Saturday, June 19, 2021

Teen Driver Forces Parents Hand On Stupid Rule, Actually Wins

It sucks to find yourself on the receiving end of a stupid rule, especially when it's an overzealous parenting decision. It's rare, but sometimes teens find a way to turn the tables, like this kid who rented out his stepmom's house after giving away his PS4. At least the parents ended up admitting defeat. When people can't see reason, it forces others to take stock of the power they have over a situation, like this dude who fought back when a store owner wouldn't change his phone number.

The Worst Houseguests People Have Experienced

We like to think that there's a sort of conduct standard for all houseguests. But it only takes one houseguest to make us realize that it's the jungle out there, baby. And the worst time to realize that people are filthy animals is when that jungle is your home. It's hard to forget a rude and annoying thing a houseguest does, maybe because we feel so disrespected and inconvenienced when someone gleefully brings their crap personality into our private lives. Also, it doesn't help when someone leaves after cracking your toilet in half like they're the King Solomon of pooping.

History Memes For The Historically Inclined

Those who don't know history are doomed to not understand dank history memes. So open a book, watch a documentary and scour Wikipedia if not only for the purpose of getting these sweet history memes for the ages. There's nothing more rewarding than knowing exactly why the Dutch spent so much on tulips, except maybe most things. With any luck we can use history memes to become one with time.

AskReddit Thread: People's Comebacks After Failing At Their Dream Jobs

You probably know someone in your inner circle who is extremely hard on themselves. Some people were just conditioned from a young age to despise and fear failure to such an extent that it only ended up creating for trouble for them down the road. All that stress isn't good for anyone. So, it's nice to have threads like the one we have here, where you're able to read up on the times that people were able to bounce back after completely wiping out at their dream jobs. 

Safety-Failures That Would Make OSHA Weep

Physical work can place us in some compromising positions. It's probably not worth it to straddle two ladders in the wind or pull some OSHA-defying boldness just so you can finish a job 20 minutes faster, but it's everyone's personal choice to risk your life for a few dollars. What really sucks is when you are aware of basic safety standards and your boss says "listen buddy, we've been storing oily rags next to the fritzy boiler for years, so quit being a pansy. Now grease up your hands and plunge them into the crusher." So here's to misguided safety failures that OSHA would disapprove of

Landlord Refuses To Return Deposit, Gets Taken To Court, Appeals, Loses Everything

This isn't the first time we've come across a rather gnarly landlord situation, and we're sure that it won't be the last time. There's something about far too many landlords in this world that ends up involving them getting all kinds of greedy. It's as if they make this sweeping assumption that their tenants don't know their rights, and won't do the necessary homework to ensure that those rights are upheld. Well, this tale of pro revenge that involves a landlord definitely has a happy ending. We love to see it. 

In-Laws Want To Know Man's Income, He Calls Them Gold Diggers

Some people really don't like to talk about their finances. Other people fail to pick up on those social cues when they're glaringly present. Hence, an environment that'd otherwise be nice and peaceful can quickly give way to a spicy situation like the one we have here. Were there other potentially more amicable ways that this guy could've addressed his in-laws aggressive nosiness? Sure. But even then, it was pretty bold on their part, and it seems like most of the moral judges back in the comments section were in agreement that he wasn't in the wrong for snapping back at them. 

Funny and Delectable Tumblr Gems To Quench The Forever Thirst

At the end of the day, what do we really thrive on? Well sure, food and shelter. But after that, what is at the top of our hierarchy of needs? Self actualization? Getting to sit in the good chair? Filthy T-shirts? Maybe what we truly crave is humorous observations in the form of hilarious and totally random tumblr gems. What's nicer than crude deconstructions of societal norms and self indulgent pop culture references? Who knows, we don't have time because we're too busy looking at tumblr gems uncovered from the deep.

Weird and Terrifying Images To Feel Uncomfortable About

They say that fear is the oldest feeling there is. They probably didn't have decaying puppets or underwater clowns in the dawn of man, but holy hell do they do the job. On second thought, maybe primordial clowns came from the sea just like us? Long, wet clowns with gills that honked. Maybe it's best not to think about it. From the world's cursed images to the necessary but ominous signs we use to warn each other of real danger, there's some spooky crap out there, man.

Choosing Beggar Wants iPad For $40 And Free Delivery

Man, these kind of interactions between the choosing beggars of the world and the sane individuals just trying to make a buck without dealing with full on delusional fools really sap our faith in humanity. This choosing beggar really needs to reassess their approach to life. 

Check out another case of a particularly gnarly choosing beggar who expected to pay for a painting with a prayer.

Entitled Boyfriend Starts Eating Birthday Cake Before Party Even Happens

It doesn't really matter what your personal beliefs about birthdays are, you don't exactly get to dictate other people's values after taking their stuff. Also, it's pretty safe to assume that eating a piece out of a kid's birthday cake before the candles go on isn't going to be taken as a minor inconvenience. Cake drama is real, like this entitled coworker who demanded a cake and issued threats, or this one pound cake Karen who was furious after getting what she wanted.

Meals People Made With Hatred, Not Love

It's a totally ubiquitous thing to say. "Why is this lasagna so good? Well of course, it's made with love." Well sometimes food is not made with love. Sometimes cursed food abominations make it obvious that there was something else in there. It stands to reason that if love can exist as an ingredient, hatred must exist as well. Sometimes it's a combination of apathy and incompetence in the case of horrible things people ate out of politeness, but other times, all it takes is a tablespoon of hatred.

Facepalm Moments Of Profound Dumbitude

It's really easy to think that people are smart and responsible in general. But the more people you meet, the more you realize that we're barely holding it together. Life is just brimming with facepalms deep fried in stupidity. It's an absolute miracle that most of us can manage to hold down a job, feed ourselves, and not just sit around all day hitting ourselves with hammers. So go on and expose yourself to the gamma rays of facepalming, mystifying dumbness.

Power-Tripping Manager Tells Employee To Not Do Their Job, Backfires Terribly

It's a wonder that some people are put into the positions of power that they are in the first place. Fortunately, the pattern seems to be consistent in that they don't last long in their roles of authority. At one point or another the incompetence ends up creating such chaos and destruction that the businesses have to let them go. It sounds like this particular manager was just biding their time until they ended up failing so hard that the only acceptable outcome would be their righteous termination. For some more juicy malicious compliance drama check out the story about this woman who claimed she was on a salt-free diet, and then got exposed

Entitled Coworker Demands Free Cake, Gets Denied, Issues Threats

It's hard to fully digest the fact that these kinds of people actually exist. You've got to wonder where all the dizzying entitlement really took root. Was it nurtured from a young age, or did it present its ugly face sometime later in life? In the case of this employee, it seems like it's a bit of a lose-lose situation based off their impossibly testy and disrespectful attitude. And then the fact that they have the audacity to issue threats at the end there. Pretty unreal. Check out more entitled people with their fantastical demands over here