Tuesday, May 16, 2023

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

Retail work is one of the most demanding jobs in the customer service industry, and it doesn't take a genius to fathom why. Employees have to deal with daily Karens, a variety of other rude customers that don't quite fit the 'Karen category', lazy managers, and daft coworkers. OP was working a retail job in the paint department when a rude, condescending customer marched in, demanding a color match from a random home depot sign that was bolted into a metal counter. OP explained to the customer that his request wasn't possible, and the customer huffed and puffed a little before going on his way. Before the customer left, another employee overheard a conversation he was having over the phone, saying he was going to place a large order close to the store's closing time and fail to pick it up.

Luckily OP knew what was coming, so he didn't place the order; as promised, the customer never showed up. A few months later, OP walked into another retail store and was surprised to see that same customer wearing a retail uniform. He took the opportunity for payback and began ordering him around the store. Scroll down to read what happened next.

For more stories like this, here is a Karen who walked into a petrol station, demanding that the cashier 'collect her car', give her 'free fuel', and basically bow down to her. Karen was refused service, so she turned to HR… the tables quickly turned when she was banned from any and all petrol stations under the company's name.

'[Am I wrong] for telling my husband the nanny is in charge?': Husband objects to wife telling him to defer to the nanny's judgement for their children

It's understandable to be upset about being told how to take care of your own children, but if you're not spending the time with them to develop the best processes and are paying someone to do so—you'd better put your ego aside, let them do their job, and listen to them.

That's what this online community agreed on when the topic was shared on Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit. They decisively voted that this wife was not in the wrong for telling her work-focused husband to defer to the nanny's judgment when it came to getting the kids to bed. He wasn't stocked about the suggestion, saying that the nanny was "just an employee." She's a little more than that when she's acting as a replacement parent for your children.

Keep reading to see the original post and the responses it generated below. Next, check out this dude who got roasted for asking his girlfriend to leave their shared home during the day so that he could hang out with friends.

20+ Hilarious tweets that have achieved icon status

Twitter is a big place, but every now and again, some viral tweets will bring the Twittersphere together for a moment. 

No two Twitter feeds are the same, so your odds of seeing the same tweets as someone else aren't guaranteed. But if you've been on the site long enough, you're probably familiar with tweets from some of the bigger meme accounts, like @dril and @horse_ebooks. They and other accounts send out a steady stream of hilarious tweets! And eventually, the lingo from random, oddball tweets just gets absorbed into modern-day lingo. 

Below, we've included the responses to @danlehnermusic's question of the day, asking for people's favorite 'canonical' tweets. We included their answers, plus a few of our own that we find especially funny or weird. 

Check these Tweets out, then click here to read another story

'The mom went off on me': Parents change baby's diaper at their seats on the plane, passenger asks them to stop, flight crew intervenes

There are a few grey areas when it comes to appropriate behavior on a flight, but this is way too far. This couple was sitting near the bathrooms, where it was confirmed that there was a changing table. Instead, however, they decided it was totally acceptable to change their baby's stink diaper right there at the seats in a row they were sharing with a total stranger.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, and you can just imagine how the ruthless judges of the AITA community responded to this one. The Redditor even let it slide during the first diaper change, but by the time the second one came around, that was the last straw. After the Mom threw a fit, the flight attendant got involved and naturally sided with OP. It even escalated to the point that the pilot had to make an announcement.


For more stories like this, here's one about some petty revenge on a neighbor!

Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 17, 2023)

Have you ever snoozed your alarm for the 40th time and wondered if your job is really worth getting up today? If you're -once again- willing to sacrifice your career for a few extra moments of sleep, you might have a permanent case of the Mondays. The biggest problem with your job isn't that they force you to drink bad coffee, deny your raise requests every year, and take advantage of your skills without thanks, the real problem is that you're simply too exhausted to continue tallying the problems. Who has time to apply for a NEW job if they're drowning in the menial tasks of their current job? And everyone knows the sheer audacity and negligence it takes to quit without something lined up.... But we all know you're getting close to that breaking point. 

For more weekday warrior memes that'll help you commiserate with your coworkers this week, check out last week's batch of relatable work memes. 

'I put his on vacation hold': Neighborhood trash battle results in unexpected vacation

Dealing with trashy neighbors is never fun, and dealing with your trashy neighbors' trash is even less so. The worst part of these disagreements is you're forced to exist in often close quarters with these people as their entitled actions repeatedly infringe on the peace of your existence. It can be hard to ignore, especially when their literal garbage is spread out in front of your house or through the neighborhood. As these engagements sink to pettier and pettier levels, there's no telling what the next move might be.

This woman had put up with enough of her neighbor's petty trash behavior and decided to get back at them by ensuring their trash wasn't collected when it ought to be. She called the trash company and, using their address, requested that their collection be placed on a vacation hold. All that was left to do was to sit back and watch the trash pile up.

Read on for this tale of petty neighborhood revenge. Next, check out this Karen and HOA that teamed up to take on a guy who just wanted to garden.