Tuesday, November 15, 2022

20 Camping fails for people who accidentally set their s'mores on fire

Camping can be incredibly relaxing - it's a great way to reconnect with nature. Getting out into the great outdoors sounds good on paper. But once you arrive at the campground, you have to assemble the tent (where's that missing last piece that is somehow crucial to the tent staying upright?) Then, you might see a big bug (or fifty). And the local wildlife will make themselves known -  you're in their house, after all. 

Camping can be so much fun when you relax and unwind, as long as you don't end up like these people, who kind of failed at camping in some way. 

To check out another funny article, click here.

Update: Entitled Children Threaten to Kick Neighbors Out of Their Apartment

Ah, the entitlement never ends! This Redditor has an endlessly entertaining series they dubbed "Tales from the Compound," which details their experiences growing up among a community of entitled neighbors in a shared compound in Dubai.


This thread, which serves as the latest update in the "Tales from the Compound" saga and which was posted on Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit, deals with two children (Anna and Francis) who literally broke into the Redditor's backyard and destroyed their private garden. These kids were so entitled they made threats they couldn't even make, such as lying about how their parents owned the compound and could kick the Redditor and their family out of the neighborhood if they wanted. Luckily, the Redditor later learned that this was a complete lie, but not without some more ridiculous behavior from Anna and Francis's entitled mother.


Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more drama like this, check out this post about a crazy aunt Karen.

'I found this reaction horrific': Entitled Karen Mom demands that her son give her his boss's phone number

These helicopter mommies need to stop. If your kid is a legal adult, don't embarrass him by demanding that he gives you his boss's phone number! No, it is not "for emergencies," and your son can see through that. If you really need to "check up on him," send him a call or a text (or have him call or text you) directly. Don't put some poor employer in the middle of all this and jeopardize your son's reputation at work along the way!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Patient_Word5979, who somehow felt that her son was being unfair in this scenario. That's how you know that this lady is probably named Karen. She is so blinded by her own experience that she fails to see how literally everyone around her in this situation (including her husband and her son) thinks she's completely unjustified here.


Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say in the comments. For more, take a look at this story about a crazy Aunt Karen.

'I took a video': Lazy coworkers try to scapegoat worker pulling all the weight, she records evidence and throws them under the bus

What is it with people constantly trying to blame someone else for the thing that they themselves are most guilty of? This hypocritical finger-pointing is just a vapid means of projection that these narcissistic robots employ whenever they feel threatened. 

'He ate like 15 tacos in a parking lot in total silence': People shared the most bizarre dates they've ever been on

These people were all hoping to meet their soulmates - but instead, they got a great story to tell of a crazy date gone wrong! Dating seems like it could be so simple. You meet someone, hit it off, and have a simple meal together. However, not everyone is a natural at dating. 

Some people get super nervous and clam up. Others have a bad attitude about dating. Or maybe they're just not really that into the person they're out to dinner with (and will let them know they're not happy to be dining together). Whether it was a disastrous movie date, making their ex a plus-one, or this one person who ate a Caesar salad in the most disgusting way possible, these Twitter users shared their weirdest and wackiest dating experiences ever. Let's hope that all these folks find their Prince or Princess Charming very soon!

To check out another entertaining article, click here

Ghosting FAILS: Cringeworthy Tweets About Getting Ghosted in This Day and Age

Who hasn't been ghosted at this point? And who hasn't ghosted someone else at this point? Whether we like it or not - and if you like it, there's definitely something wrong with you - ghosting has become normalized in the world of online dating. In fact, it has actually bled into every other aspect of life. Friends might ghost you now with little explanation and, even more common these days, hiring managers and interviewers will ghost you regularly. Let's face it: ghosting has spread into your work and love life. You would think if these many people have experienced some form of ghosting in the past, we'd develop the skills and maturity to not inflict that same behavior onto others. But nope! If these ghosting tweets serve as any indication, we simply haven't learned our lesson. Ghosting is here to stay. Keep scrolling below for a look at these cringeworthy ghosting tweets. For more content like this, check out these spicy pickup lines.