Thursday, June 10, 2021

Wholesome IT Bro Revives Totally Destroyed Laptop

IT has to deal with so many stories of corporate BS, like this tech support employee who got fired and unfired on the same day. They even get to see the horrible things people do to their own technology, like these excruciating moments of tech support gore. But the fact remains, most people need IT as badly as they need oxygen, because without them, life as we know it would grind to a halt.

Absolute Units That Are The Kings of Bigness, The Sultans of Circumference

The gargantuan girth and powerful presence of absolute units are too real to be denied. Turns out whatever the world makes, it's working on a bigger version right now. And these absolute units are just too mighty for this little world. There are big grapes, large eggs, rotund squirrels, titanic crabs and goliath potatoes. And just like the absolute units themselves, there's more where that came from.

Stupid Items Dungeons and Dragons Players Exploited To Their Limits

It's hard to be a dungeon master. You can spend hours thinking of the perfect campaign, just to have players turn into murder hobos and spend hours fighting geese for bread. But where there is fantasy-fueled absurdity, there are also more emotional D&D moments like this total feels trip of a campaign or this guy's grandmother who fell in love with Dungeons and Dragons while battling cancer.

Overworked Flight Attendant Told To Play "Interesting" Movie, Plays Disaster Film

Flight Attendants have to deal with some strange, and wildly entitled people, but they're put in an interesting position of power with the ability to control someone's entire travel experience. That means we get tales like this flight attendant who handily dealt with a problem flyer and this tumblr thread of a flight attendant's wildest stories. This particular flight attendant said "screw it" and watched the fallout of playing a plane crash movie during a flight.

Twitter Thread: Woman's Boyfriend Throws Batman-Themed Party

Every now and again it's nice to take a break from the incessant series of fails that we all share in this life to instead honor some good old-fashioned wholesome love. In this case, we have an epic birthday party that was thrown together by Twitter user @SparkyMularkey's boyfriend. Basically, he threw the Batman-themed birthday party that she always wanted. To say that he put in a full effort wouldn't even do the thing justice. The attention to detail is next level. Way to go, bud. 

Choosy Beggar Pitches Fit Over Getting Free HBO From Her Brother

It seems like we're destined to all share a reality where we have to put up with a relentless onslaught of entitled people and their absurd games. If you're someone who has yet to dabble with selling stuff online, you might end up walking away from reading all these choosy beggar posts with a renewed interest in continuing to not sell stuff online. There are far too many people that are more than ready to waste well meaning online sellers' time with their entitled demands. 

Rude Customer Gets Comeuppance From Auto Salvage Yard Employee

It's on the rest of us to take it upon ourselves to dish out the necessary reality checks to the world's wildly rude and entitled individuals. Especially if you find yourself willing and able while working a customer service gig. Fortunately, the hero in this tale of malicious compliance was able to pull the ultimate card of full immunity; yes, the "my dad is the owner/manager" card. Oh boy, to have been around to have seen the look on that already angry customer's face. Must've been a thing of pure beauty. For another story involving malicious compliance, check out this toxic boss who made an employee's life miserable, and then how the employee called their bluff

Animals That Got The Photoshop Treatment

Photoshop has been around for a while, and for some reason seeing a pelican driving a car is just as wonderful now as it was the first time we saw that kind of thing. From the photoshop trolls of master James Fridman to the photoshop fails of everyday people, it's always nice to see what people can do with their minds eye and editing software.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

The world already has plenty of genuine rich people that stink up the air with their gross displays of delusional entitlement. The last thing that we need tossed into the mix is a bunch of other people that are possessed by such haunting levels of insecurity that they end up insisting on pretending to be rich. Many of us have just enough awareness to be able to sniff out someone who is clearly putting on a front. Maybe these people's stories about their own experiences with encountering fake rich people will ring some bells. 

Entitled Folks and Their Absurd Boldness

Why drink coffee when we can all get our blood pumping just taking in the fantastical demands of entitled people? There are landlords who forbid cooking, customers who bring their own teabags, and entitled moms who tried to swindle their babysitters. The laughable boldness of entitled people is an amazing thing to behold.

Guy "Builds Computers" For A Living, Completely Destroys Cheap Computer

If there's one major takeaway from this tech support tale it's that just because you can build a PC doesn't necessarily mean that you know how the computer works. One can only begin to imagine the amount of hot flashes of embarrassment that this dude must've been bogged down by after realizing that he'd literally engineered the downfall of his cheap brand name computer. Like, he literally just created destruction where there otherwise would've been none to have been had. Oh well. You live and you learn. For another ridiculous tech support tale, check out this CEO who thought his computer had been hacked, and then proceeded to learn how a computer works

Cursed T-Shirts That Take Things Off The Rails

They say we wear our personalities on our sleeves, but when the shirts come without sleeves we have to settle for the chest region. From the arbitrary and absurd tough guy shirts to the cursed shirts that shouldn't exist, it's clear that in this day and age, there's no limit to the specific, dark and insane crap you can walk around wearing.

Twitter Thread: Strict Parenting Sets Kids Up For Failure

It's not completely outside the ordinary to see people end up acting like little rascals in response to the airtight confines of strict parenting. There's something hardwired into so many of us that creates a situation where we find ourselves rebelling just for the sake of being defiant. So, you put a kid in an environment where they're regularly being told what they can't do, with little room being left for them to let their wings fly, and you've pretty much got a situation ripe for rule breaking behavior. Naturally, this Twitter thread about how strict parenting can have the capacity for setting kids up for failure later in life, made some waves on Twitter. 

Worst Advice People Were Ever Given

Just because someone who is older than you or in a position of authority gives you advice doesn't mean that their "advice" isn't pure and unadulterated nonsense. Seriously, there's something hardwired into far too many folks that results in people deluding themselves into thinking they "know best" just because they've been kicking it on this strange planet for a bit longer. If your gut instinct is telling you that you just received some bad advice that you should never put into practice, then you should probably listen to that gut instinct. 

Learning Center Refuses To Fix Number On Website, Pro Revenge Ensues

There are far too many instances in this world of people stubbornly refusing to be reasonable, considerate human beings, and instead just continuing to make other people's lives more complicated. In this scenario, the learning center definitely had a solid opportunity to do the right thing, which really wouldn't have been that hard in the first place. Instead, they opted for the rude route. Well, that certainly took them to a place they didn't want to end up at. I can't imagine what kind of angry conversations were taking place at the learning center for weeks on end. For some more juicy pro revenge drama, check out this toxic Karen coworker who got her rightful comeuppance

Camera Glitch Catches Nanny Going Full "Predator"

Fans of the classic movie (and subsequent other movies) will be delighted to see this camera malfunction that had a nanny turning into an invisible alien sport-hunter. Everyone else, stay confused.