Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Every generation has their quirks, problems, and stereotypes —but the collective technical illiteracy of an entire generation takes "problematic" to a whole new level. Sure, they didn't grow up with technology, but it's been around long enough to figure it out or at least attempt to learn how to use a computer, right? WRONG. What button did you push this time, grandpa?


Just because someone is a CEO of a company, doesn't mean that they should have any idea how to complete the subordinate functions of a lowly 20-something year old intern. It's not a Boomer's job to adapt, learn, and figure out the world around them, it's their job to run this gosh dang country without ever knowing a single thing about how it functions. So if your boss ever asked you to attach a PDF to an email for them or if you've had to set up the computers of all of your older family members, these memes are for you. 

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