Friday, August 1, 2014

I heard you like Octopus lamps...

Now THAT'S Customer Service!

Some relationship advice for anyone dealing with a bf/gf that has cheated on them.

Hard times

Things You Won't Learn in History Class

I got called a moron I'm also getting sued.

A fun Canadian fact

Quotations: Still Not Meant to be Used for Emphasis

Your bestfriend's face when your crush enters your classroom

There are girls on 9GAG. Case closed.

This Ought to be the Protest of Our Time

Especially on those 'days'

Imagine every episode of Breaking Bad ending with this.

So I heard you guys liked wasted gif's

Just WHY?

New photo from Gaza looks like actual hell on earth

New photo from Gaza looks like actual hell on earth

When a customer says "oh then it must be free" when something won't scan

Where the Grease Flows Wild and Free

Where the Grease Flows Wild and Free

Submitted by: (via Bits and Pieces)

Tagged: sign , food , bacon , g rated , win

His girlfriend hates this shirt

Even More Coveted Than the Corner Office

Zoidberg Has Never Been So Classy

Zoidberg Has Never Been So Classy

Submitted by: (via Quiet Car)

So, I have a baby Grumpy Cat


We just haven't told him yet.

Thought I had to show off my amazing drawing skills so I could make the POOP GUIDE! Enjoy!

An alternative design for an internal combustion engine

The Emojis We Actually Need on Our Phones

The Emojis We Actually Need on Our Phones

Rejected Emojis is a series of icons that really ought to exist, but don't. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Submitted by: (via Rejeceted Emojis)

There are too many posts like this nowadays...

Awesome tattoo...

(SPECIFIC CURSE WORD) You, United Airlines

(SPECIFIC CURSE WORD) You, United Airlines

Submitted by: (via lyndy)

And the latest trailer? SH*T

When I finish my e-book...

These 31 Animal Facts Are Pleasantly Surprising

There's always money in the orange stand.

Poor Toby

Woah, woah, guys break it up!