Saturday, February 22, 2020

Stupid Things People Believed as Kids

Funny and stupid things people believed when they were children | Diesell23 some reason thought every car made had do crash test. Probably because my dad once told our car had very good rating crash test amazed by fact all cars were repaired so well before being sold.

It's no myth that children are bizarre and stupid. They believe every lie, have a horrible sense of logic, and a lot of them can't read. So it makes sense that many of us remember the incredibly dumb things we believed as children. Some of them even make some sense before you remember how stupid you were.

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Some Dumb, Stupid, Wonderful Puns


It's hard to tell if we love or hate puns. When they're bad, you just want to call the police and sit in the corner facing the wall. But sometimes we feel like we need a ration of puns to satisfy our wordplay cravings. How much you like puns at any given time probably depends on your mood, as well as how many bad ones you've had to see recently.

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Tattoo Parlor Has Epic Response for Entitled Customer

A bad customer leaves a one star review for a tattoo parlor so the business has a funny response | Absolutely horrible. Came here one day with two friends who wanted an ear piercing and nipple piercing. After getting yelled at walking wrong door, which is not at all marked went get piercings and one young woman my party denied service nose ring because her "voice too high is insane and discriminatory wanted tattoo but after way have been treated this establishment wouldn't let them touch with

Sometimes people feel like being a paying customer makes them impervious to criticism, but when it comes to responding to entitled customers who don't reveal the full story, the businesses themselves tend to have some pretty damning responses. Here's one where a business owner leveled with a guy who complained over a dollar taco. This one has an interesting twist regarding that pesky "voice was too high" remark.

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Self-Titled Geniuses Who Bragged All Over The Internet

People who think they're brilliant | Replying Chiefs and @DavidKoechner could never play NFL s game brutes. My physiology is simply too advanced. Precision/Finely tuned Big and juiced up. Could have been pro? Easy, but this brain is too calculating s as simple as 27

The internet is absolutely smeared with the mental diarrhea of people who think they're the smartest person in the world. Whether it's claiming to be smarter than a supercomputer, having more potential than a celebrated professional, or just claiming to have a superior taste in children's cartoons, the internet has been sprayed with the cringeworthy bragging of self-titled geniuses.

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AskReddit User Examines Male Perception Of Romance

AskReddit user examines the male relationship with the idea of romance | r/AskMen Posted by FitzDizzyspells Female Why don't men get as much thrill over fictional romances as women do? Men fall love too, so why don't they enjoy good love story? And if do are favorites TV, books, movies Discussion

This AskReddit user decided to look closely at the male relationship with the idea of romance, and how the drive to find love can shape a man's life. This won't apply for everyone, but it's an engaging read, nonetheless. 

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Customer Prevents Robbery by Mistaking Mugger for Employee

Customer recognizes mugger and thinks he works at convenience store | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by BraidedDivide Old lady mistakes mugger as employee work convenience store has strict "always comply with muggers" policy think because 's cheaper them deal with losing whatever's register than fighting suit an employee hurt defending

Usually when someone mistakes a customer for an employee it's some kind of horribly entitled Karen who mistakes someone and they just roll with it, but this time it was the staff who had the customer to thank for their case of mistaken identity.

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Mathematician Explains Ancient Multiplication In Fascinating Way

This guy makes ancient multiplication sound fun, and that's a pretty impressive feat. 

Submitted by: (via Numberphile)

Dude does a Perfect Horn Impression

As far as marketable skills go, this is dubious. That said, a good horn impression would be the perfect thing to do if someone's obliviously standing in your way. Now just imagine hearing this a foot behind you while walking down the sidewalk.

Submitted by: (via FELIP BRASIL OFICIAL)

Coder Takes Nuclear Revenge On Lying Ex-Employer

Coder takes revenge on their lying ex-employer by ruining their websites.

This coder decided to take what's been labeled a "nuclear revenge." It sounds like their ex-employer was a nightmare. Apparently, they refused to pay the coder when they went to leave the job, and followed up that refusal with trying to spread a bad and false reputation about them. No good!

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Behaviors Women Find Creepy

Things guys do that are creepy | posted by Sirventsalot 14.6k points 2 days ago 3 No self-awareness or notion personal boundaries like guys follow around public places or follow home intentionally and don't seem understand 's really unsettling about don't know if 's because live big city, but this is surprisingly common.

Sometimes dudes aren't the best at picking up on social cues, and whether or not they're trying to be a big-ass creep, there are various things they'll do that make them look more like a creep. Surprisingly, it turns out lengthy, unbroken staring isn't something people like. For more social red flags, here are red flags to consider when meeting someone new.

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Model Chick Goes Psycho After Being Rejected

Girl freaks out at guy after being rejected and pretends she has a bodyguard team and that the guy stole her bracelet | text messages Jordan Yesterday 9:30 PM way out league physically, mentally emotionally can't even believe this right now Never my life

This guy got all kinds of lucky when it came to dodging the cyclone of crazy that was his date. Apparently he had a couple drinks with her, and wasn't feeling the connection, and called it quits from there. She proceeds to go on a downward spiral of delusional lunacy, and claims he stole her bracelet, while threatening to send her team of security guards on him. 

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Guy Wants Twitch Streamer To Fart All Over His Jacket

Twitch streamer receives a request from a fan with a fart fetish | cowboy emoji Hi have weird request am wondering if would be willing do would like mail my jacket place on seat gaming chair few months and sit on and fart on as much as possible would pay this course.

Twitter user @PlayWithJambo shared quite the entertaining exchange she had with someone on Twitter who had a very strange fart request. Specifically, a request for the Twitch streamer to fart all over his jacket. Things get even weirder when other people speak up about their experiences with this dude. 

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Twitter Responds to Roommates Horrible Oatmeal "Cookies"

Tweets about a roommate who failed at making oatmeal cookies.

You have to not pay a whole lot of attention to not know that oatmeal cookies aren't just baked oatmeal. Sometimes roommates are worse than this, but boy oh boy a pan of oatmeal looks bad. If he was shooting for granola this would be close, but this is one of those old fashioned cooking fails.

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Useless Yet Interesting Calculations

Interesting yet useless mathematical calculations.

Sometimes it can be fun to run the numbers on things that were never intended to be studied through the lens of mathematics in the first place. We've got calculations galore, on hand. Apparently numbers can actually be fun sometimes. 

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Soldiers Share Their Care Package Tips

Soldiers share things that the military doesn't provide that would be welcomed in care packages | Burner_03 2d Please dont pack soap or any scented hygiene product with any food items food items will absorb smell s hard enjoy Irish spring cookies. military army camouflage uniform

Soldiers of Reddit are sharing the items they'd welcome in care packages. The following list should be helpful for anyone considering assembling a care package for a soldier out there. 

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Fruits And Veggies People Could Throw The Farthest

Twitter users describe the fruits and veggies that they think they could throw the furthest.

Twitter user @BailyCarlin started a thread about what fruits and veggies people think they could throw the farthest. This is no laughing matter. There is a lot at stake here. The very worth of fruits and vegetables as flying projectiles is being contested. I'm thinking an apple would have the best shot. 

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