Sunday, March 13, 2022

Cheating Ex-Husband Ghosts, Gets Found When He Racks Up TV Bill In Ex-Wife's Name

As the story goes, this call center employee got an inquiry about a mysterious bill on this woman's account. As it turns out, her ex-husband made some purchases in her name, a development in a longer running situation of him continuing to bleed her dry, even after leaving. Maybe if there's any lesson to be learned here, it's "If you plan on running away with your lover and try to make it so your ex-wife never finds you, do not, out of malicious intent or frugality, sign up for services in her name at your new permanent address." In addition to the real moral quandaries in this behavior, what really set this one apart was this guy's sloppiness.

You only hope that this whole story on the wife's part is true, and not that she's just trying to find the guy and hurt him. But with that said, if he were legitimately hiding for safety reasons, he probably wouldn't have set up an account in her name. But other than that, hot damn, what a show. You never know what's gonna happen at the start of any day at work.

Salty Old Man Pitches Temper Tantrum Over Salted Licorice

What can we really say when someone puts in every effort to get something that they don't know that they'll hate? It sounds like the kind of issue a parent would have with an unruly child. How many adults have to say "no sweetie, please don't eat the aquarium gravel. I know it looks terrific, but trust me, rocks don't taste good and you'll absolutely shatter the ever-loving sin out of your teeth." The thing is, if you're doing this with an adult, you have the freedom to let them make their own mistakes, because they'll have to deal with the consequences themselves.

This guy sounds like he was an absolute, inconsiderate, irrationally aggressive individual right from the very get go. Like, the employee repeatedly tried to dissuade him from purchasing the insanely salty licorice and he just wasn't having any of it. Well, he certainly lived to regret that stance. Also though, shout out to the manager for putting the salty old geezer in his place. For another tale of malicious compliance check out the time that a grandpa's mailbox loophole took the mail into the third dimension.

Insane Dad Claims to Own His Daughter's Apartment, Invites His Friends to Move In

When you have been privileged enough to grow up with relatively normal parents (what is normal anyway?), it's very easy to forget how tough some people have it. It's hard to imagine having to worry about something that should come easily. Having is the support of your parents is one of those things. They are supposed to be there as your core lifeline to guide you through the good and the bad. So when they're not only not helpful but actively antagonistic, that makes things doubly hard. 

Redditor u/calinative07 shared this story to the r/entitledparents subreddit, where people share stories about parents (often their own) who are entitled, narcissistic, or otherwise self-absorbed. In the story, she describes her relationship with her parents as much less than ideal and explains that she has no contact with him. The man is a massive a-hole and completely delusional. He claims outrageous experiences that have never happened and claims he owns u/calinative07's apartment. It has gotten so bad that he sent his friends over to her apartment with the promise that they could live there. Commenters, of course, are horrified and quick to condemn her father's actions. 

Thumbnail Image: Luke van Zyl