Tuesday, May 16, 2023

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

Retail work is one of the most demanding jobs in the customer service industry, and it doesn't take a genius to fathom why. Employees have to deal with daily Karens, a variety of other rude customers that don't quite fit the 'Karen category', lazy managers, and daft coworkers. OP was working a retail job in the paint department when a rude, condescending customer marched in, demanding a color match from a random home depot sign that was bolted into a metal counter. OP explained to the customer that his request wasn't possible, and the customer huffed and puffed a little before going on his way. Before the customer left, another employee overheard a conversation he was having over the phone, saying he was going to place a large order close to the store's closing time and fail to pick it up.

Luckily OP knew what was coming, so he didn't place the order; as promised, the customer never showed up. A few months later, OP walked into another retail store and was surprised to see that same customer wearing a retail uniform. He took the opportunity for payback and began ordering him around the store. Scroll down to read what happened next.

For more stories like this, here is a Karen who walked into a petrol station, demanding that the cashier 'collect her car', give her 'free fuel', and basically bow down to her. Karen was refused service, so she turned to HR… the tables quickly turned when she was banned from any and all petrol stations under the company's name.

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