Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sibling Memes For Those Who Never Got To Sit In The Good Chair

Having siblings is a learning experience. You need to learn how to pour more than one cup of juice totally equally. You need to learn how to not be creeped out by sitting on a pre-warmed toilet seat. You must navigate the hard road of not getting to sit in "the good chair." But with those hard lessons comes having some of the closest relationships people can have. For the parents, here are some parenting memes for the perpetually stressed.

"Not My Job" Moments and Unprofessional Design Choices

Our world is filled to the brim with unprofessional "not my job" moments. While they may be inconvenient to the users themselves, it is pretty funny to see a "storp" sign. And as much as we all want to get away with doing as little work as possible, some "not my job" moments and design fails are just too noticeable to not become a thing.

Escalating Feud Results In Dad Engineering Brother's Arrest

There are some family members who just should never live in the same town. Some personalities - family or not - just don't mix well with one another. On top of that, if you end up dealing with a particularly irrational individual like the uncle in this tale of a family feud, then it really ends up being a lose-lose kind of situation. It seems like the uncle was going to remain stubborn on not making the peace. If this story got you going, check out another pro revenge tale of this coworker who got fired for a workplace complaint, and then ended up coming back as the boss

Coworker Gets Fired For Workplace Complaint, Comes Back As Boss

This pro revenge tale is giving off some welcomed wholesome vibes. Some people in this world want the job, without having to put in the sufficient work. It's only a matter of time before they end up being served their rightful wakeup calls as a result. Check out some more revenge drama with this petty revenge tale about a dude who used fake mail to mess with his mail-stealing ex

Reasons People Absolutely Hate Their Neighbors

Some neighbors can end up being literal waking nightmares. It's like, one moment you naively assume that you're not living next to a complete head-case, and then the next moment you're pretty much ready to pack your bags and get as far away as possible from those nightmarish human beings. Hopefully none of these people's neighbor stories ring any bells. Check out some more of people's craziest neighbor stories over here

Lawyer Pulls Dash Cam Switcheroo On Rigid Insurance Attorney

Anyone in search of drama should highly consider any case of bad faith legal shenanigans. We don't know enough about law to know if people are allowed to do crap like this, but lawyers are experts in absolutely hammering at the rules to suit their needs, so anything could happen. Here are some things people later discovered were illegal.

Impressive Creations of Absurd Taste

Listen, no one is saying that a tattoo of Bobby Hill as Sailor Moon is inherently a bad thing. In fact, it can be done incredibly well. The real question people have is "why?" With enough artistic follow-through, any bad or weird idea can become a skillful creation of absurd taste. The world needs its hamburger dune buggies and armchairs with literal arms. They're impressive. They're also impressive creations of dubious taste.

Outlandish and Dumb Stuff People Tried Selling Online

The internet is a fascinating place full of opportunity and bizarre stuff people want to sell. For some reason there's always some kind of horribly creepy doll for sale, as well as rare or vintage Dorito. At least people are finding something to do with their time. Keep in mind, almost none of the dumb junk people try to sell online is worth buying, but it is worth looking at and going "yikes."

Mad Lads Who Brought The Banter And Shenanigans

While the rest of us toil and fret over the humdrum of daily life, there are mad lads out there who don't give a dang. They'll do or say anything it takes to achieve their bold desires or just mess with people. They act on pure instinct, sometimes to the point of deceit. But at the end of the day, there are no bones about it. These mad lads played the game their way.

Nail Polish Company Detests Honest Review

There's just something about crappy businesses where they seem to have a harder time than actual upstanding establishments, when it comes to dealing with negative feedback from perturbed customers. 

Jobs That Look Simple But Are Surprisingly Difficult

Different jobs come with different challenges, be they physical, emotional, or have you leaving every day with pants full of dirt. It's extremely easy to look at another person's profession and idealize it in your mind, but more often than not, the parts you get to see are just the easiest or most glamorous. These insider zookeeper secrets are a good example of the kind of behind the scenes crap everyone has to put up with. And of course some jobs are so ridiculous that people just quit on the first day.

Husband Has Gaming Issues, Gets Called Out, Pitches Fit

Man oh man, it sounds like this guy is just a bit of a handful. Clearly, there's some stuff boiling underneath the surface in this guy's life that's manifesting in him acting a fool the way that he is. And then he's deluded himself to such an extent that he can't even understand why people don't want to play video games with him. 

Design Fails That Could've Used A Second Set of Eyes

Designing things is hard. And it's not just a matter of spelling something correctly so that it doesn't accidentally say something filthy. Sometimes design fails exhibit really poor craftsmanship, horrible toilet placement or just a complete lack of sense. Whether it wields some kind of irony or is just sort of gross, design failures remind us daily that things can be worse.

Server Takes Down Aggressive Karen With Theatrical Kindness

Sometimes, you just find it within yourself to meet someone's toxic, nasty BS with nothing short of aggressive niceties. Honestly, if the cloud of ignorance isn't too thick between you and the entitled Karen that you find yourself sharing a room with, the kindness can actually end up being effective. Like, what we have here. 

Clueless People Who Missed The Joke By Miles

With every great joke uttered, there's always someone out there with the potential to miss that joke by miles. Not only that, but they'll have the sheer audacity to treat the joke teller like they're the moron. It's obliviousness like that that feels like a kick in the teeth to humanity in general. Is there helping bozos who didn't get the joke? Maybe, but only if they want to be helped.

AskReddit Thread: Dumbest Lies People Actually Pulled Off

There's something hardwired into us as human beings, where we're terribly susceptible to willing ourselves into believing completely blatant lies that people are telling right to our faces. Maybe it's some sort of conflict avoidance. Maybe it's that romantic, idealistic urge to try to see the best in someone. With all of that being said, it's nothing short of a stupefying wonder that these people were able to get away with the dumb lies that they were.