Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Guy Scores a Goal and Cheers Himself from the Stands

He must have been pleased with himself to jump into the stands like that, but the level of casualness he puts on as a spectator is really what seals the deal. It's like he's not even a huge fan of him.

Submitted by: (via FutboloTV)

Waitress Tells Police To Let Customer Finish Eating

This video is making the rounds on Twitter. It captures a police officer in London telling a waitress at the Life Cafe Restaurant that there has been a terrorist incident. The waitress proceeds to launch a curveball that none of us saw coming, and asks if the customer can finish eating first. Either the waitress is genuinely fearless, or was caught up in a state of shock and fell back on some kind of automated response amidst the chaos of the terrifying situation. 

Submitted by: (via @The_Write_Type)

Divorce Attorneys Reveal Stupidest Reasons Couples Wanted To Divorce

AskReddit replies to divorce attorneys sharing the stupidest reasons that couples wanted to divorce | posted by Charger525 not divorce attorney, but my former subordinate got divorced over Pokémon cards. At one point during separation she came work accuse him stealing some her rares got near physical and had have security forces remove spouse so could get back work. They were hot mess.

Never underestimate the heights of pettiness that can be achieved between two people going through a divorce. These AskReddit replies in a thread about the stupidest reasons people wanted to divorce, might convince you to never want to get married. 

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Mistaken Christian Mom Upset By Color Wheel

Offended christian mom thinks color wheel is satanic imagery.

An outspoken few of us are scouring our lives looking for unwholesome imagery in television, music and apparently, elementary school art exercises. Some real wild stuff gets passed off as legit by mom groups. This misunderstanding had some extra facepalm on it. Fittingly, people made an even bigger mockery of the situation. Being a teacher can be hard especially when it comes to wild parent teacher conferences.

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Strange And Elaborative Reasons To Call Out Sick

Twitter users share strange reasons that people can call out of work sick.

Some days are easier to adult than others. If you ever wake up and reach the bold conclusion that it's time to call out sick from work, you might find yourself getting very creative when it comes to hatching up an excuse. Some people have no limits when it comes to the "reasons" they're calling out sick from work. 

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Wendy's Asks McDonald's To Roast Them, Twitter Roasts McDonald's

Twitter users roast McDonald's after Wendy's asks for McDonald's to roast them.

All that Wendy's had to do was ask for McDonald's to roast them, and the rest of Twitter proceed to roast McDonald's. That's when you know you've got the power as a roast master on Twitter. When you can literally point in the direction of McDonald's who was minding their own business, and get people to roast them on your behalf, just by asking McDonald's to roast you. It's some kind of psychological trick, and it played out in brilliant fashion. People were quick to deliver on the roasts about McDonald's broken ice cream machines. 

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Spooky Signs That Are Too Dang Scary

Scary and threatening warning signs.

All of these signs have the potential to instill some good old fashioned fear. Some of these spooky signs are probably incredibly helpful and we're lucky to have them. Some terrifying signs just sound like a threat. For a break from the scary, here are some funny signs.

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Tenant Escapes Fraudulent Deal with Thieving Landlord

Tenant gets out of bad deal with landlord.

This tenant found themselves in a deal they didn't agree to with a landlord who tried to steal from them. So they took stock of the things that they could legally control, and made them an ultimatum. Sometimes landlords will try to scam their tenants, but it doesn't work out for them.

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Clever Comebacks From Savage Silver Tongues

Clever comebacks from witty individuals.

We're back at it again with a fresh round of fiery comebacks. These people brought the heat with their words. 

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Strange Things That Happened in Public Restrooms

Strange and funny things that happened to people in public bathrooms

A public restroom can be a strange place. It's a public place built for some of the most private things people do. You end up meeting some wild characters and your most vulnerable of times. For some toilet humor here's funny bathroom graffiti, and a bunch of creepy cursed toilets.

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Entitled Grandmonster Steals Granddaughter's New Clothes

Entitled grandmother steals grandson's new clothes and exchanges them for steel utensils.

This granddaughter hit the end of her rope. It sounds like grandma had all kinds of toxic boundary issues, and went so far as to steal her granddaughter's new clothes to trade them in for some new utensils. New utensils! Pure madness. From there, it was a quick and brutal revenge that resulted in those very utensils being donated. The look on the grandma's face must've been priceless. 

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Tumblr Thread about Depicting Prehistoric People as Cool Dudes

Tumblr thread about ancient humans having feelings and being reconstructed with smiles.

It's kinda hard to look at our distant ancestors as people who had thoughts and feeling similar to ours. Like yeah, a neanderthal didn't know what it felt like to be stuck in traffic, but they still had families and priorities. This Tumblr thread expresses an interesting way of thinking about life before us. Tumblr can actually make history fun. For some more historical stuff, here's Tumblr's discussion of where ideas for some mythical creatures came from.

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Twitter Users Combine Last TV Shows They Watched With Video Games

Twitter users combine the last TV shows they watched with video games for crossovers | tweet by JewelKnightJess *Commissions 0 v @JewelKnightJess last TV show watched is now getting crossover with last videogame played

Twitter user @JewelKnightJess kickstarted a thread that has people combining the last TV shows they watched with video games, for creative crossover results. Pretty fun to try out!

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A Dad's Epic Petty Revenge With A Spite Cow

Dad takes a big petty revenge in epic story about a spite cow | about eat something real quick then l'll tell story about my dad adopting cow out spite didn't know could love someone so much without ever having conversation with them tbb. My parents built their house and lady next door decided she didn't like they moved because she used there being an empty field there my parents grow flowers competitively and their back yard is giant garden so her loss guess

We can all only hope to achieve these heights of epic petty revenge in our lifetime. Never underestimate the power of a spite cow. 

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Weird and Awkward Album Covers

Awkward weird fail album covers | blonde woman touching her forehead to that of a ventriloquist dummy AMEN! RAINBOW BEVERLY SVETLANA GRUEBBERSOLVIK TAMIA MY LIPS ARE BLOWING woman playing a recorder

Every artist has their own idea of what people will like. Whether or not these people were successful in their day, it's clear that their album art has not aged well with the passage of time. Some of these unfortunate covers look like mugshots. Here are more creepy and weird album covers of the past.

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