Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Painfully Relatable Memes and Fails That Are Definitely Me Even When I Won't Admit It

There's relatable and then there's "wow, that's so me I can't even function now…."


These memes and fails, which were compiled from top trending posts on Reddit's r/me_irl subreddit, only further prove that the line between feeling seen by a meme and feeling personally attacked by one is a very, very fine line. Sometimes, we come across posts on the Internet that prove we're not alone and that we're not the only weirdo in the world who does certain things (you know, like quietly judging someone's phone battery when they send you a screenshot). It's always comforting when these memes bless our feeds. However, then there are those memes that feel like the universe is personally calling you out for being a mess and a half (for instance, memes about late-night panic googling are triggering for me because, well, I do an unhealthy amount of that). Regardless, we hope these memes are more comforting than shaming, but just remember how thin that line can be. Keep scrolling below and for more content like this, check out these disastrous design fails. 

A List Of Compelling Memes for Those Who Have Abominations As Coworkers

There isn't a more hateful sound in the world than the resounding ting's of your alarm clock in the morning, alerting you to the fact that you have yet another vexing day to confront. Once upon a time, perhaps your alarm clock was one of your favorite songs, but it's a time of the past (We've all been there, and there need not be further explaining as to why we don't do that anymore). Today you pick the chime that is between the least and most annoying (Yin yang, people, balance is necessary). After shutting off that damned alarm, you either scroll through your phone for a bit or groggily drag yourself out of bed to go brush your teeth and start the rest of your dull morning routine. Ah, to exist. That every morning is the same —what a depressing revelation; time seems to stay chillingly still, and yet before you know it, you've been at your current job longer than you'd like to admit. One of the most irking parts of said job is the people you are surrounded with, AKA coworkers. You may have a soft spot for a chosen few, and the rest can f*ck right off. These memes have a little bit of both. If you resent your boss as much as you detest some of the people you work with, feel free to check out this list of entertaining memes.

Unhinged Manager Makes Servers Sign Ridiculous NDA That Bars Them From Gossiping For 25 Years

Does this horrible boss seriously think this NDA is enforceable? We think not. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/throawayeas989, who opened up about the absolutely crazy non-disclosure agreement they received from their boss stating no employee can talk about anyone or anything related to the business for the next quarter of a century.


Does this person think they're running a restaurant or a high-stakes military operation? Not only is the 25 years portion of the NDA ridiculous, but also the whole contract consists of poorly defined terminology that will likely make it impossible to enforce. Some of the Redditors in the comments section got into a heated debate about what was the right advice for the original poster (the UK lawyer who advised to sign the document and forget about it is insane…). Our hot take is to stall signing the document and start looking for new jobs immediately. This manager is clearly either crazy or crazy paranoid


Keep scrolling for the full story! For similar stories, take a look at this post about another abusive restaurant owner.

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Every generation has their quirks, problems, and stereotypes —but the collective technical illiteracy of an entire generation takes "problematic" to a whole new level. Sure, they didn't grow up with technology, but it's been around long enough to figure it out or at least attempt to learn how to use a computer, right? WRONG. What button did you push this time, grandpa?


Just because someone is a CEO of a company, doesn't mean that they should have any idea how to complete the subordinate functions of a lowly 20-something year old intern. It's not a Boomer's job to adapt, learn, and figure out the world around them, it's their job to run this gosh dang country without ever knowing a single thing about how it functions. So if your boss ever asked you to attach a PDF to an email for them or if you've had to set up the computers of all of your older family members, these memes are for you. 

Coworker's Wife Floods Couple's Bathroom, Mad They're Upset

It's important to take ownership of your mistakes — even in the most embarrassing situations. The wife of a coworker failed to do so when she flooded this couple's bathroom when she tried to flush a feminine hygiene product, and the resulting altercation created a growing rift between the two parties. 

We've all been there: You're the guest at someone's house, and — after taking care of your business — you go to flush. Except, the contents of the bowl don't disappear like they're supposed to — instead, the water begins to rise. You panic and search franticly around the room for a plunger as the water (still rising) begins to reach critical levels — threatening now to spill over onto the floor. You say a silent prayer — contemplate the name you'll take when you enter Witness Protection — and wait for a miracle to occur. 

At this point, one of two things happens: The toilet overflows, or the water stops just below the rim. Whatever the result — your actions now decide the content of your character. Do you fess up? Or do you hope that you can escape, leaving the perpetrator forever a mystery?

The coworker's wife chose the latter, and it backfired when the culprit was easily deduced. Now she's so embarrassed she's playing victim to try and retain a little sense of dignity. That's my take, anyways.

What do you think? Who is in the wrong here? Keep reading for the screenshots. For more coworker-AITA shenanigans, check out this coworker who ironically reported themself to HR for stealing lunches.


15 Staggeringly Choosy Beggars Who Demanded All For Naught

There are people on this earth who possess a complete inability to conduct themselves rationally. If they're getting a service performed for a bargain out of goodwill, they're going to want to negotiate a better rate. Even when they're getting handed something for free, they're going to feel as if they're entitled to more. 

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're raised to expect more out of our lives than the world can reasonably deliver—but these choosing beggars sure do take that "I am the main character" vibe to a whole new level.

Keep that mouse wheel spinning—and thumb a' scrollin'—to see this collection. For more choosing beggars out in the wild: Check out this collection of entitled people who rode a big stupid wave of arrogance. 

'Yeah, that's not really respectful': Hotel receptionist expertly shutdowns a male Karen customer throwing a tantrum

"Proof that the customer clearly is not always right. 🙌"