Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Internet Backs Husband Who Denied Coworkers' Demands to Stop His Wife From Putting Notes in His Lunch

This husband's coworkers approached him to ask that he ask his wife to cease a playful ritual that the pair had shared for the past year. When he had been having issues with employment, his wife had started putting notes in his lunch to brighten his day; even after he got through his rough patch, the tradition continued and continued to positively affect his life.

His coworkers told him to ask his wife to stop after a new coworker joined the team. The coworker had recently lost his wife and was having his grief triggered by lunch notes. The coworkers felt that it was only fair that the notes stopped altogether. The husband refused and told them that it was ridiculous. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by the husband under the throwaway account u/Jimmythrow5677. He posted the topic to the popular sub to get the readers' opinions as to whether or not he was in the wrong for his response.

Commenters ultimately decided that he was "NTA" (Not the A--Hole) for this and that the coworkers' demands were ridiculous. They told him not to change a thing and noted how sweet the exchange with his wife was.

"NTA at all," the top comment by PoseyCircles stated. "Your marriage and the way your wife expresses her love is your business. It's unfortunate about Jimmy but that's a massive boundary he crossed. Are you all never allowed to mention your wives again?

How long is this supposed to last?

I feel sorry for him but it's out of order to expect your wife to stop the notes."

What's your take on the situation? Was this a reasonable request?

Scroll on to see the original post and Reddit's reactions. 

25 Funny, Random and Shiny Tumblr Gems

Tumblr is like a Walmart of weird ideas. Just like how you can walk into a Walmart and pick up a rack of ribs, a fishing pole and a shirt that says "Whomst farted" you can waltz on over to Tumblr and see someone's erotic goblin-core novella, forty puns about the ancient Greeks, and a portrait of Austin Powers made of beef. And what it might lack in freaky Walmart customers it makes up for in freaky anonymous strangers. It's an interesting place to expand your horizons.

But of all the twisted menageries of bad poetry and stories from people's childhoods, the one thing you're sure to find, for some stupid reason, is someone's earnest observations on Scooby Doo. Without fail. It's good to know that that's what's really bubbling up from the collective unconscious. Okay, that or Ratatouille. It's a good movie, but like, dude.

Here are some more ridiculous, random and stupendous Tumblr gems.

Teacher Accused Of Time Theft, Turns Out School Owes Them 10 Times As Much

Most employees are way too used to having their contract used against them. Whenever someone is asked to sign something without being given the time to read it, we're rightfully, deeply suspicious that there could be some stipulation folded into the legalese that says our boss could eat our lunch out of the fridge and that we're contractually obligated to provide them with a lobster bib. It's just so much reading.

So when we hear about times someone's contract was actually used to help them stand up to their jerk boss, it's a good time.

A contract disagreement led this teacher to be confronted with a piece of paper saying that they owed their employer money based on misreporting of hours. This caused someone to look into his certifications and realize that he'd actually been underpaid the whole time.

For another tale, here's the teacher who was told to quit their second job, so they quit their teaching job.

Entitled People And Their Fantastically Bold Moves

Most of us have a pretty decent idea of how to treat other people. We've cultivated a sense of decorum for what's appropriate to ask of others, and we are mostly capable of self-reflecting enough to not display terrific acts of ignorance or selfishness on a daily basis. And then there are the entitled people who make everyone's day worse. The boss who calls you lazy for only doing your job and his. The lady at the end of the street who sends out a neighborhood watch post because your car isn't nice enough. The random stranger on facebook marketplace who demands that not only should you deliver him your old phone, but that you should pay him for the opportunity.

It's unclear if these people think the rest of us are stupid, or if they're so far gone that they see no use in having any self-awareness. But one thing's for sure; its an absolutely wild time actually paying attention to the BS they try to pull.

The Top Tinder Moments of the Week (May 31, 2022)

Welcome to this week's "Top Tinder Moments," a treasure trove of the hottest trending online-dating related items of the past week. 

Tinder can be an abyss of despair where all of your hopes and dreams of ever finding true love go to die... Which is why it's always nice to pan for those little nuggets of gold from such a despondent place.

This week's batch has its fair share of "thirsty" bios. Some lovely ladies and gents who like to lay it all out there and be as forward as possible. 

There's also the weekly "caught cheater" post that we've been seeing consistently the last few weeks. These posts usually are an obviously-edited bio of the caught cheater or a "revenge bio" that has been posted by their vengeful partner. 

Sift on through your pile of corpses and maybe you'll find the one. But remember, it only takes one. 

25 People Share The Most Embarrassing Moment They've Witnessed

It's all fun and games until you poop yourself at school.

If you find yourself dogged by your own cringey memories, it's important to remember that no one remembers 99% percent of the embarrassing things you've done. We're all so self-involved that even if you have spent sleepless nights thinking about how you thanked your server wrong, your anxiety is overblown and of no value to anyone.

 That said, if you slipped on a banana peel and your pants split perfectly down the middle, then you accidentally farted in a way that sounded like "Taps" then yeah, people remember that. People remember it and they laugh and laugh and laugh. About you. Your scared face is burned into their brains and every time they do something minorly embarrassing, they use your screw up as an example for how what they did wasn't that bad.

Anyway, here are some times people didn't forget about.

Scammy Landscaper Gets Done-Over For Sale Deception

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by the avenger's friend, Redditor u/Three-Nations, who tells the story of how their friend got even with a scammer after the scammer tried to cheat them over a used water heater that they had sold. 

The scammer came back several weeks after the sale trying to tell the friend that it was not working. The friend offered a full refund for the sale. 

Instead, they received a $400 invoice for the "repairs" of the water heater and told the friend that if it was not sent over they were going to send them to debt collection. 

The friend decided to just pay the invoice and let that be the end of things. That is, until they overheard a conversation in a bar…

A loudmouth employee of the scammer's company told him that the entire ordeal had been a scam and even confirmed the scammer was her boss who owned the company.

This would lay the foundations for their revenge.

Read on for screen-grabs of u/Three-Nations's full story and the reactions below. 

Thumbnail Image: Jared Muller

Girl Takes her Parents to 'Karen's Diner' Without Warning Them the Staff is Meant to be Obnoxiously Rude

For the Karen's and Gentle-Karen's

Woman Instructed to Dress as Trashy as Possible for First Date; Takes the Challenge Very Seriously

Themes are not optional

Monday, May 30, 2022

Gems From Scottish Twitter That Definitely Make Sense On Some Level

Language is fascinating. It's one of those things that's always changing and evolving. Every corner of the world has its own words for things, and that's even within one spoken language. Two speakers of the same language might even have a hard time understanding each other based on pronunciation differences or specialized jargon. Scottish Twitter is one of those shining examples of language being used in ways that both shock and amaze. These language acrobats are using nouns and verbs in ways we never thought possible, and the internet is all the better for it.

We're like 90% sure that we understand what's being said in these tweets. Outside of that we just gotta start googling up all these terrific slang words for things. Scottish Twitter. There's just nothing else quite like it. So break out the Irn Bru and get to pushin your peepers into these sweet sweet tweets.

Grandma Leaves Life Savings To Mooch Aunt, Gets Paid Out In $10 Installments

Family can be a hassle. And when you have one family member that refuses to be responsible, it's a lot harder to turn your back on them than it would be a non-relative. This makes it much more difficult to navigate their BS, especially when money gets involved. Add to that the tension of a passing loved one and you've got a minefield to deal with.

In a fitting moment, this miserable parasite of an aunt managed to finagle her mother's last 700 dollars. But before she could do more dishonor by grubbling up that money, another aunt decided to do a nice little petty disservice to her twisted sister and pay out the deathbed cash in a series of terrifically inconvenient installments.

It's one of those nice little inconveniences that makes the world a more interesting place. For another tale of installment revenge, here's the tenant who had to pay an unfair fine so he ended up paying back in 37 installments.

Absolute Units Whose Bigness Knows No Bounds

Our own lives tend to feel small. The things we do, the places we go, and the people we see are all basically pretty normal sized. But then, every once in a while, we get to witness something of uncommon bigness. "Dear sweet fancy Moses!" we say to ourselves. "Look at the size of that caterpillar! The butterfly that comes outta that big boy is gonna have wings like paper bags!" Great big stuff is just interesting to look at. Not to mention poking at, remarking on, and wondering out loud how much it probably eats. We'd like to see more big stuff in our lives. And thanks to the internet's insistence on pointing out absolute units that are large and in charge, there's no end to all the big stuff we get to see.

It's a world of horses with biceps, bananas whose peels could be worn as sleeves, and wrenches so big they should be called WRENCHES. Phenomenal work, you big beautiful beasts.

Fiancé Returns Bride's Wedding Dress, Gets His Mother to Come to His Rescue

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--hole) subreddit by the wife, Redditor u/Sealine5033. She has posted this topic to the popular subreddit in order to appeal to readers and see whether or not she is in the wrong for being furious with her fiancé for returning her wedding dress. 

Right off the bat, it does seem like there could be some merit to the fiancé's financial concerns. So many people will blow their entire life's savings on their wedding ceremonies and put themselves in hardship for years afterward. 

That point is moot as, if the bride's account is to be believed to the letter, the way that her fiancé has handled the entire situation is concerning and immature at best. Redditors, of course, have voiced their ever-present concerns about the red flags that the fiancé's actions have displayed and are encouraging the bride to rethink the wedding entirely. That may not be necessary in this case but some serious discussions need to be had. 

Let us know your thoughts. Story and reactions follow.

Thumbnail Image: Sarah Noltner

Sunday, May 29, 2022

40 Times Wedding Guests Knew The Marriage Wasn't Going To Last

Weddings are great. You get free cake, you get to see people you haven't seen in a while, and there's usually an open bar. On top of that, you get to see someone you (presumably) care about enter into the next phase of their life with someone they (presumably) love. 

But just because weddings are a thing people do, does not mean that they always happen for good reasons. And sometimes it's apparent to everyone there that the couple involved would be a lot happier if this whole arrangement were called off. But since it's hard to get the venue deposit back, people go through with it anyway. In times like these, it's easy for the guests to pinpoint the exact moment they knew that this whole thing was a bad idea. Sometimes it involves a fistfight, sometimes infidelity, and other times it could be the bride or groom literally going "uhhhhhh can I get a raincheck on that" during their own vows.

For some more wedding shenanigans, here are some of the most terrifically trashy weddings people have been to.

Rude Employee Won't Sell To Non-French Speaker, She Gets Tediously Petty Revenge

Everyone has their own biases to contend with in other countries, and for one reason or another, the fine people of Paris specifically have a bit of a reputation for being extremely rude and condescending to people who they can tell aren't from there. Sometimes to the point that they'll flat out refuse to acknowledge the existence of tourists, the very people who fund 10% of their entire economy. It's also true that tourists can be a handful, and American tourists can be particularly obnoxious in the first place.

For those of us who try to be super chill when we're in a different place, someone's defensive rudeness is a needless exercise in hostility. But since we're just visiting, it's hard to really do anything about it. This interaction in particular might be cathartic for others who have also had unsavory experiences abroad. Specifically Paris. Which we have heard, smells.

30 Classic Fail Images to Tickle Your Pickle

It's always best to think things through before attempting them. Seldom does a bullish attempt to do something on the fly go the way you think it's going to. The moment you get frustrated and think to yourself, "We'll do it live! F--k it!" you already know what the result is going to be. As Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

But, failure isn't always a bad thing, it's better to have tried and failed than to not have attempted at all. As Thomas Edison (although problematic) famously put it, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. I have not failed. I've just found ten thousand ways that won't work."

Scroll on and enjoy this collection of people who are in the midst of finding "Ways that don't work." 

This dump of classic fail images was originally posted as a "dump" to Imgur by user Iamjustherefornothingclearly, where it has earned 18k upvotes to date. 

What's your favorite image in this dump? Be sure to let us know in the comments. 

Woman Weaponizes "Wind Horn" to Get Revenge on Douchey Brother-In-Law

Everyone knows that person who, no matter what they do or eat, has a weapon of mass destruction in their gut. These people are the ones you call when you want to clear a room or violate the Geneva convention. 

Those who have been branded as such because of their stanky brand unabashedly wear it as a badge of honor, just as our narrator does in this story. These people often (rightfully) have no shame about the gift that has been bestowed on them and are (thankfully) almost always the sort who loves a good self-deprecating joke and can make light of any situation without letting their ego get the better of them. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by the butt-blaster, Redditor u/GassyMcThrowaway, whose "throwaway" account is aptly named. She posted the topic, well, to tell of her petty revenge that she orchestrated against her "Chad" of a brother-in-law. The guy was being brazenly rude so she hit him with her poison gas attack. It was super effective.



Thumbnail Images: 

Poison Gas | Pokémon Wiki | Fandom


35 Star Trek Memes That Go Pretty Boldly

Star Trek is a great many things. For some, it's a splendid example of a universe where human beings have put aside their differences to work together and push themselves out among the stars so that we can explore straightforward, allegorical narratives. For some of us it depicts the great struggle that man must have with himself, even in the terrific future. But really, at it's heart, it is truly about imagining what kind of sexy shenanigans you could get up to in the holodeck. Seriously, whoever has to clean that thing deserves twice as much as what they're making, because whatever everyone else is making in there has to be hard to mop up.

Anyway, it's a good show. Isn't it wild that every single alien looks a lot like a regular dude but with an extra crinkly forehead? Here are some more Star Trek memes that are set to stunning.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

40+ Confusing Perspectives and Ridiculous Failures of Circumstance

Have you ever seen something that made you do a neck-snapping double-take? Whatever it was that you caught a glimpse of at precisely the wrong time it just wasn't where or what it should have been. 

These images are exactly those sorts of things. The sheer dumb luck of possibility and circumstance has brought these two things together and created a combination that should have never been. 

One thing is for certain; You should always be extremely careful of the sign-writing you place over a gas tank or on the side of a vehicle with a sliding door. These mistakes result in real-life situations that play out like a bit that's straight out of Top Gear.

This dump of surprisingly suggestive and often immature fail images was originally posted as a "dump" to Imgur by user Imadethisaccounttopost.

What's your favorite image in this dump? Be sure to let us know in the comments. 

Parking Karen Says She Owns Sidewalk, Fails When She Has To Explain Her Reasoning To Police

Most of us are only acquainted with the wild Karen of North America when in fact there are other varieties all over this great world. But as settings change, Karen never does. Especially when it comes to property disputes and what she believes is proper when it comes to parking. Karen here didn't like it when people parked in front of her house, so she was hellbent on making everyone's life difficult about it. Her claims of sidewalk ownership were called into question when an actual police officer came to investigate.

Of course, Karen's dubious sidewalk claims held no water, and she was left with her second favorite thing to do: impotently scowling at people. What an all-around pleasant person to have to be.

For another fine tale of the wild Karen, here's the infuriated dock Karen who got upset she couldn't rent a stranger's boat and ended up getting covered in burrito.

Controlling Fiancé Demands Woman Make Her Own Coffee to His Preference, She Returns a Year Later to Tell of the Fallout

We'll start this one off by saying that there's no problem with being particular about one's cup of coffee. But, according to the age-old rule of "staying in your lane," you must also let other people have theirs how they like it. It's not up to you to determine what makes someone else happy; even if you feel exceptionally knowledgeable on that subject, you're just going to be a know-it-all douchebag. 

This update was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) by u/Minaowl, who shared the story of their fiancé's reaction to the way they drank their coffee a little over a year ago. They have now returned to give readers an update on the events that transpired following their post. 

Was this a good outcome?

Screenshots of both threads are attached below the original thread, and reactions start on item #1, with the update starting on item #7.

Entitled Mom Steals iPad, Caught When It Starts Dinging In Her Purse

It's legitimately astounding, the things people will say when they're caught in a lie. Watch a guy walk off with your sexy garden gnomes and he'll be all "well if you didn't want someone to take them, you shouldn't have left them outside." And you're like, "but it's my yard dude, get back here. That's my erotic lawn art" and he'll invariably say "I don't even want these your sexy flamingos were way hotter" and you're like "so that's what happened to those" and then he shouts "I mean my sexy flamingos" and then you're like "bro, those were real flamingos."

The point being, someone who's actively stealing something of yours before your very eyes will tap dance through every logical hoop they can as an excuse just to make off with your crap. It could be that they feel guilty, but it's probably just that the words don't matter, and that they're begging you to play a game of chicken, betting that you'll decide that "Busty Rusty, the swollen-panted garden gnome" isn't something you're willing to throw hands over.

Bride Has One Wedding Request, Husband Can't Follow It or Keep His Promise

This bride may have cake on her face, but her newly-wed husband has egg on his. 

His bride had done all of the planning for their big day down to the last detail, which she was happy to do, but she had only one request for her fiancé at their wedding: No cake-face smashing. 

This idiot couldn't even get that one thing straight and managed to completely make a mash of things on their big day. Now, the honeymoon is barely even over and this bride is furious. Her husband thinks that she is "being dramatic" and keeps telling her that "it's not a big deal."

She has posted her story to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit in order to get readers' opinions as to whether or not she is in the wrong for being so frustrated about her husband's actions. Or is he in the wrong for refusing to listen to her request?

Let us know in the comments!

Scroll on for screenshots of the thread and responses below. 

Thumbnail Images: Aneta Voborilova

Sinful Comedy: Girlfriend Loves to Prank Partially Blind Boyfriend by Sneaking Up on His Blind Side and Scaring the Heck Out of Him

This somehow really falls into both the dark humor category and relationship goals. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

40 Humorous Tweets Spawned From The Twitterverse

What's your favorite flavor of collective unconscious? There's cute internet, funny internet, angry internet, sad internet, weird internet, and so-far-gone-you-shouldn't-even-try-to-get-it internet among many others. And when Twitter isn't being a verbal battleground of some of the worst hot takes you've ever seen, it can be a terrifically fanciful place to see some jokes you've never seen or considered before. So, y'know, ups and downs. The internet is like a box of chocolates that's been sitting in a car on a hot day. You never know what you're going to get, and it's all kind of amorphous and a little gross, and it's hard to parse out one thing from the next, but you know that that's not gonna stop you from eating it anyway.

The internet. It was this or flying cars. And every day a lot of us wish we could have had a flying car instead. Here are some more funny tweets from the wide world of twitter.

Wild Junk People Had To Do When Visiting Someone Else's House

It's a thing many of us learn as kids. Everyone has slightly different rules in their house. The big ones are usually what to do with your shoes and what to do before dinner, but other than that most people lead similar domestic lives. And then there are some families who really take that "my house is my castle" thing to heart and demand that their guests do stuff like thank a picture of their grandpa, or decreeing that dish soap is the lather of the devil.

People can do what they want in their own homes, and as long as they're not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal, that's their prerogative. But if they make us do unprecedented junk we're also allowed to go "that's weird as hell" after we leave. Sometimes it's based on some reasonable cultural or religious expectations, but more often than not, it's just because they're freakin' weird.

For some more wildness, here are the worst neighbors people experienced.

Idiots Block Fuel Pump, Truckers Conspire to Block Them In

These truckers had had enough of people (including other truckers) blocking fuel pumps by taking their 30-minute breaks with their vehicles still parked at the pump. Any attempt to reason with these entitled people was just getting them nowhere, so they devised a scheme to pay these mother-truckers back and make them come to grips with their actions. 

This thread was posted to r/prettyrevenge by one of the truckers who executed their revenge, Redditor u/Lap_Killa. They posted the story to tell of their delicious petty revenge that they performed. 

Commenters enjoyed the story and voiced their support for the collaborative nature of this revenge story. "Perfect, and petty, revenge!" commented u/nanny-nannybooboo.

"I absolutely adore the collaboration with the total stranger hauling the oversize. He rocks and so do you!" commented little_jimmy_jackson.


Keep scrolling for screengrabs of the thread and Reddit's reactions below. 

Thumbnail Image: Ernesto Leon

Photographer Quits, Uses Loophole To Keep Equipment And Runs Old Company Out Of Town

It's frustrating to have a coworker who uses underhanded tactics to make your job more difficult. It's even more frustrating when your customers take out their sheer hatred on you. And it's even more frustrating still to have an ineffectual boss jerk you around when you've already hit your limit. This employee had all three going on at once. Therefore, it wasn't very hard for them to take the leap, quit their job, and start acting in their own self interest. This is some Count of Monte Cristo level revenge against a former employer. Who knew the world of professional photography could get so cutthroat?

For another terrific tale from the world of picture-taking, here's this employee who got fired over a technicality, took back their property and left the company nonfunctional. If there's anything to learn from the running theme, maybe it's that it's a bad idea to piss off professional photographers.

Husband Attempts to Interrupt Wife's Interview, Sulks When Locked Out

This husband voiced his disapproval of his wife's line of work as it was not "up to his wealthy family's standards." This drove the wife to look for other lines of work; she lined up multiple interviews, each of which her husband proceeded to ruin by interrupting the interview and taking it over.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the distressed wife, u/the54756. She finally reached the point where she needed to something about this behavior. So, for this interview she locked her husband out of the room. Now he's sulking and telling her how disrespectful it was to lock him out. She wants to know whether or not she is in the wrong here, her husband certainly thinks she is.

Redditor's are appalled by his behavior and have pointed out the multiple red flags of possible attempts to control her that her husband is displaying. More than commenter has encouraged her to leave him.

Images of the thread and Redditor's reactions below. 

Gym Influencer Demands Guy Stop Mid-Workout So She Can Record Video, He Stays as Long as Possible

This gym-goer was mid squat when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He had no idea what she wanted at first but after he managed to stop what he was doing and remove his headphones he began to put it together and realized that she was demanding that he move so that she could shoot a video.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/Striking-Stick-2355, who is the gentleman who was squatting. He is wondering whether he is in the wrong for his reaction to the influencer's demands, which was to remain exactly where he was for as long as possible. 

The poster explains that he would normally have no problem moving for someone if they were kind and respectful in their approach. "Now, usually, if someone comes to me with a good attitude and asks if it's ok for me to stop for a series or two for them to record or even move machines,"  u/Striking-Stick-2355 explains, "I would absolutely not mind and comply."

Without a doubt, this post could easily be reframed and posted to r/pettyrevenge as u/Striking-Stick-2355 response is a well-justified response from where we're sitting.

Scroll on for images of the thread and reactions below.

Thumbnail Images: Andrew Valdivia & Samuel Girven

Girl Shares Story of Her Border Collie Protecting Her, Sparks Others to Share Epic Stories of Their Pups Turning into Attack Dogs

"Koda protecc. Koda attacc. Koda tell dad to never come bacc."

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Things People Have Decided They Will Never Do Again

Sometimes you don't exactly know how bad an idea is until you try it. Only then, after fully manifesting the explosive consequences of gas station egg salad do you have the body of research to say without question that "food poisoning is definitely bad. I'm not doing that again."

But did you really need to go through a week of gastrointestinal apocalypse in order to learn that? Or could you have just listened when a hundred people before you told you not to? At a certain point it's better to just take people at their word.

That's why it's important to listen to people who have made these grievous errors, because making them all yourself would only yield similar results, and frankly there's not enough time in the day to learn about a new way to be miserable. So take heed when someone says "I'm never going to do that again."

Guy Gets Call From Actual Space, Sees "Us Gov" Caller ID, Lets It Go To Voicemail

They say that luck is just opportunity plus preparation. In this case, OP had the opportunity, but was woefully unprepared, and the result was a cartoonishly unlucky experience.

It's not every day that your astronaut friend decides to call you from space. Honestly it sounds as absurd as your cowboy friend calling from 1880. This dude's buddy had the thought to call him from space, and this guy's caller ID presented the incoming call as "Us Gov." Thinking it was something he didn't really want to get involved with, he missed his space call and let it go to voicemail. It's an understandable mistake, but also an absolutely terrific way to screw yourself out of an awesome experience. Space isn't going away soon, so hopefully he picks up if they call again.

This being a particularly weird way to ruin your own day, the internet was ready with jokes about the missed space call.

25 Blessed Images To Really Crank Up The Vibes

The internet has a terrifically wide spectrum of things to look at. In the darkest recesses of weirdness we find those cursed images to not feel so good about. On the fringes of hilarious weirdness be those blursed images of concerning hilarity. And then further into the stratosphere of good vibes we finally come across blessed images to brighten up that big ol' day. So pick your poison. Well, one of them is poison. The other one is like a fine soothing tonic, and the other one is like pretty decent tasting dishwater. So it's not really that hard to distinguish between them. Our pick is the dishwater. It tastes alright. Just make sure to strain it first.

For more things to look at and go "the world ain't too heck" please indulge in these wholesome moments to tap into the feels.

Anyway, on to the ducklings and cats and things.

Grandmother Wants a Vote in Child's Name, Gets Outvoted Anyways

This persistent mother-in-law wanted a vote (the only vote) on what their grandchild's name was going to be. She was determined to find a way to get her name selected one way or another before the child was born. She had managed to turn her son (the husband) to her side before his wife came up with this clever way to give her a "vote" and stop this nonsense once and for all.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by the wife, u/Ok-Cranberry-9158, to share her glorious malicious compliance. See, she realized something that her mother-in-law didn't; there were four grandparents! All she had to do was get the other three (her parents and her mother-in-law's ex) to vote in her favor, which they were more than happy to do. 

With this tactic, she managed to shut her mother-in-law down. 

Keep scrolling for images of the thread and reactions below.


Woman Doubles Salary With New Job, Hadn't Gotten a Raise in 10 Years

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by the woman's son, u/nannerooni (OP), who posted the thread to the popular sub to share his mother's story and experiences with her previous employer.

u/nannerooni explains that her boss was "filthy rich" but was as tight as he could be when rewarding the people who helped him get there. When the OP's mother told him of her offer, he offered to pay her more and admitted, "I haven't been paying you the value you are worth to me."

Wouldn't it just be easier for him to pay her what she's worth in the first place rather than have to go out and find someone to replace her?

Commenters voiced their support for the OP's mother and wished bad fortune on the employer and others like them.

Scroll on for images of the thread and reactions below.

Thumbnail Image: Ryan Snaadt

Viral Tweet: Boss Demands Project During Developer's Day Off, Gets Resignation Instead

This tweet went viral and has been posted in multiple relevant groups across the internet this week. 

The tweet was posted by @danielesimontho, who has Full-Stack Software Engineer listed among her varied experience in her Twitter bio. 

The tweet followed several by @danielesimontho that described the issues she had been facing in her workplace and her mistreatment by her direct superior.  

She then posted the tweet that went viral:

"Job update: 

Boss is calling me to do work (asap) on the weekend of my sisters graduation (which she's knows about) and I don't have my computer. They want it done now, but instead they're getting my resignation letter 

Effective immediately. Lmao"


The tweet has sparked conversation across the internet, including in response to the tweet on Twitter and on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, where Redditor u/Kiko2s posted a screenshot with the title "Graduation." Responders have shared their own stories and expressed support for @danielesimontho's decision.

The original tweet has received 115k likes and has been retweeted 6k times. While the Reddit thread earned 2.7k upvotes. 

Scroll on for images of the Twitter and Reddit threads and the reactions below.


Thumbnail Image: Sorin Gheorghita

Mysterious Toxic Ex Signs Begging to Get Someone Named "Stacey" Back are Popping Up All Over Boston and the Internet has a Lot of Questions

Half the Internet believes it's a joke, the other half thinks it's an art project—some are also very concerned about it being real…

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wife and Mother-In-Law Secretly Change Daughter's Name, Husband Left in the Dark

This mother and her mother-in-law plotted to secretly change their daughter's name, without telling the father, after the pair decided that they didn't like the name that had been chosen at the time of the child's birth. The father only discovered the plot when he overheard his wife calling the daughter by a different name and suddenly realized why their daughter had been so confused with responding to her name.

The couple had agreed that the wife would pick the name of their child was a boy and the husband if the child was a girl. They built in a "veto" rule for the name, just in case. 

Throughout the pregnancy, his wife became delusional and was convinced that their baby would be a boy. To the point that she insisted everything be purchased for a boy. As a result, there was no planning or consideration on her part whatsoever for if the baby ended up being a girl. So, when the child was born, the name the husband had chosen was selected, with the wife agreeing to name the child that.  

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the husband, 
u/Ok-Toe-5157, who is wondering if he is in the wrong for insisting on calling his daughter by the name that he wrote on her birth certificate and considered as her name for the first year of her life.

Usually, Reddit would be quick to take the wife's side in favor of the "controlling" husband in disputes over naming children. But this situation, with the whole "secret name change," is so bizarre and manipulative that Reddit was certain u/Ok-Toe-5157 is in the right here.

Childcare professionals out there… How early can childhood trauma start? Because this poor one-year-old will end up with some split personality disorder with the way these parents are raising her. 

Thumbnail Image: Jonathan Borba

Spelling Failures That Really Missed The Mark

Spelling is a hard thing to do. There are just so many goddamn words to remember, and all of them are spelled differently. If there were like, 250 words, then we might have better odds. Sure, sentences might end up looking like something out of 1984, but that's double plus good by us. We gotta get rid of all this poetry and junk. No more verbs. See how things look then. Get rid of some nouns. All of a sudden the sentence "Let's go get some coffee" becomes "we the hot brown now." Perfect. Simple. Easy to remember. Sure, it would tank the collective human spirit and disable our ability to articulate anything of substantive meaning, but at least people wouldn't mistakenly sound so dumb all the time. We'd sound stupid on purpose. It's not better, but it's a change.

For more times people mangled the English language, here are some spelling failures that really shift the bed.

Daughter Hides Camera in Divorced Dad's Office to Spy For Her Mother

This wife discovered a camera hidden in her husband's office and immediately suspected her unruly stepdaughter, who had been turned against her father and his new wife by her mother. The daughter had previously lived with them until several incidents that resulted in damage, including setting an "accidental" fire in the kitchen. The wife explains that her husband's ex-wife.

When the wife confronted her stepdaughter about the camera, it was revealed that she had placed it there on behalf of her mother. Somehow the daughter convinced her stepmother not to tell her father, but the stepmother is still considering revealing this to her husband.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the stepmother/wife who posted the topic to see whether or not it was wrong for her to say something to her husband.

Confused commenters replied that they were surprised that she hadn't told him already, stating that she would be the a-hole if she didn't tell him and deal with this invasive and illegal violation of privacy. 

Scroll on for screenshots of the thread below.

Scary Signs That Aren't Messing Around

On any given day, we're only exposed to the "normal" hazards. Stuff like slipping and falling on stairs, getting burned by various appliances, and getting our feelings hurt by Debra. But this world isn't just a pile of household hazards and emotional turmoil, it's also a place where you can get stung by thousands of bees, dissolved in acid, and liquified by a series of grinding implements. Also asploded. Don't forget asploded. 

All of these unconventional hazards are highly cartoonish in their own ways. This makes them seem like they're out of the realm of possibility, and honestly that makes them even more dangerous. It's a lot easier to get liquified when you don't believe the liquification machine can "get you." So for that very purpose we have terrifying signs that aren't messing around. They might be scary to read, but we've gotta admit that they're necessary. Thanks signs. Good job.

Dad Disowns Son After He Discovers He's Not Actually His, Wonders Why Son is Upset

What is with the number of threads like this lately? In the last day alone we have seen two threads where fathers have discovered that they are not actually the biological parent of their children. Only discovering the affairs years later when the kids are teenagers or adults. 

The other thread, also posted this week was one where the father's children disowned him for their biological father after the truth was revealed. 

In this thread, rather than being posted by one of the children, it has been posted by the father who is harboring obvious resentment for his child who was born from the affair. 

He had previously considered and raised his sixteen-year-old as his own before discovering that the boy was the product of an affair his wife had been having. He left after the discovery and refused to speak to the boy for two years. 

Now, the father is taking it personally that the boy will not come to visit him. After cutting off contact for two years he has moved back into the city and demanded that his son come to visit him, threatening financial retribution if he refuses to do so.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the father, u/Worried_papa_1762, who has posted the thread in order to see if he is in the wrong for his actions towards his child. 

Although he is specifically about his actions regarding the college fund commenters have not hesitated to weigh in with their opinion on the entire ordeal. Commenters have brutally roasted the father for not being there for his son and leaving a young teenager hurt, confused and now without a future. 

Scroll on for the screenshots.

Adult Children Disown Man Who Raised Them After They Discover Mother's Adultery, One Stands By Him

This family was torn asunder once it was revealed that the mother had participated in multiple long-standing affairs (with two brothers nonetheless) that had resulted in the pregnancies of each of her three children. No one in the family knew of the affairs or that the bio-fathers of the children were someone other than her husband. The truth was shocking and brought the family apart in a great schism. 

The thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned daughter who has decided to stick by her father's side despite the tragedy and controversy that is tearing their family apart. She has uninvited the two people who were raised as her brother and sister from her wedding after they completely disowned their father after finding out about their lack of biological relation.

She posted the thread to see if she was in the wrong for uninviting these people and appealed to readers to give their opinion.

What's your take? Who is in the wrong here?

Thumbnail Image: Kelli McClintock

White Woman Gets Hate On Tiktok For Dancing Hula At Her Wedding; Gets Accused Of Cultural Appropriation

You certainly cannot please everybody

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Tell Me the Moment You Realized Your Workplace was Toxic": Millennials are Sharing Job Horror Stories on TikTok

It was the official "employee crying corner" for me…

Tumblr Thread: The Carpathia Titanic Rescue Is A Direct Line To The Feels

Sure, there was definitely enough space on that door for DiCaprio.

But when the actual Titanic sunk, the only effective rescue attempt was staged by the Carpathia, which should have been too far away to help, but they did anyway. This Tumblr story addresses that intriguing human need to do as much as you can in a moment of crisis. It's a decent reminder that not only are we compelled to try as hard as we can to help strangers who truly need our help in an emergency, but also that we'd have a harder time living with ourselves if we knew we didn't try hard enough. Even in the recounting, it's hard not to feel a tinge of humanity restored.

If anything, it's a reminder that Kate Winslet's heart was even colder than, well, Jack's at the end there.

For another intriguingly emotional nautical tumblr tale, here's the thread on the forever on patrol submarines.

Freaky Human Body Facts To Feel Gross About

If anyone ever tells you that you're repulsive, they're completely right. Your mouth is made out of butthole, you're chock full of bacteria and acid. Your spine wasn't built to stand up straight and you're immune system doesn't know your eyes exist. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.

So don't let anyone tell you that you're not gross. You are, and it's awful. Sure, all of your parts working in concert make up a terrifically capable, interesting and unique human, but you're always gonna be made of some kind of goo. On the bright side, if anyone ever offers to rearrange your guts, let them know that in fact, they do that by themselves. It might not be perfect, but it's at least a bit of a consolation.

Anyways, here's to the inherent horror show of being. Your body may be a haunted house, but at least haunted houses are exciting.

Employee Automates Their Boss's Job, Boss Gets Fired

It's not uncommon for employees to secretly get back at their own employers by automating their own job, like this employee who automated their job and got paid to do nothing for 5 years. It's also pretty common for employees to be responsible for doing their bosses job. Combine the two and you get this person. They figured out how to do their boss's job in a fraction of the time. And since this task just happened to be the one thing keeping their boss around, it became pretty reasonable to just let 'em go.

Maybe if their boss played by the rules in the first place, they wouldn't have created a situation where their employee could so easily make their entire position redundant. Even if you're totally ineffectual in your workplace, but people still like you, you're probably gonna stick around. But since they were an active inconvenience, it's not surprising that they got the axe.

Guy Shares This Insane Note His Roommate Sent Their Landlord

A terrible roommate is something that can turn your entire world upside down. There's nothing like coming home from a long day's work only to experience the antagonizing torment of sharing your space with an insane stranger. 

This hellscape is all too real in our modern dystopian world, with more adults "doubling up" or sharing living spaces with someone other than their partner than ever before. A study done by Pew Research Center in 2018 showed this trend, and that was pre-COVID times, so you can only imagine that it has gotten much worse. 

This guy showed his coworker this letter that his insane roommate had sent their landlord. The coworker has now shared it with us so that we can all bask in its deranged brilliance. 

It's funny to view this kind of thing from a distance but living with this person would be all too close for comfort.

Scroll on to see screenshots of the letter and the reactions below.