Thursday, March 24, 2022

Raging Karen Demands Service From Burned Down Restaurant

When the local drive-thru restaurant burned down, this Karen was uncertain how she would get her daily fix. Set and rigid in her Karen ways, she decided to give it a crack and force the firefighters and investigators to serve her. After all, she always gets whatever she wants.

This exciting thread was posted this week to the r/DontWorkHereLady subreddit by user u/alannahmyles. A subreddit where people post stories where they, or others, are mistaken for a store's workers. The stories usually feature some insane individual (usually a Karen) who refuses to accept that the storyteller is not an employee.

We've seen some pretty bizarre situations in this subreddit where people have demanded service from random strangers. You can see how some of these mistakes might be made when people are wearing similar colored clothing to the workers of the store, but demanding service from a freshly burned-out building is downright insane. 

Hope she likes her fries extra crispy.

School Locker Thief Gets the Book Thrown at Him in Savage Revenge Story

This trending Reddit post details a story of brutal revenge on a high school locker thief in the early 2000s. It has sparked discussions surrounding locker theft, and commenters have shared their own various stories. 

Reddit user u/Dunnachius shared this story to the r/ProRevenge subreddit. A place where users go to share stories, such as this one, where someone got even in a big way. Tales from the subreddit are easily identified by the purple 'smiling face with horns' emoji that the sub uses as its icon.

u/Dunnachius describes the situation as it occurred at the time. When they became the target of a recurring locker thief during a crimewave at the school, their uncle Buddy, who was a detective, stepped in to get to the bottom of the case.

As a personal anecdote… In high school, I had my Nintendo DS stolen out of my PE locker by someone who I considered to be a friend. He was into drugs or something and was desperate for some cash. The weird thing was that he was from an extremely wealthy family and had no business stealing. I caught him red-handed when I responded to a suspicious Craigslist, and he responded with his email address. Dad took me over to his house and showed his father the emails, and the DS was promptly returned. I often wonder who else he was stealing from and know that we probably should have reported the incident to the school or police. But he was someone I had considered a friend, and, despite his actions, that seemed like an extreme measure. 


Plant Mom's Sister-In-Law and Niece Say They'll Watch Plants, Cut Up And Sell The Pieces

It's the worst nightmare of any plant person. Seemingly trusted individuals weedled their way into the house under the auspices of taking care of plants, just to turn the place into a one stop crop chop shop. 

Not only can plants be extremely expensive, they also take a lot of time and effort to propagate. It's one thing to just steal someone's stuff, but to destroy their hard work while simultaneously stealing from them is some serious assery.

And since plants are plants, it's pretty difficult to communicate that frustration to anyone else, to the point that you seem insane. Since most people are under the impression that plants "will just grow back," being furious about this makes you seem like the crazy one. When you really think about it, a stunt like this is more akin to someone saying they're going to housesit for you, but coming home to find out they've spent the whole week selling your furniture.

Here are some more absurdly rude houseguests who made themselves far too comfortable.

Dudes Share Unspoken Universal Rules Of Mandom

There are certain things that every guy notices about being a dude. Activities and practices that we are inextricably pulled toward. Maybe it was once taught to us by a father, brother or uncle. Maybe we saw it in a movie and it just made sense. Or maybe it's just stuff we started doing on our own because it felt nice. Some are arbitrary. Some are absolutely necessary. Some are a little in between. But they are still things we are compelled to do. For example, observing the sacredness of the buffer urinal and the essential "test-clicking" of barbeque tongs. These are activities that simply must be done.

But also, don't get too serious about it. Don't go around just doing what other people tell you to do just cause. When random guys start making up stupid rules about what is and isn't manly, things can tip into the ridiculous. That's how you end up with absurd reasons men had their masculinity questioned.

Restaurant Executive Plots to Pay Workers Less By Exploiting the Rising Price of Gas in This Leaked Viral Email

A leaked email has shocked the internet today after going viral. It was posted to the Reddit r/antiwork subreddit earlier this morning, where it has earned 68k upvotes in 12 hours. An absolutely insane number of votes even for the standards of more popular subreddits.