Monday, May 30, 2022

Gems From Scottish Twitter That Definitely Make Sense On Some Level

Language is fascinating. It's one of those things that's always changing and evolving. Every corner of the world has its own words for things, and that's even within one spoken language. Two speakers of the same language might even have a hard time understanding each other based on pronunciation differences or specialized jargon. Scottish Twitter is one of those shining examples of language being used in ways that both shock and amaze. These language acrobats are using nouns and verbs in ways we never thought possible, and the internet is all the better for it.

We're like 90% sure that we understand what's being said in these tweets. Outside of that we just gotta start googling up all these terrific slang words for things. Scottish Twitter. There's just nothing else quite like it. So break out the Irn Bru and get to pushin your peepers into these sweet sweet tweets.

Grandma Leaves Life Savings To Mooch Aunt, Gets Paid Out In $10 Installments

Family can be a hassle. And when you have one family member that refuses to be responsible, it's a lot harder to turn your back on them than it would be a non-relative. This makes it much more difficult to navigate their BS, especially when money gets involved. Add to that the tension of a passing loved one and you've got a minefield to deal with.

In a fitting moment, this miserable parasite of an aunt managed to finagle her mother's last 700 dollars. But before she could do more dishonor by grubbling up that money, another aunt decided to do a nice little petty disservice to her twisted sister and pay out the deathbed cash in a series of terrifically inconvenient installments.

It's one of those nice little inconveniences that makes the world a more interesting place. For another tale of installment revenge, here's the tenant who had to pay an unfair fine so he ended up paying back in 37 installments.

Absolute Units Whose Bigness Knows No Bounds

Our own lives tend to feel small. The things we do, the places we go, and the people we see are all basically pretty normal sized. But then, every once in a while, we get to witness something of uncommon bigness. "Dear sweet fancy Moses!" we say to ourselves. "Look at the size of that caterpillar! The butterfly that comes outta that big boy is gonna have wings like paper bags!" Great big stuff is just interesting to look at. Not to mention poking at, remarking on, and wondering out loud how much it probably eats. We'd like to see more big stuff in our lives. And thanks to the internet's insistence on pointing out absolute units that are large and in charge, there's no end to all the big stuff we get to see.

It's a world of horses with biceps, bananas whose peels could be worn as sleeves, and wrenches so big they should be called WRENCHES. Phenomenal work, you big beautiful beasts.

Fiancé Returns Bride's Wedding Dress, Gets His Mother to Come to His Rescue

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--hole) subreddit by the wife, Redditor u/Sealine5033. She has posted this topic to the popular subreddit in order to appeal to readers and see whether or not she is in the wrong for being furious with her fiancé for returning her wedding dress. 

Right off the bat, it does seem like there could be some merit to the fiancé's financial concerns. So many people will blow their entire life's savings on their wedding ceremonies and put themselves in hardship for years afterward. 

That point is moot as, if the bride's account is to be believed to the letter, the way that her fiancé has handled the entire situation is concerning and immature at best. Redditors, of course, have voiced their ever-present concerns about the red flags that the fiancé's actions have displayed and are encouraging the bride to rethink the wedding entirely. That may not be necessary in this case but some serious discussions need to be had. 

Let us know your thoughts. Story and reactions follow.

Thumbnail Image: Sarah Noltner