used to lovingly call us Spot and Not. So in the first few days he would say "I changed Spot, Not was clean but he's due." The embarrassing part is the nickname stuck, but only


Text - biscuit729 • 2h At my school we have this weekend trip where we go to a camp for the weekend. I had met this one girl (I'll call her J). When we went back to school,I saw her in the hallway and said “Hi J!" Since I go to a huge school (1,000 kids per grade) I didn't know she had a twin sister until the girl said "Sorry not J, I'm G, J is my twin sister."


Text - unnaturalorder • 5h Since this is a fun question that hasn't gotten | many responses, I will say I knew a set of identical triplets in highschool who'd sometimes go into one another's classes and mess with people. Made for a fun April Fool's day joke.


Text - masterhitptl • 5h Obligatory not a parent but my sisters are identical twins and our parents kept them apart by the freckle one of them had ( has? ) on a toe.


Text - Juvat • 4h Mine are only 16 months old, but to us they look different. They have different head shapes. Normally a baby will "settle" in the pelvic bone leading up to birth. Well, they both can't do that so one has a more round head while the other's is more oval. So while they have the same features, their head shapes gives them each their own appearance. One has a faint birth mark on his left arm, so I will know if they ever try any tom-foolery or bamboozlement. I will say I verbally ge


Text - themagicalmrking • 4h Took all three to the park. I have boy/girl twins. Twin 1 had a big purple star on the back of her coat. Hood up, She was sliding down the twisty slide. I got distracted by the other two. I had had enough so scooped the kids up to go home. To my horror I had picked up the wrong kid! This other little girl had the same big purple star on her coat. She was the exact same size and everything. Hood up too. I only noticed when her dad yelled at me "oi! That my kid!" No ha


Text - stephcasa • 2h Wow im hearing about a lot of male identical twins. I wonder if there is a less probability of female identical twins. My twin sister was quite the rascal when we were young so she convinced me that we should switch classes. We were i think in second or third grade. Turned out she had a quiz. I still remember the pale green paper and just staring at it lol.


Text - sionnach • 5h Honestly, pretty much every parent of identical twins will tell you that they don't really look all that alike to them. Obviosuly on the surface they do, but I don't think we've ever mistook one for the other. It's not one big thing that makes them different, it's lots of small things that you'd only really notice if you spent every day with them.


Text - Wtf_another_throw • 3h Am father of identical twin toddler boys and a 9 month old so think I feel qualified to answer this one. Since my wife feels its soo0000 cute to dress them the same ("until they will tell us they dont want to") this happens a lot more than one may think acceptable. There are some very small tells that I can find on each, like one has a slightly different head shape and another has a vein on his forehead in a more distinct pattern from the other. Still hard to tell i


Text - xabrol • 2h Not a parent of twins, but when I was in school I was in classes with someone who had an identical twin. Their parents had divorced though and each twin lived with a different parent, one with Mom and one with Dad, but in the same zip code and they swapped out on the regular, weekend with mom and weekend with dad etc. Sometimes they would swap out which school they went to that week and since they were in different elem/middle/high school districts (but in the same zip code) n


Text - mantistoboggan69md • 5h So with very few answers, I'll answer this with a summer camp story. We were playing capture the flag, but the teams got to hide their flag. Well each team in my game had a twin on each team, and the one on my team walked over to the other teams side and asked to be reminded where their flag was. He grabbed it and ran back before anyone noticed it was the wrong one


Text - squidnaay • 3h My mom is an identical twin (mirror twins), her twin lives across the country but when they get together they find it hilarious to get the same haircut, dress the same and even record voicemails for each other (her twin has a slightly stronger accent). There was nothing more frustrating as a teenager than coming home and lamenting to my mom and suddenly she goes "I'm not your mom HAHAHAHA". When they were kids, they often swapped dates with each other and my mom even tricke


Text - aylgar • 4h I'm a fraternal twin (despite this we looked exactly the same when we were little). As an infant my grandmother fed my sister twice thinking she had fed the two of us. Edit: Wow I didn't think I would get this many upvotes. I'm glad y'all found it hilarious, we still laugh about it to this day. My twin sister and I till look alike but not as much as we used to.


Text - zoe_in_the_wild • 3h My cousin has 2 sets of twins. They are 21 months apart. She can tell them all apart. They are all teen boys now and damned if anybody else can. Not even their dad.The younger ones look like the older ones too, so that complicates things even more. (It's like she and her spouse are running an illegal cloning operation out of their home.) Good kids all of them ,they take advantage of their situations to hilarious levels. They love cosplaying storm troopers at conventio


Text - svenson_26 • 3h Identical twin here. When I was 4, we were at Disney World with all my cousins who are around the same age. I wandered off for just a minute, and my family took that time to move on to go somewhere else. When my mom was doing a head count, my brother moved and she counted him twice, so it took them a few minutes to realize I was lost. Some nice strangers saw I was crying and noticed I was lost, and helped look for my family. My dad eventually spotted me, and hopped over a


Text - Swaggy J59 • 4h Coached high school football for a few years, and there was identical twins on the team. During two a days, one of the boys was hearing a crop shirt under his shoulder pads, and I was able to notice he had a giant scar on his stomach from appendix surgery Anyway, I was very excited because I thought this be the way I could start to distinguish between the kids! Turned out both of the boys had their appendix taken out, so I had to go back to the drawing board on that one. B


Text - pazureaus • 3h Not a parent of twins but... I was in algebra with a boy who's a twin. As a newer kid I didn't realize he had a twin and I never saw them together. One day I borrowed a pencil from him during class. The next day, in class, I give it back. He was confused as fuck. I was confused as fuck as to why he was so damn confused, but he took the pencil anyways, then promptly walked over to his brother who was in the same goddamn class to return the stupid pencil. They sat next to one


Text - purplechicken17 • 2h On my highschool swim team we had a pair of identical twins. For anyone that doesn't know how swimming works, there are four different strokes: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle. An IM (individual medley) is when all stroke are put into one race One of the twins (A) was better at backstroke than twin (B). Meanwhile, B was better at breaststroke. At this particular meet, our coach decided to put them together in an IM relay where A would swim breaststr


Text - DoOoOo0 • 3h NachoOoOc Mom of identicals here. Not really one moment -- yet-- but I had them by c-section and for some reason it's always bothered me that I may have gotten them mixed up when we finally took the hospital bracelets off. They had no real differences as infants so I think about that at least 5 times a day. They're 4 now.

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