Saturday, July 16, 2022

36 People Who Need To Learn How To Secure Their Load

If you wanted to feel smart today, look no further than people who could have put in the smallest amount of effort to not endanger innocent bystanders, and didn't. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that just throwing a heavy thing onto the roof of your car and hoping for the best as you barrel down the freeway is something that should be looked down on. I swear to god if I get killed by a couch because some dumbass thought it would be a Chad move just to "hold onto it and it'll be fine" my soul will crawl up from hell, through their toilet, up their ass and burst out of their chest like Alien.

This is like drunk driving except at least people who choose to drink and drive have the miniscule benefit of having had their judgement impaired. These dipshits got up, drank a cup of coffee and said "today I choose to be an unsafe dick." So anyway, feel good that you're not this stupid.

Woman Challenges the Internet to Find One Thing That Everyone Can Agree On, Ironically It Doesn’t Seem as Though People Can Agree on Something

Agree to disagree

18 People Share The Exact Moment That Made Them Decide to Nope Out Of A Relationship

They say "don't waste time dating your ex."  And it can be hard to leave, even if they suck. But sometimes you have an epiphany with someone that makes you go "oh man, there's definitely no coming back from this." It could be something as simple as a moment of hypocrisy or catching them in a lie. But sometime it's along the lines of "he sold my dad's urn to support his Magic: The Gathering addiction" and moments like those make it pretty easy to shove off.

Sometimes people show you exactly who they are, and it's up to you to realize that no amount of apologizing or feigned ignorance on their part is going to stop you from seeing them through regular-colored glasses. People are totally capable of change. But someone who makes you drop them off at their secret boyfriend's house probably isn't going to. Who cares if there's more fish in the sea. Being in a bad relationship is worse than being single.

Here are some unfortunate souls who explained why they stayed with their cheating partner.

Bad Neighbors Insist That They Have the Right to Use Family's Parking Spaces

What is it with neighbors and parking drama?

These neighbors insisted that they had the right to park and let others park in this family's spaces, even after being told otherwise. This led to a disagreement between the two parties and necessitated the family having to get their landlord involved. As commenters have pointed out, there's no winning in this situation because, no matter the result, you still have to live next to them.

The thread was posted to the r/entitledb*tch subreddit by Redditor u/JerbekaDlante who shared their story to vent their frustration with the situation and put their neighbors on blast.

Commenters voiced their displeasure at these neighbors' actions.

"I swear, It's absolutely impossible for some people to take no for an answer," responded GodAtWar46. "Your neighbors were definitely a bunch of spoiled brats as children, And as it turns out, as adults too."

"I'm petty and if I was in this situation I would park sideways and make sure I was in all three spaces every time I come home." offered Jayelynn25.