Thursday, September 29, 2022

Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Have you ever seen a crude, Sharpie drawing of a schlong on a desk and thought, "wow, that's some grade A hilarity right there"? That's some classic 5th grade humor, which is something that nobody grows out of. 


Nobody ages out of a certain level of joke-making that stems around the faux pas, things you can't say out loud, and wee-wee/doo-doo jokes. It's just funny. Maybe we're laughing because we're uncomfortable or maybe we're laughing because immaturity is sometimes very fun. Either way, if a 10 year old is laughing at something, I'm laughing at it too. Can't explain why.


Some silliness needs no explanation, it just is what it is. So if you've ever laughed at a fart in public, you might even fit into the immature humor category. It's not inherently clever or funny, but that's the point! It's silly, it's youthful, it's mindless and sometimes that's the kind of humor that can save a nation.

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

You know it's a problem when your own daughter tells you to stop procreating.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Overall_Butterfly_16, who shared her story about her extremely dysfunctional family situation. Essentially, she and her older sister are often held responsible for babysitting and taking care of their four younger siblings. Their stepmother is struggling with a disability and a difficult divorce, so she's in need of extra help. Their Dad? Well, he's just working and staying away from home while his two older daughters - both of whom have kids of their own, we should mention - clean up after him.


The Redditors in the comments seem to be in agreement that the original poster needs to move out ASAP. Not even ASAP. Yesterday! These sisters need to draw boundaries and never feel bad about them. Essentially, they need to quiet quit these "responsibilities," and their father needs to either actually quit his job or hire a real nanny if he wants to keep having kids. Which leads me to the next question: why have so many kids if you can barely be around for two? Is he trying to be the subject of the next Cheaper by the Dozen remake? I mean, that's the only logical explanation, right?


For more content like this, check out this post about a son who destroyed his father's pension. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

Top 10 Tinder Moments of the Week (September 29, 2022)

Welcome to this week's 'Top Tinder Moments', a collection of some of the hottest trending images from the wild world of online dating this week.

'I had to do right by the team': Horrible boss fails to justify firing new single mother after she returns to work

Just when you thought horrible bosses couldn't get any worse...they go ahead and do something that you're pretty sure is fully illegal.


That's right. This boss decided it was more cost-efficient and best for the team and their clients to go ahead and fire Jess, a single mom who just returned to the office after maternity leave. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Happy-Mind-2618. It only takes a few sentences into this boss's attempt to justify their decision-making before realizing they are an awful manager with no moral compass. The first big mistake was hiring a replacement for Jess while she was gone. That replacement was a straight-out-of-college young male with minimal experience (so the boss could pay this person far less). Not only is it horrendous to fire a new mom for reasons that were completely out of her control, but also to choose her younger inexperienced male replacement instead is just bad optics all around. Here's hoping that this boss reads all these savage comments and then is met with a sweet sweet lawsuit very soon. 


For more unjust workplace stories, take a look at this post from someone who discovered her male colleagues call her Jessica Rabbit. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

'He kept complaining about how the cat was annoying him': Husband secretly sells wife's cat and gets kicked out

When you adopt a pet, you sign a moral agreement to love it unconditionally and take care of it to the very best of your capability and ability. It's no small thing, taking on responsibility for another living thing. That's why it's something that is best not done lightly, lest you find yourself unprepared and incapable of taking care of the said living thing. It sometimes happens despite careful research and preparation, circumstances change, and we find ourselves needing desperately to re-home our furry friends. It's a decision that usually takes careful, often painful thought.

Or, you know, just sell your wife's cat without telling her after strong-arming her into agreeing to find it a new home. That works too.

That's the path this cosmically colossal a-hole took when he decided to sell his wife's cat out from under her nose. It's a relief that the update to the post makes it seem like they might have found the cat; otherwise, it wouldn't be out of the question to suspect that he'd killed it.

Keep scrolling to see the wife's story, which she shared on Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit. For more family cat drama, check out this mother who blamed the family troubles on her daughter's cat.

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Work is wack sometimes. If you've ever had a job that was completely insufferable, you know the feeling and the urge to get on Linkedin, Zip Recruiter, or Indeed to update your profile and maybe send out a few applications. It's like online dating– maybe you improve your profile and attract some better options


You're just testing the waters, you're not quitting yet. But who knows, maybe if something better comes along, you'll jump ship and get some higher pay, some benefits, and some better treatment at work. The common theme these days searching for a new job is the excruciating self-valuation process, having enough experience, and being prepared for rejection. So exhausting


So fortunately there are people on the Internet who know exactly how you're feeling! For some, humor is the best medicine. Memes can help us laugh at situations that are terrifying, tiring, and sometimes, a downright waste of time. 

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

There's nothing like a Karen going after someone, only to learn she's messing with another Karen!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/KHFan03241995, who shared a wild story about his roommate's wife (one has to wonder if that also makes her his roommate, right?). This woman stopped at an empty intersection, where a Raging Karen angrily attacked her for stopping. By angrily attacked, I do literally mean that the Raging Karen sucker punched the Roommate's Wife in the face. Little did she know, the Roommate's Wife had a temper of her own, got out of the car, and got revenge in what seemed like too crazy an act to not consider her a Karen herself. 


Redditors in the comments were quick to call the original poster out on certain details, and the poster engaged in a heated back-and-forth, so who knows what the truth is at this point? I will say that legalities aside, it's not statistically impossible at this point for a Karen to get mad at another Karen and not know what she's in for until it's too late.


For more content like this, check out this post about a Karen's 1-star review. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

Worker Refused Raise, Gets New Job, Boss Counter Offers With Double Current Salary

It's often said that no one appreciates the work that you do until you're gone. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is take a vacation to prove your worth. Although, a toxic workplace will probably just find some way to blame you for not "leaving things in a good place" before you go on leave.

In a similar fashion, your employer will never appreciate you for what you're worth until they are forced to face continuing on without you. Then you will even find yourself to be surprised at how much you were actually worth to them.

Redditor u/ApprehensiveDoggo shared this story on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, describing their experience with an employer who refused to give them a raise.

This whole post just begs the question… Why weren't they just already paying them the value of the counteroffer if they were worth that much to the company? If they had been earning close to that to begin with they probably wouldn't have gone looking for other jobs.

Read on to see screenshots of the post and some of the reactions. For more employment drama check out this job-seeker who torched an interview by calling out the interviewer for lying.


'Couples who get tattooed are weird': Tattoo artist shares the grossest and most traumatizing stories from tattooing couples

One couple threw a bizarre plot twist to their "relationship" story and another couple didn't know there was going to be bl00d, so up came their meal from earlier that day… It's probably time to re-think that tattoo date.