Thursday, May 27, 2021

Snoop Dogg Realizes He Left His Stream Live For Hours

I wonder what kinds of panicked thoughts must've been racing through Snoop Dogg's mind when he realized that he'd accidentally left his live stream rolling for over eight hours. Maybe he was racking his brain tryin to remember what he could've done in front of the camera over that timespan to potentially put himself in hot water. Or, maybe, must maybe Snoop Dogg don't care at all. 

Woman Remembers Every Moment Of Her Life, Proves Journalists Wrong

Jill Price managed to blow a whole ton of apprehensive journalists away when she went on to prove that she can indeed remember every moment from her life. I wonder if it's one of those things that you can just turn off and on at will (all the time), or if you randomly become completely drowned in tidal waves of memories resurfacing from the deepest layers of your memory banks at inopportune times. 

Airport Karen Breaks The Rules, Throws Temper Tantrum, Asks For Manager

This viral video from TikToker @kevdurio19 has been making the rounds, and it's no surprise. It contains a remarkably perturbed Karen, who after entering a restricted area at the airport, proceeds to stage a childish meltdown as she asks for the manager. The manager is probably the last person you want to be talking with after breaking the rules at the airport, Karen. But hey, she was clearly so blinded by rage that she fell back on what she knew best. 

Wholesome Senior Mistakes Man For Taxi Driver, Cheery Ride Ensues

It's quick and uplifting stories like the one we have here that manage to temporarily restore our otherwise dwindling faith in humanity. Sometimes life presents you with the kind of curveball that basically asks what you're going to do about it? If it's a case of someone just being plain old nasty, you might have to assume the defensive stance. But, if it's a happy senior who is clearly innocently confused, you might just err on the side of being a kind human. A kind human like the one we have here. 

Dogs With Embarrassingly Laughable Haircuts

Okay, sometimes dogs need to be shaved for medical reasons. That doesn't make them look less silly, but at least those ones have an explanation. The ones where you can tell people deliberately tried to make their dog look dumb? What's that all about? For some more funny looking dogs, here are some sleepy dogs in goofy positions.

Family Complains About Pizza Sauce, Get Served Humble Pie

If you have a family member go out of their way to prepare a nice homemade meal like pizza for you, it's probably in your best interest to work real hard at not staging a whole meltdown over something like there "being too much sauce." It sounds like the chef in this scenario had hit their breaking point, and thus decided to stage their own saucy petty revenge. Check out more people's finest moments of revenge over here

Entitled People and Their Absurd Games

It's hard to know what to expect when crossing paths with an entitled person and their excruciating behavior. There are people out there who expect that they can pay rent with chill vibes. There are customers who will try to tip with monopoly money. There are people who will write a strongly worded email complaining about the free donuts they get at the office. The world is a show when entitled people are let out to play.

CEO Thinks Computer's Been Hacked, Learns How Keyboard Works

While the nature of this hilarious tech support tale makes for quite the delicious fail, it's a little understandable how blinding panic can give way to overlooking the obvious solutions. Sometimes, your brain goes into a survival mode of sorts, and in that process, you end up looking right past the clear solution that was right in front of you. Based off the comments section, it sounds like this kind of thing can happen quite often to the more technologically-challenged folks. For some more gold from the tech support world, check out this tech support employee who got fired and unfired on the same day

Now-Obsolete Technology That People Remember When It Was New

Aside from the nostalgic powers of remembering old things we used to like, there is something really weird about being able to look back in your own life and see the signs of changing times. It's mind-boggling to think that only a few years ago, people were paying big money for VHS players and texting each other heartfelt messages using only a number pad. Time doesn't just make things obsolete, popularity and money can ruin good things too.

Sibling Memes For Those Who Never Got To Sit In The Good Chair

Having siblings is a learning experience. You need to learn how to pour more than one cup of juice totally equally. You need to learn how to not be creeped out by sitting on a pre-warmed toilet seat. You must navigate the hard road of not getting to sit in "the good chair." But with those hard lessons comes having some of the closest relationships people can have. For the parents, here are some parenting memes for the perpetually stressed.

"Not My Job" Moments and Unprofessional Design Choices

Our world is filled to the brim with unprofessional "not my job" moments. While they may be inconvenient to the users themselves, it is pretty funny to see a "storp" sign. And as much as we all want to get away with doing as little work as possible, some "not my job" moments and design fails are just too noticeable to not become a thing.

Escalating Feud Results In Dad Engineering Brother's Arrest

There are some family members who just should never live in the same town. Some personalities - family or not - just don't mix well with one another. On top of that, if you end up dealing with a particularly irrational individual like the uncle in this tale of a family feud, then it really ends up being a lose-lose kind of situation. It seems like the uncle was going to remain stubborn on not making the peace. If this story got you going, check out another pro revenge tale of this coworker who got fired for a workplace complaint, and then ended up coming back as the boss

Girl Lets Perfect Stranger Into Home To Use Restroom, Gets Called Out

Well, that could've ended up devolving into a completely shady situation very, very quickly. The key takeaway for anyone in this hilarious little exchange is to absolutely not let a perfect stranger (no matter how perfect their physical makeup might be) come in and use your restroom. 

People's Wedding Objection Stories

Weddings have an uncanny knack for attracting all kinds of chaos. It's probably because you end up bringing together all kinds of family members that should just as much never be put in the same vicinity with one another. Well, in this fun AskReddit thread we have people disclosing their craziest, most unforgettable wedding objection stories. You can only begin to imagine where this is going. 

"Cool Guy" Rides Dirt Bike In Skate Park, Gets Asked To Leave, Tries To Act Tough

The cringe is running amok in this video of a "cool dude" trying to stir up some trouble at a skate park, while on his dirt bike. Man, some people get bored in this life, and really end up making complete fools of themselves. This guy's on his own level.