Tuesday, June 7, 2022

23 Women Share Things Men Have Done That Creeped Them Out Without Realizing It

As a dude in society, it's pretty easy to not be terrifically creepy. As long as you're at least minimally attentive and don't speak in threats, you're already most of the way there.

Sure, it's easy to get signals mixed up when talking to someone and say the wrong thing. But at the same time, there are almost no times when meeting a stranger that it'll ever be appropriate to say something like "if you disappeared right now no one would ever find out." But still, it happens all the time. And since there are total creeps out there, everyone's rightfully on their guard all the time, and it just makes it that much harder for those of us who don't end every social interaction with "I bought you a drink, you owe me a hug." So here are some things dudes did that creeped women out.

For some real "nice guy" wildness, here's the delusional nice guy who went bananas on his engaged coworker.

Funny Signs From All Over This Crazy World

It's easy for life to make us feel like we don't have a voice. There are over 7 billion of us. And just thinking about the throngs of people on this planet makes it hard for you to imagine yourself as a distinct entity. "How could I possibly be unique in this sea of people, all thinking and saying things" we all think and say to ourselves, forever blind to the mass cataclysm of simultaneous irony popping in and out of our many skulls.

As it turns out, sometimes all it takes to have a voice is to just write that thing down and put it in a public place. It sounds stupidly obvious, but when you see it done successfully it makes perfect sense. Even the doomed people of Pompeii wrote dirty jokes on the walls of their own city. Funny signs have been around forever, and will continue to exist, even after we're all buried under thousands of tons of lava.

Here are some more funny signs from all over this weird world.

Lying Husband Blames Employee For Cheap Room, Gets Destroyed By The Truth

Who knows what this guy thought he could get away with by trying to reconstruct a story to the very front desk person he talked to on the phone. This dude decided to go cheap on his hotel, then when the time came to stay there he had the audacity to get in a fight over the room he gleefully booked months before. It's one of those no-win situations where you wonder just how far this person is going to dig themselves in. Especially since the front desk employee he was haranguing had the capacity to bring up the exact conversation they had had about the booking, leaving none of the facts up for conjecture.

It's like trying to get in a fight over the definition of a word while the other person is actively thumbing through a dictionary. Just no thought at all.

For another fun one, here's the furious customer who insisted a guy wasn't the owner before noticing the big poster with his face on it.

Woman Reenacts Exactly what it's like Conversing with that One Coworker with No Boundaries, and it's Painfully Accurate

I am not the long term solution

The Top Tinder Moments of the Week (June 7, 2021)

Welcome to this week's Top Tinder Moments, a collection of the hottest trending Tinder memes, profiles, and conversations that have been viral online over the last week. As always, there's a heavy dose of fresh content but the occasional 'classic' tends to inevitably pop up too (looking at you one-armed girl.) 

This week we have some celebrity appearances in the form of a fake account for Amber Heard that has surfaced in the wake of the resolution of the infamously high-profile trial between her and ex Johnny Depp. 

An alleged tweet from 'Billionaire Bro' Elon Musk that he allegedly made back in April has resurfaced as well. Safe to say he now has bigger things to worry about than how hot his Tinder matches are now that Tesla's stock is in free fall. Bill Gates must be stoked about the short positions that he took on the company's stock which caused a publicized dispute between himself and Musk.

Scroll on for this week's selection below.


Sister Gets Kicked Out After Cruel Comments About Lost Pregnancy

There are just some thoughts that should never leave your head. Some of these thoughts can be cruel intrusions, but others can be something that you might want to get sorted out.

A commenter offered a really helpful strategy for gauging whether we should let a thought out of our head that I think all of us should stop and reflect on before we speak. 

"There is the suggestion to THINK before you say something. That is, is what you are going to say True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, & Kind.

True: Possibly - but I side with Fred's perspective.

Helpful: No.

Inspiring: To what end!?

Necessary: No.

Kind: Quite the opposite!"

- Kitchen-Arm-3288

This sister had absolutely no filter or consideration for how her words might affect others when she decided to pass a flippantly-cruel comment to someone who had recently lost a late-term pregnancy.

The thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/crispsandfries, the woman who had to kick her sister out of the house when she insulted their relatives. She wants to know if she is in the wrong for kicking her sister out of her home after her callous comment.

Commenters reinforced the poster's decision to excuse her sister from the dinner after her comments, noting that her actions made her most definitely not the a-hole. They thought it would have been far worse for her to do nothing and let the behavior continue. 

"What an unbelievably callous thing to say." -ZookeepergameWise774