Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Swedish Dude Scaring Off A Bear

Bears are no joke, and this guy just shouts a bear away with the mightiest of roars. Don't try this at home. Most of us probably could just yeet a bear away with a yell.

Submitted by: (via SgtMcTarget)

Tagged: cool , fierce , bear , roar , amazing , Video , animals

Guys Get Questioned About Their Partners, Fails Ensue

Jimmy Kimmel put couples on the spot on Valentine's Day this year. The couples were asked various questions that could seem like common knowledge between couples. Let's just say, there was a lot of confusion that ensued. 

Submitted by: (via Jimmy Kimmel Live)

Doughnut Creation Process Is Delicious Eye Candy

Love those food creation videos that end up awakening an appetite in you. This was nice to watch. 

Submitted by: (via ETTV 이티티비)

Flat Earther Explanation Video Interrupted By Wife

Love how he opens up with pointing out the different time zones. Seriously enlightened flat earth kind of thinking going on here. 

Submitted by: (via C C)

Instagram VS Reality (Potential Facetunes And Photoshops)

Instagram vs what people actually look like.

It's an interesting time to be alive. With so many apps at our disposal, people are able to edit and morph and tune their faces and bodies to such an extent that their picture can end up looking like a completely different person, from the one that the rest of the world sees. Enough with all the deception. These people either rock some surreal kinds of looks that escape our definition of what's physically possible, or they got caught red-handed trying to pull a fast photoshop on the online world. 

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People's Awkward Moments At High School Reunions

People describe awkward moments from their high school reunions.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their most awkward experiences at high school reunions. The resulting reunion recaps are enough to make most people squirm in their seats. Those high school reunions are ripe for the bloated egos of old high school bullies to show up and somehow continue the act of spreading negativity. Or maybe you encounter an old flame who still has some feelings about the way things went down...10 years ago. Yikes. 

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Movies That Sent Chills Down People's Adolescent Spines

Twitter users describe the movies that scared them as kids.

People are sharing their experiences with movies when they were kids that ultimately left them emotionally scarred. Whether it was a particularly frightening scene in a seemingly innocent movie like "Pinnochio" or maybe something more conventionally scary and in the horror genre, like "Poltergeist" this list might trigger some old fears in people. 

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Australian Engineer Lets Farm Owner Destroy His Own Car

Engineer warns farm owner to not park by a valve, his car is destroyed.

We've seen stories of big company owners tripping over their own hubris, like this incompetent owner who mistakenly fired a special contractor, and this time there's more math. This guy gives an extremely detailed account of exactly how a whole bunch of water, a valve, and an overly zealous farm owner gave himself the business.

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Tagged: destroyed , FAIL , job , car , water , engineering , lol , story , math , funny

Trashy Moments that Spilled Forth from the Heart of Garbage

trashy bad behavior horrible wtf FAIL cringe crime selfish - 10647301

Sure, nobody's perfect, but sometimes it's clear when more or less effort is being made to be decent to your fellow man. The resulting lack of effort are moments that belong on the garbage barge. Here's just a whole lot of selfish behavior from customers, companies, parents and everywhere in between. Trashiness comes from all walks of life.

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An Emotional Rollercoaster Of Breakup Stories

Twitter users share their various breakup stories | blondehound @blondehound #ABreakUpStory He told deserving 14.50/hour because customer service rep at start-up and my job "wasn't hard Tried explaining emotional labor being nice people who berate things outside control, but he paying 0/hour.

People are sharing their breakup stories on Twitter. The resulting tweets are filled to the brim with heartbreak, anger, confusion, and general unrest. Some of these people have got to be feeling like they're better off. 

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Wrong Number Looking for Dealer Gets Trolled by "The Goat"

Wrong number texter looking for dealer gets trolled by person calling themselves "The Goat"

There's nothing quite like a good trolling, like this daughter who relentlessly trolled her mom to oblivion. In this case a wrong number texter using some cryptic language ended up getting "The Goat." We're glad people can still have this much fun with dumb crap like this. The stupider the better.

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Rude and Annoying Things Done by House Guests

Stories of horrible and disrespectful things done by house guests

Anyone who's had a party or two has a story of the most monstrously rude guests they've ever let into their house. Sometimes people just don't seem to understand that you can't bully someone in their own home or use their towels as toilet paper. The thought of someone coming into your house just to ruin your stuff and produce garbage moments is enough to make your blood boil.

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Tumblr Adds Dumb Suggestions to List of Foreplay Activities

Tumblr thread of joke foreplay activities.

Tumblr's busy brains are always working on something, and in this case it was an intriguing inclusion of the suggested foreplay activity "like her jaw" that inspired other users to add their own unorthodox sex acts. If your mind is firmly in the gutter, check out these wild sex facts to quote during an awkward silence.

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Burger King Unveils French Fry Burger, Gets Roasted

Burger King unveils their french fry sandwich on Twitter, and gets roasted on Twitter | tweet by Wendy's @Wendys literally anything would be better on bun than their beef. burger buns filled with fries and ketchup and no patty

Burger King has decided to test out a french fry sandwich in participating stores throughout New Zealand. Apparently this is a take on the infamous "Chip Butty" dish out of New England. No matter where the inspiration comes from, the reality is that this is a burger/sandwich with fries where a patty would normally go. Hopefully you like Burger King fries. If not, you might enjoy the following roasts regarding the french fry sandwich from Wendy's, who continues to keep it spicy on Twitter. 

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American Problems People Are Too European To Understand

American problems that other people are too European to understand | reddit post XxJiniyasxX 6h 3 Awards much do tip? 10 15 Do tip everywhere? Why isn't tax included? Why does tip vary? Why are waiters so underpaid?

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to describe American problems that they're just too European to understand. Things like limited sick days and student debt, and even remembering that cars can turn on red lights made the list. 

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