Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Manager Demands Workers Pay Missing Money to Balance Till, Internet Bewildered

This manager demanded that the workers present on shift all help to even out the till when it was found to be short $100.

This thread was posted to the r/antiwork subreddit by Redditor u/52_pickup_limes, one of the employees in the targeted group. They posted the thread, which contained screenshots of the messages from their boss, to the subreddit with the title "Is the store manager allowed to do this?!"

Commenters overwhelming answered the call of the titular question and confirmed that, no, the manager was not allowed to make that demand. Especially since it's illegal and their accusations against the employees on shift were unsubstantiated. 

When I worked for an omnipotent fast-food coffee chain (no spoilers, but it rhymes with "Marmucks") we had a boss who went on a tirade against staff who were present when $20 went missing one night on cash up. A few days later it was discovered that a $20 had wedged itself above the drop box that you were supposed to drop large bills into. There was a slot, pretty much damn near the size of the actual dropbox slot, that bills loved to find their way into when frantic "martners" were in a mad rush to crank customers through the till. 

The mystery was solved and the day was saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls, but no apology was ever issued. 

Scroll on for screenshots of u/52_pickup_limes's story and the reactions below. 

Resident Nurse Rallies Their Team, Takes Down Vindictive Nurse Manager

A horrible and cruel Nurse Manager was finally taken down by their subordinates after a "seasoned" Resident Nurse joined the team and managed to rally their young and inexperienced teammates to take a stand. The workplace had an incredibly toxic atmosphere, and the clouds were practically begging for the right moment to burst. All it took was one little push to send the brick and mortar of the establishment tumbling down.

This thread was posted to the r/ProRevenge subreddit by the Resident Nurse (RN), u/IAmHerdingCatz, who recounts their epic tale of revenge from days past. The thread was titled "I'm A Team Builder!" and has earned 5k upvotes on the subreddit since it was first posted. 

Commenters expressed their enjoyment of the tale and complimented the "punchline" of the story for its effect. 

Scroll on for screenshots of u/u/IAmHerdingCatz's post and some key reader reactions below. 

Group Locks Dude Out Of His Own Camper For The Night, He Leaves With His Camper

At an early age, most people learn that if it's not your ball, it's in your best interest to play fair. Cause if the kid whose ball it is decides that they don't want to play anymore, you can't either.

This guy's friend's wanted to use his camper to attend a spartan race. Since he didn't exactly want to relinquish the thing itself, he did the next best thing and drove them there. Then night comes and they decided that he can't sleep in there with them and refuse to let him in, resulting in him having to sleep in his truck. This dude figured that such behavior was uncalled for, and he remembered that the good deed of letting his friends use the camper could be revoked at any time. So he hitched that baby up and left. It seems like they forgot that they were sleeping in a borrowed camper.

36 People Who Need To Learn How To Secure Their Loads Properly

If you wanted to feel smart today, look no further than people who could have put in the smallest amount of effort to not endanger innocent bystanders, and didn't. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that just throwing a heavy thing onto the roof of your car and hoping for the best as you barrel down the freeway is something that should be looked down on. I swear to god if I get killed by a couch because some dumbass thought it would be a Chad move just to "hold onto it and it'll be fine" my soul will crawl up from hell, through their toilet, up their ass and burst out of their chest like Alien.

This is like drunk driving except at least people who choose to drink and drive have the miniscule benefit of having had their judgement impaired. These dipshits got up, drank a cup of coffee and said "today I choose to be an unsafe dick." So anyway, feel good that you're not this stupid.

Office HR Manager Tells Adult Content Creator She Needs to Submit All Her Content to Him Before Posting

Somehow someone at this Adult Content Creator's place of work discovered her side-hustle and reported her to HR. Now, u/beachlifejenn has received a letter from her HR manager demanding that she submit all images she intends to share on social media before posting the photos online. 

This thread was posted today to the r/aniwork subreddit, where, due to overlapping hot topics, it has taken off like a virtual rocket ship, earning 500 comments in just a few hours and being upvoted enough to reach the "hot" section of Reddit's front page, r/all.

The thread was posted from the content creator u/beachlifejenn's Reddit account (which we will not be linking directly to for predictable reasons.) The post features a photo of the alleged letter, which contains a redacted message detailing the company's demands for the recipient's continued employment.

"It has come to our attention that you have been engaging in sexual misconduct online." opens the letter before launching into an overly detailed description of the content that the recipient had purportedly been posting. 

It then describes a list of demands, including

Moderators of the subreddit removed the thread just as the thread attracted more and more attention; the moderators did not give specific reasons for the thread's removal but cited subreddit Rule 3a. 

Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.

Unsubstantiated speculation and conspiracies in the comments have suggested that the post was part of a 'viral marketing.' ploy, listing this as a possible cause for the thread's removal. 

Viral marketing has seen a rise in recent years, with attempts meeting great success on platforms like Reddit and TikTok. These successful campaigns have caused users to be suspicious whenever something seems too good to be true or anytime a creator or entity stands to notably gain from the exposure that a viral post would provide.

Commenters expressed how illegal the alleged demands in the letter were, suggesting that the recipient could take legal actions had they not already signed some type of social media policy as part of their employment.

"I've never signed anything like that that I remember." the poster responded to one such comment.

Further clarification was provided by the poster in her comments, adding that this was an office job and that she felt creeped out by the letter she received. 

Keep scrolling for screenshots of the since-deleted thread and the reactions to it below. 

18 People Share The Exact Moment That Made Them Nope Out Of A Relationship

They say "don't waste time dating your ex."  And it can be hard to leave, even if they suck. But sometimes you have an epiphany with someone that makes you go "oh man, there's definitely no coming back from this." It could be something as simple as a moment of hypocrisy or catching them in a lie. But sometime it's along the lines of "he sold my dad's urn to support his Magic: The Gathering addiction" and moments like those make it pretty easy to shove off.

Sometimes people show you exactly who they are, and it's up to you to realize that no amount of apologizing or feigned ignorance on their part is going to stop you from seeing them through regular-colored glasses. People are totally capable of change. But someone who makes you drop them off at their secret boyfriend's house probably isn't going to. Who cares if there's more fish in the sea. Being in a bad relationship is worse than being single.

Here are some unfortunate souls who explained why they stayed with their cheating partner.

Courageous High Schooler Inserts Famous Porn Star Images In School Project, Putting Teacher In An Extremely Dicey Position

The comment section whole-heartedly agrees that this kid is going places.

25 Blursed Images That Are Terrifically Intriguing And Rewarding

Life might not always be cool, good, or fun. But at least it's frequently interesting. Blursed images are a nice combination of terrifically nice blessed images and dark cursed images that somehow inspire a sort of levity in the chaos that is life. Who are we to say what is or isn't a good use of time on this planet? Maybe we all need a few more preachers in giant conch shells in our lives. Maybe we can derive meaning from watching a seagull smoke a cigarette. Maybe, just maybe, there's some inherent value to finding a guy who looks exactly like the human version of Shrek from Shrek 2.

There probably isn't, but at least we've got our ticket to ride this oozing funhouse called life on earth.

And if you couldn't get our fix of inherent strangeness from just what fell out of the internet this time, here are some more blursed images from this strange plane of existence.