Friday, June 23, 2023

'Put my order in first! I need it NOW': Top Karens of the Week (June 21 2023)

On this week's Top Karens list, we're covering a lot of ground: stage moms, posh customers, and even vegan Karens. At a certain point, one has to wonder when Karens will slow down, but the unfortunate truth of the matter is that the entitlement only seems to be getting worse in today's cultural climate.   Let's consider why that is. Most of the time, these Karen stories boil down to unruly authority waging a battle against folks who refuse to give in. This obviously says a lot about how our culture has evolved in terms of our collective reaction to people who are unnecessarily rude to employees, strangers, and others based on reductive factors like appearance, status, etc. The fact that we now live in a culture that no longer apathetically accepts this kind of behavior is certainly an improvement. However, the unfortunate part of this trend is that it seems like there have been consequences. Those consequences include Karens doubling down on their behavior rather than considering self-reflection and self-improvement.    Ultimately, this means that we can at least enjoy this infinite supply of Karen stories while we have them. For more posts like this, check out this story about another Karen who tried to get a front desk clerk fired.

Fan Memes for Sweaty People Who Are Too Poor for AC

Call me a lizard person, but I love hot and humid weather. My hair doesn't thank me, but it's kind of fun feeling like I'm sitting in the middle of a swamp. However, this is on the extremely important condition that I have somewhere cool to retreat to when it all gets to be too much. Ideally, this would come in the form of air conditioning's chilly embrace, but sometimes I can't be that fussy. There are plenty of hot places that have no choice but to go analog with the humble ceiling fan. I know what all the haters say about them only pushing the hot air around. I do not care; my sweat glands have no concept of basic physics. An overheated person will take anything they can get, including a bunch of memes about the sweet relief of fans. We're going to be needing them this summer.