Sunday, February 18, 2018

Crazy Health Site Claims Coconut Oil Cures Alzheimer's, Gets Promptly Called Out on Facebook

Health site makes status on Facebook about coconut oil curing Alzheimer's and gets properly called out on Facebook.

This the kind of shit that makes us want to scream!

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News Anchor Can’t Stop Laughing At Bison Hump Day

News anchor gets a laugh attack while reading a story on Bison Hump Day.

Submitted by: (via Funny Avenue)

11 Inedible Forbidden Snacks People Wish They could Eat

candy inedible FAIL dice snacks food forbidden gummies - 4795397

Some things look really good to eat but in fact are deadly poison. Here is a sample of some of the things people wish they could eat but are in fact forbidden.

Submitted by:

All These Combined Might Equal One Pull-Up

Absolutely zero pull-ups were completed during the recording of this video.

Submitted by: harrytipper2 (via flyingjibberish)

Tagged: FAIL , cringe , exercise , weights , Video

14 Intelligently Designed Church Signs

god church signs church win - 4781061

Have you been searching for signs of God? Here are 14.

Submitted by:

Tagged: god , church signs , church , win

Car Crash Behind Reporter During Report On Safe Driving

A car spun out and crashed into a tree behind a reporter during a live shot about safe driving in Atlanta.

Submitted by: (via NewsFunnies)

Dude's Operations Manager Pulls Off Historically Lazy, Yet Amazing Command

Guy shares ridiculous story of his operations manager pulling off a ridiculously lazy command.

Never have I EVER been SO inspired by SUCH laziness. This man's the modern day champion of laziness that we all never knew we needed. 

Submitted by:

12 Cringeworthy Idiots Who Will Make You Facepalm

FAIL cringe funny - 2989061

The cringe is real.

Submitted by:

Tagged: FAIL , cringe , funny

20 Dad Jokes So Potent They Will Make You Become A Father

FAIL jokes dad jokes puns funny - 4795909

Everyone likes a good pun. These are mostly bad.

Submitted by:

Tagged: FAIL , jokes , dad jokes , puns , funny

Hilarious Pub Prank Blows Up In Drunk Guy's Face

Nothing warms the heart like the bar loudmouth getting humbled in one swift blow. Literally. 

Submitted by: (via ViralHog)

20 People That Got Pulverized For Their Bullsh*t

Collection of people that got called out for trying to lie to society.

These liars discovered the awe-inspiring power of the Internet in uncovering the truth. Shouldn't have even bothered trying. 

Submitted by:

Photoshop Battle: Dog Destroying Couch Edition

Battle dogs couch photoshop photoshop battle - 4798213

The Photoshop warriors of reddit set their sights on this vicious little guy destroying a couch--and they tore it up.

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