Sunday, October 19, 2014

I don't like how PS even distorts the beauty of nature

When my elementary school bully started to tease my mentally handicapped little brother

I still have mine...

That feeling...

Plot Twist

Welcome to the Holiest of Fridges

When I'm drunk and I see a hot guy

You think you're getting along and they drop off the planet

I love you mommy

During lecture

Life Is Too Short To Do What You Hate. These Will Open Your Eyes If They Aren't Already.

My best friend's ex b*tch

Don't get carried away

I wish they were real

Breakfast is served

It really bothers me


Students in Montreal protested rising tuition by going (nearly) naked. Some Montreal police were"observing"

A flowchart for Hey Jude

What I think about racism

Pisses me off

Pelvic sorcery

Frying Nemo

Just so you know the differrence.

12 Classic Movie Scenes Recreated In Lego. Do You Know Them All?

When it's the Weekend and I Just Got Off Work Early

The reason why Half-Life 3 is so delayed...

Just saw the post about the U.S. university and thought you would appreciate this one as well

No Hablo Ingle's. That's the one

Nana Nana Nana Nana

How to pick up coins with a forklift.

He even gave away his slippers

The way my mom punished me...

Bibliobibulibulibulibuli...make me stop!

Spent $60. Worth every penny. Endless fun.

B*tches be like...

My life summed up...

Nope, nope, nope.

When I'm waiting for food in the microwave

The poelple there can't be so stupid to not figure out

True Love

Short people are evil!

The Do's, The Don'ts, and the Oh God, Please Don'ts of Men's Fashion

Recently starting to play online...

I like birds.

When you accidentally open the front camera...


I'm an adult, home alone and kinda spooked