Friday, May 12, 2023

20+ Yee-Haw Giddy Up Memes for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh This Weekend

Meowdy, howdy, and yee-haw! We reckon' it's Friday now and we're ready to ride the memes into the internet horizon. We've lassoed in all our favorite yee-hawin' memes that grazed on our screen. Doom scrollin' ain't much, but it's honest work. We gather up all the memes we think will get a good LOL or at the very least a lil pony *huff* out the nostrils of any funny cowboy or cowgirl. We love to hoot n holler and we want to share that with you good folks out there. You'll be scratchin' your grits and callin' your grandma, these memes are so good. They'll perk up any sad cowboy out there gettin' ready to sing a sad country song. How about instead of moseying around the pasture and looking for distractions on the ranch, come to our meme farm and harvest yourself a good 'ole barrel of LMAOs, LOL, maybe even a ROFL. It's good eatin'! 

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

Aren't families wonderful? Having someone in your life who insists on making everything about themselves is challenging… to say the least. Hijacking events to suit her own preference is probably only the tip of a very large hidden iceberg when it comes to dealing with this stepmother.

This couple found themselves the target of the husband's evil stepmother after her efforts to claim a grandchild from her own children were thwarted. Her ambivalence and disinterest toward them and their pregnancy suddenly turned to overbearing obsession as she insisted on replanning their baby shower into a vision of her own, an aesthetic that her step-son describes as being "Barbie had puked all over Hello Kitty's birthday party."

When attempts to un-plan the replanning fell on deaf ears, the couple employed the help of their friends to retake their party back.

Read on for this tale of an exhaustingly entitled family member and how she was dealt with resoundingly. Next, check out this family photo refusal that caused a major breakdown at a family gathering.

'He knows how to play': Entitled parent begs random plane passenger to 'share' their video games

Maybe the in-flight movies aren't good enough for this woman and her son.

When traveling and preparing for a flight, there's a lot to remember: passport, luggage, wallet, keys, and more. But most people remember to bring something to keep them occupied during the flight, too, whether that's a book or a pair of earbuds to listen to music or a podcast, or to watch an in-flight movie. This wouldn't seem to require much planning ahead, and most flights will hand out earbuds in case you forgot your own. 

That's why this woman's story is so incredibly baffling. She seemingly brought her young son on a short flight (under two hours long) and yet didn't bring anything to entertain him. Instead, she decided to bug a random stranger, insisting that her child be allowed to play video games. The audacity is stunning! 

I definitely side with the OP here — as cute as kids are, they're so messy and are not at all careful with electronics. People in the comments echoed this as well — at least the OP managed to stand their ground. Then, check out these mildly infuriating moments, like the person who discovered squirrels were living in their car.  

'After putting 2 fake positions on I finally started getting interviews': Woman explains how she broke into tech with a fake resume

It's a rough and tough world out there job searching. Even entry level jobs are requiring experience, which, like… Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being an entry level job?? We constantly hear "this generation just doesn't want to work anymore!" But that is simply not true. People are constantly desperate for jobs, but companies are either not paying enough, asking too much of employee, or both. So what are you even supposed to do at this point? How in tarnation can you get the dream job you have been working so hard to get when they won't even give you a chance? 

Well, we're not here to give you any advice, but one person on Reddit shared what they did to break into the tech industry and they have now been working there for over a year, so it work. What was it they did? They lied. Listen, listen, we're not encouraging lying, of course. We're just here to share the things we find interesting on the internet. We're just saying, this woman lied on her resume and it WORKED. She just added 2 or 3 fake past jobs to buff up her experience. They needed proof of these jobs, so l she made fake pay stubs and even created a website and email address. She was offered the job and she has now been there for over and year, and looking for her next leg up in the industry. 

Again, we believing lying is bad, that being said… F*** the man, do what you gotta do to survive. Just don't be a jerk, be empathetic, and open minded, etc. etc. Anyways, read her whole story below! 

Top 5 Worst First Dates as Told by the Waiters

Remember that your behavior on a first date is not just seen by the person with whom you are eating. Your server can definitely tell when it's a first date, and you better believe that they have attentive eyes and ears that can easily sense when something is off. So you better behave, unless you want to end up on an Ask Reddit thread like this one. 


Some of these stories range from folks going to the bathroom and taking off (I thought that only happened in the movies!) to bad dates turning into a romantic opportunity for the server. Keep scrolling below for these five stories. For more compilations like this, check out these bizarre coworker tales. 

'I don’t owe you an explanation': People with disabilities share their stories of Karen encounters

Karens are Karens to everybody, no one is safe. Unfortunately, if you have something that they don't understand, it makes you even more of a target to entitled Karens. So this is bad news for people with disabilities, especially people with a disability that isn't immediately visible. Karens aren't going to do any research on any disability and yet they will still act like they went to medical school. 

A person who is legally blind took to Reddit as an outlet to share a frustrating story of a Karen encounter he had. He was waiting in line to get a coffee, when a Karen tried to take advantage of his blindness and cut in front of him. The thing is, he can partially see some things, and he for sure noticed this entitled person trying to cut in front of him. The audacity and rudeness of that is just insane. However, the Karen decided to take it even further and went to his table, sat right in front of him, and started asking him about his blindness, as if she were entitled to an explanation on why she got caught pulling an a-hole move. 

The post seemed to be a pretty relatable story to people with disabilities and many took to the comment section to add their own Karen encounter story. Scroll on to read them below! 

'They refused to believe I had left': Worker leaves their job of 10 years after getting passed up for promotion in favor of a person they trained

There's nothing better than loving your job—there's nothing harder than the dawning realization that you're going to have to leave. 

We all get surprisingly comfortable with our routine—it's just something in our nature. Branching out into uncertainty feels risky, making us shudder at the thought of trying new things.

Companies—rather, the people who run them—are the same way, and for that reason, they will be more likely to leave you in your role if it means less change and less new uncertainty for them and the organization. So, it's not surprising, then, that if your employer refuses to promote you, sometimes you have to be the one to overcome the fear of change and seek it out yourself to progress.

That's what this worker shared doing on a recounting of events that they shared on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit community. The worker shared that they had been passed up for promotion in favor of a newer employee that they had trained themselves, prompting their move.

Read on for their account of events. Next, check out this employer who threatened not to pay a teen when they quit their new job after spotting red flags.

'So many red flags': Boss insists salaried employee work on his house so that he 'doesn't have to pay'

This boss is really stretching the definition of what it means to be a salaried employee.

Salaried work can be wonderful or a strain on your work life, depending on the company you work for and your managers. For some workers, they're able to put in two hours of work per day and still get paid for the entire eight. But for the majority of salaried workers, it means you're going to work 40+ hours a week. If you have a project due at the end of the day, and you're not finished by 5PM, your boss is easily able to insist you finish it ASAP. It's one of those things that's supposed to be a perk, but ends up backfiring. 

This guy's situation, though, is taking salaried expectations to the next level. This employee writes that they work for a low-voltage company, doing design, installation, and programming work. It's mainly working with CCTV or fiber optic… which is totally different from the side job the employee's boss is insisting they do. 

Scroll down to check out the whole story, then click here for more funny memes