Tuesday, October 4, 2022

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

These entitled idiots and "choosing beggars" either wanted something for nothing or were determined to inflict their stupid arrogance upon others. 

'I’m in touch with somebody else': Guy too good for event worker's credential help, gets to wait for ages instead

It's important not to succumb to the sweet nectar of hubris. When we begin to think too much of ourselves, we invite the certainty that we will be made fool of.

'I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't gluten free': Horrible guy lies to dieting girlfriend about the pizza he made for dinner

Some people genuinely need to learn standard dos and don'ts when it comes to relationships. Lying to your partner about what's in their food, regardless of their health status, is big "no no."


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/MedSTUDentOntario (a horrible username, by the way), who genuinely posted to Reddit thinking he was the good guy in this situation. His girlfriend, who works as a model, is on a strict diet, and even though her dietary restrictions are not because she has celiac disease, they are still valid dietary restrictions that deserve to be taken seriously. 


The best part of this story is how the original poster attempted to justify his actions using "good boyfriend" language. For example, he claimed that he didn't want her to be so fixated on certain beauty standards. That's very clearly not what his intent was. He wanted to make a pizza that wasn't gluten-free so he could enjoy it himself, and that's totally acceptable. But if he weren't trying to be manipulative, he would have just told her that this pizza wasn't for her. 


For more content like this, check out this post about a boyfriend who hid his girlfriend's toothbrush. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

CEO Laughs off Worker's Request for Raise and Tells Them To Find Another Job, They Do and Find Their Whole Department New Jobs Too

On this earth, it often seems like things happen for no reason, just a roving mess of random occurrences, happenstance tragedies, and chance meetings that have little to no meaning. Regardless of all the things that are happening out of our control, occasionally, with enough influence and intention, we can become the authors of our destinies and shape the path that lies before us. 

Ironically, that's exactly what this CEO was doing when they jokingly responded to a frustrated worker's question regarding how the company planned to manage talent retention after the VP of their department had just denied the worker a raise. 

"How do you plan to retain talent when there are other companies offering 2x the money with half of the workload?" the poster writes that they had asked the CEO in an anonymous forum. The CEO, laughing, read their question out loud to the company. "If you find that 'job' (with finger quotes as if it wasn't real), you better take it, goodbye!"

Alright. You don't have to tell me twice. The worker must have thought to themselves as they began orchestrating a revenge plot that would cripple their entire department, sending $100M worth of deals to a screeching halt. 

Keep reading to see screenshots of this story, which was posted by the aptly named Reddit user u/DepartmentKiller to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance earlier this week.

For more workplace malicious compliance check out this worker who was told to stop expensing cheap bike hires so started taking expensive Ubers instead

Top Tier Workplace Memes for Anyone Who Could Severely Use a Vacation

It's pretty crazy how you finish school and then you're immediately expected to start some job and then it's like BOOM you do this sh*t until you retire, or die, whichever happens first. But hey, we are not here to be negative. A lot of people really dig their work. Some are even happy to go into the office every day. Other people enjoy the flexibility they have and maintain a healthy work/life balance. Some people feel respected and validated by their bosses and feel that if they really put in the effort, they will see results in terms of financial compensation. At least we're pretty sure there are people like this, if you happen to come across one of them, please send them over we would love to sit down and chat with them.


Anyway, if you don't fit into the pro-work category, you'll probably enjoy these workplace memes.