Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Dogs Playing At The Farm Is A Pure Shot Of Endorphins

There's something innately soothing and cheerful about watching some dogs make genuine fools out of themselves, while we're busy living out our various life dramas. These dogs having a ball at a farm could be just what you need for a nice little pick-me-up during your day. 

Baby Seal's First Time In Bigger Pool Is Cuteness Overload

And there you have it: easily the most calming thing to have witnessed throughout the week thus far. Those eyes, man. 

Pirates Fan Takes Home Run Ball To The Privates, A Breakdown

Well, he certainly committed. Honestly, props out to him for having the instantaneous presence of mind to not interfere with the game as it unfolded. The dude just bit the bullet. And then he literally took one in the nuts. 

Dude Uses Fake Mail To Mess With Mail Thieving Ex

Clearly, sometimes, folks just aren't meant to be together. It would seem that these two are undeniably in that boat. So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you're dealing with the grim reality of having a mail-stealing ex, you might just find yourself inclined to fight back against their BS by using some fake mail. 

Server Takes Down Aggressive Karen With Theatrical Kindness

Sometimes, you just find it within yourself to meet someone's toxic, nasty BS with nothing short of aggressive niceties. Honestly, if the cloud of ignorance isn't too thick between you and the entitled Karen that you find yourself sharing a room with, the kindness can actually end up being effective. Like, what we have here. 

Clueless People Who Missed The Joke By Miles

With every great joke uttered, there's always someone out there with the potential to miss that joke by miles. Not only that, but they'll have the sheer audacity to treat the joke teller like they're the moron. It's obliviousness like that that feels like a kick in the teeth to humanity in general. Is there helping bozos who didn't get the joke? Maybe, but only if they want to be helped.

AskReddit Thread: Dumbest Lies People Actually Pulled Off

There's something hardwired into us as human beings, where we're terribly susceptible to willing ourselves into believing completely blatant lies that people are telling right to our faces. Maybe it's some sort of conflict avoidance. Maybe it's that romantic, idealistic urge to try to see the best in someone. With all of that being said, it's nothing short of a stupefying wonder that these people were able to get away with the dumb lies that they were. 

Absurd Times Restaurants Served Food In Absolutely Anything

A while ago restaurants decided that they serve "an experience" rather than just food, and that high concept really got into some people's heads. Now customers get to eat chips served on fishing hooks and croissants served on top of old VHS tapes. There's no end to all the food served on anything but dishes. For more interplay between the world of food and the world of not food, here are things that look scrumptious but aren't food.

New Owners Get Rid of Vacation Policy, Crucial Employee Debilitates Company

There's a rich history of new owners coming in and completely destroying what was good about a workplace, like this time new owners bullied employees and ran their company into the ground.  In this case they made the mistake of depending on one person, making him very angry and then giving him time to think about it. Good on Jimmy.

Scams That Have Been Normalized By Society

We are at heart, frugal, sometimes to the point of staggering paranoia. We're the kind of people who are inclined to look at an overpriced jar of pickles and say to ourselves "Big Pickle must be stopped." Just because a business, practice or concept has been operating for decades doesn't mean that it's not just a scam that people overlook. Stupid pickles are just vinegar and cucumbers anyway.

On the flipside, here are some things people think are scams but aren't really.

1-Year-Old Daughter Steals Sweet, Mom Tells Store, Store Still Bans Mom

How cold hearted can you be? The mom in this scenario literally goes out of her way to tell the store what her 1-year-old (1 YEARS OLD) daughter did when it came to lifting a sweets item. And then the store still has the heartless audacity to tell the mom that she's banned. Pretty unreal. 

Dad Charges Ex $100 To Babysit On Custody Day

At first glance, you'd probably go ahead and assume that the dad was very much so in the wrong, but upon closer inspection it becomes glaringly evident that there's a whole lot more dysfunctional nonsense afoot within the relationship dynamic. Probably best to just hard reject the next time around. 

Highly Questionable Design Fails

We love us some good old-fashioned design fails here. It's fun to take that moment and try to determine what kinds of misled thinking went into these. Maybe they're just very ahead of their time, or something. Check out some more dumb design failures that somehow got through, over here

AskReddit Thread: Reasons People Noped Out Of Relationships

In this modern era with its wealth of dating apps, there are an unfortunate number of people that end up finding themselves seated across the table from waking nightmares that aren't at all like the people they presented themselves as on their dating profiles. If anything, an informative AskReddit thread like this can be helpful in terms of showcasing the red flags to keep a wary eye out for when you're dipping your toes in the dating pool. For another AskReddit list with a similar theme, check out this post about the embarrassing times that people missed obvious hints

Dirt Bikers Attempt To Ascend Impossible Hill

So, the quick backstory on this rather daunting hill is that it's a part of "The Impossible Climb Andler" in Belgium. Apparently the challenge has taken place over 20 times, and no biker has ever been able to complete the climb. Just imagine what kind of hysteria will break out when that fateful day arrives.