Sunday, October 26, 2014

No dragon is as badass as Toothless

B*tch told me it was a costume party

As a Buddhist when people call Buddha fat

We all did this when this song came on

My professor everyone!

Inappropriate in every sense...

A Simple hack to Charge Your Phone With a 9-Volt Battery

Yeah... that awkward moment...

Priceless! Skyrim guards in a nutshell.

One case he may never solve...

Trick or treat!

Never give up!

He's always here each morning. ALWAYS

Clever usage of a quadcopter

We're all gonna die!

Well, f**k me..

The Real MVP.

For fans of Breaking Bad...and Jesus.

A small mosque in northern Alberta was vandalized as the aftermath of the Ottawa shooting; faith in Canada...restored.

When my crush confess that she likes me

Yeah... You're Probably High

Yeah... You're Probably High

Submitted by: (via Generic Theory)

Tagged: funny , high , unicorn , sign , after 12 , g rated

A new way to look at Reincarnation

That's the smell of justice!

Honey boo boo has been cancelled!

I fail, every time.

The Japanese do enjoy their fun

Anyone else?

Searched "Putin so kawaii". I have a new wallpaper now.

20 DIY Projects To Help Game of Thrones Fans Survive The Winter

One lucky bastard

As a 19 yo guy who hasn't cried for years and who doesn't think that Mufasa's and Dobby's are that sad...

Just two words: BIG MAMA

Look who I found!

Pet or table? Why not both!

Yeah, what's up with that.

Zombieland 2 confirmed! A Halloween miracle!

Cancer survivor takes life with a little humor.

Now get practicing.

Yaaay! F**k fun! Am out of here.

Baby, I need to take this

Mouse armor

The story of my life

I would lead a space fleet. IF I HAD ONE

When I realize I've been trolled

What happens when you blow bubbles at 15 F. Stunningly beautiful.

That feeling...

Dragon is more realistic

Me, trying to have a good start in the new semester

In a parallel universe...