Friday, May 27, 2022

40 Humorous Tweets Spawned From The Twitterverse

What's your favorite flavor of collective unconscious? There's cute internet, funny internet, angry internet, sad internet, weird internet, and so-far-gone-you-shouldn't-even-try-to-get-it internet among many others. And when Twitter isn't being a verbal battleground of some of the worst hot takes you've ever seen, it can be a terrifically fanciful place to see some jokes you've never seen or considered before. So, y'know, ups and downs. The internet is like a box of chocolates that's been sitting in a car on a hot day. You never know what you're going to get, and it's all kind of amorphous and a little gross, and it's hard to parse out one thing from the next, but you know that that's not gonna stop you from eating it anyway.

The internet. It was this or flying cars. And every day a lot of us wish we could have had a flying car instead. Here are some more funny tweets from the wide world of twitter.

Wild Junk People Had To Do When Visiting Someone Else's House

It's a thing many of us learn as kids. Everyone has slightly different rules in their house. The big ones are usually what to do with your shoes and what to do before dinner, but other than that most people lead similar domestic lives. And then there are some families who really take that "my house is my castle" thing to heart and demand that their guests do stuff like thank a picture of their grandpa, or decreeing that dish soap is the lather of the devil.

People can do what they want in their own homes, and as long as they're not hurting anyone or doing anything illegal, that's their prerogative. But if they make us do unprecedented junk we're also allowed to go "that's weird as hell" after we leave. Sometimes it's based on some reasonable cultural or religious expectations, but more often than not, it's just because they're freakin' weird.

For some more wildness, here are the worst neighbors people experienced.

Idiots Block Fuel Pump, Truckers Conspire to Block Them In

These truckers had had enough of people (including other truckers) blocking fuel pumps by taking their 30-minute breaks with their vehicles still parked at the pump. Any attempt to reason with these entitled people was just getting them nowhere, so they devised a scheme to pay these mother-truckers back and make them come to grips with their actions. 

This thread was posted to r/prettyrevenge by one of the truckers who executed their revenge, Redditor u/Lap_Killa. They posted the story to tell of their delicious petty revenge that they performed. 

Commenters enjoyed the story and voiced their support for the collaborative nature of this revenge story. "Perfect, and petty, revenge!" commented u/nanny-nannybooboo.

"I absolutely adore the collaboration with the total stranger hauling the oversize. He rocks and so do you!" commented little_jimmy_jackson.


Keep scrolling for screengrabs of the thread and Reddit's reactions below. 

Thumbnail Image: Ernesto Leon

Photographer Quits, Uses Loophole To Keep Equipment And Runs Old Company Out Of Town

It's frustrating to have a coworker who uses underhanded tactics to make your job more difficult. It's even more frustrating when your customers take out their sheer hatred on you. And it's even more frustrating still to have an ineffectual boss jerk you around when you've already hit your limit. This employee had all three going on at once. Therefore, it wasn't very hard for them to take the leap, quit their job, and start acting in their own self interest. This is some Count of Monte Cristo level revenge against a former employer. Who knew the world of professional photography could get so cutthroat?

For another terrific tale from the world of picture-taking, here's this employee who got fired over a technicality, took back their property and left the company nonfunctional. If there's anything to learn from the running theme, maybe it's that it's a bad idea to piss off professional photographers.

Husband Attempts to Interrupt Wife's Interview, Sulks When Locked Out

This husband voiced his disapproval of his wife's line of work as it was not "up to his wealthy family's standards." This drove the wife to look for other lines of work; she lined up multiple interviews, each of which her husband proceeded to ruin by interrupting the interview and taking it over.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the distressed wife, u/the54756. She finally reached the point where she needed to something about this behavior. So, for this interview she locked her husband out of the room. Now he's sulking and telling her how disrespectful it was to lock him out. She wants to know whether or not she is in the wrong here, her husband certainly thinks she is.

Redditor's are appalled by his behavior and have pointed out the multiple red flags of possible attempts to control her that her husband is displaying. More than commenter has encouraged her to leave him.

Images of the thread and Redditor's reactions below. 

Gym Influencer Demands Guy Stop Mid-Workout So She Can Record Video, He Stays as Long as Possible

This gym-goer was mid squat when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He had no idea what she wanted at first but after he managed to stop what he was doing and remove his headphones he began to put it together and realized that she was demanding that he move so that she could shoot a video.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/Striking-Stick-2355, who is the gentleman who was squatting. He is wondering whether he is in the wrong for his reaction to the influencer's demands, which was to remain exactly where he was for as long as possible. 

The poster explains that he would normally have no problem moving for someone if they were kind and respectful in their approach. "Now, usually, if someone comes to me with a good attitude and asks if it's ok for me to stop for a series or two for them to record or even move machines,"  u/Striking-Stick-2355 explains, "I would absolutely not mind and comply."

Without a doubt, this post could easily be reframed and posted to r/pettyrevenge as u/Striking-Stick-2355 response is a well-justified response from where we're sitting.

Scroll on for images of the thread and reactions below.

Thumbnail Images: Andrew Valdivia & Samuel Girven

Girl Shares Story of Her Border Collie Protecting Her, Sparks Others to Share Epic Stories of Their Pups Turning into Attack Dogs

"Koda protecc. Koda attacc. Koda tell dad to never come bacc."