Sunday, March 15, 2020

Twitter Thread: Love Story Is Strange, Wholesome, And Dark

Twitter thread with a story about how strangers come to all be part of same social circle | sixthformpoet @sixthformpoet ONE My dad died. Classic start funny story. He buried small village Sussex really close my dad so visited his grave lot still do DON'T WORRY GETS FUNNIER

@Sixthformpoet had a story that went viral on Twitter, and it's no wonder. It has a bit of something for everyone. Definitely still a better love story than Twilight. It's gritty and adorable and outright ridiculous. A solid rollercoaster. 

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A Buffet of Facepalming Cringification

Moments of failure, facepalm, entitlement, bragging, trashiness, cringe and stupidity | Pennsylvania woman drove into oncoming traffic test her faith police say By Taylor Romine, CNN | Statue Liberty National Monument Historical landmark Manhattan Why'd they put on an island happens if island floats away just lose national monument am shocked they didn't think this through they constructed | Yellowstone National Park National park unaware park outside. Very misleading advertisement

Here are some way-too human moments incredible entitled selfishness, blatant face-palming stupidity, and trashiness, cringeworthy egotistical bragging. These are the people you share the world with. At any time you are free to put a bag over your head and try to stop thinking about how dumb everything is always.

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Ridiculous and Dumb Design Fails that Could've Gone Better

Stupid and funny design fails that were someone's one job | ANAL SERVICES nalt Inspektion Sanierung Flächenservices www.anlh | hot gasses surrounding e surface sun Humans eat plants or animals get their food. pic of an elderly couple running on a beach with a dog

Sometimes people are so focused on getting the job done that they fail to realize if they've done a job so wonky that it renders their own work confusing, laughable and useless. These design fails were someone's one job and frankly we're glad they did it bad so we could watch. These design failures need some help.

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Quality Puns We're Not Sure If We Even Like

funny stupid puns and wordplay | Wanted man has been stealing wheels police cars Police are working tirelessly catch him LAREDO 911 POLICE cop car without tires

We respect beautiful stupid puns but they can kind of get to be too much. That said, we can't stay away from them for too long until we need our fix. Then we go back to hating them again. They make us feel smart and stupid at the same time. It's hard to tell if we love or hate puns.

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Kid Tells Dad About Karen Meme, Aunt Karen Gets Upset

Kid tells dad about the Karen meme, and Aunt Karen proceeds to get offended after dad tells her about it | r/tifu posted by Bigringcycling TIFU: Telling my Dad about Karen meme My family loves over share. This lack filter sometimes has tendency get people into trouble because not all information is provided

This kid got caught up in quite the uncomfortable family dinner, after their dad told the attending "Aunt Karen" about the viral Karen memes. As it turns out, Aunt Karen was not too stoked about memes that poke fun at uptight and unreasonable individuals in the world named Karen. She proceeded to take it personally, and the rest is history. Maybe a bit of a Karen move, after all. 

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New Zealand Police Keeping It Hip On Social Media

A collection of times that New Zealand kept it cool on social media | tweet by New Zealand Police heard elf on shelf, now get ready. cat in a police hat. Don't be guy weather changes mysterious ways but don't have Please use indicator.

The New Zealand Police are clearly the coolest police force around. These guys keep it hip with the fun wordplay and cheesy jokes on social media. 

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The Baddest Of The Maddest Mad Lads

A collection of people being truly ridiculous and fearless online | tweet by baber @bakerbakerbaker my roommate got broke up with by text and just disliked message

These mad lads don't give a dang about anything in the world. They're clearly fearless, and so supercharged on genuine bravery that they don't know what to do. So, here we are, capturing all their blazing madness. 

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Navy Operations Officer Pulls Laziest Move Ever

Navy operations officer pulls off an impressively lazy move | is laziest thing ever done once on US military ship, having breakfast wardroom (officers lounge Operations Officer (OPS) walks This guy definition NOT morning person; he's still half asleep, bleary eyed basically zombie with bagel. He sits down across eat his bagel and is just barely conscious. My back is outboard side ship, and morning sun is blazing one portholes putting big bright-ass circle light right on his barely conscious face

A true American hero. You know you've made it when you're directing a mob of people to steer a giant mass of steel for the sole purpose of getting the sun out of your face, while you go about enjoying your bagel. All in a day's work. 

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Guy Plays Poker With Friends On Birthday, Girlfriend Rages

Guy's girlfriend gets angry about his surprise birthday party | AITA leaving my GF upstairs crying play poker with boys downstairs? Not hole little bit ago my birthday, and my girlfriend had planned out whole thing Some background totally nailed her last birthday spent whole day doing her favorite things, had dinner at her favorite restaurant, got big dessert her favorite cake

This guy asked people on Reddit whether he was in the wrong for playing some poker with the boys on his birthday, even though his girlfriend wanted the day to be about them. Apparently, she was quite upset when he didn't meet those wants, and instead did his own thing. 

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Customer Wants To Complain About Employee's Cheese Cutting Abilities

Customer wants to complain to the owners of a cafe about an employee's slow cheese cutting abilities | WIBTA if complained owners cafe about long takes their employee cut cheese work an office building which has cafe s not table service go up counter and have choice hot meal, soup or sandwich Owners don't manage as they are catering company supply food morning. They leave Worker deal with distribution paninis and soup.

This deeply dissatisfied customer sounds like they've hit their breaking point when it comes to exercising patience over an employee's painfully slow cheese cutting abilities. At the end of the day, the job might just not be a good fit for the employee. Cutting cheese isn't for everyone. 

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Various Attempts That Dove Into A Pool of Failure

funny attempts that led to failure | tweet by Isaac Haxton @ikepoker Woman front at airport security has bottle frozen water. They want take She says 's not liquid.

Life is a relentless battering of attempt after attempt. Sometime's you're trying to park your car, make a cake, do your job or just make a decent point online. Not all of these tries will work out. Many of these attempts will hit the ground with the sound of failure.

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Tagged: twitter , FAIL , jokes , facepalm , try , attempt , lol , dumb , funny , stupid

Wholesome And Solitary Activities People Can Do

People describe wholesome and solitary activities that can be done | reddit posted by GasmaskGelfling 118d 8 Awards feed crows buy unsalted peanuts shell and toss them as walk my dogs or wait bus have about 4 murders now who recognize plus random crows at different locations ones by lake feed my hand and almost let touch them. After about year doing got my first gift few weeks ago walnut shell.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to describe wholesome and solitary activities that people can do. Might be worth trying some of these out, if you're planning on spending more time alone than usual, in the near future. 

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Supreme Cases Of Devilishly Petty Revenge

A collection of funny petty revenge cases | reddit r/pettyrevenge JOIN u/the803project 2d 1 3 2 Screwed out my holiday pay because don't have set schedules 3 months later use exact same phrase my boss asked why didn't come wasn't on schedule

We've rounded up a fun collection of people being petty animals to one another. Some folks just don't want to let stuff go, and from there they decide to enact their petty revenges. The people who took these revenges must've been feeling some kind of satisfied, after seeing things through. 

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Guy Eats Six Egg Omelette Intended For Family, Embarrassment Ensues

Guy eats a six egg omelette that was intended for the family, and embarrassment ensues | TIFU by eating six egg omelet Years ago, on bright and sunny spring morning, my wife feeding our first child his highchair. My -laws, who were staying with us few weeks abroad, were preparing breakfast everyone. At time wasn't terribly unusual my mother--law prepare meals us, as she enjoyed helping us out with cooking and giving us more time tend our little one atypical my father--law had evidently decided

This guy had quite the fail after wolfing down a wonderful six egg omelette, and then realizing that it was intended for the whole family. Yikes. There it is. The fail occurred, and some solid stress-induced indigestion likely resulted. 

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Choosing Beggar Wants To Hijack Couple's Ride To Wedding

A choosing beggar wants to hijack a ride that a couple had set up to the wedding, months in advance | Hi guys, just about (Bride's) wedding middle trying arrange my travel wedding have spoken Lift Giver) and she has said might be too squashed with everyone car want avoid making(Lift Giver) feel awkward by letting anyone down so wondered One would feel, since both drive, about driving one cars down so everyone is able go can't afford whole family attend hence why am just going x

The level of entitlement at play here is truly off the charts. Seriously, it sounds like this choosing beggar expected the couple to not use the ride that they had sorted months in advance. Ridiculous. 

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People In Italy Respond To Coronavirus Lockdown With Music

Now that's a fun way to respond that doesn't include full panic. Right on, Italy!

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Tagged: cool , dancing , twitter , Italy , awesome , win

Grandma with Alzheimers Defeats Rude Karen

Grandma with Alzheimers insults rude Karen | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by byebyebrain1 7 days ago Don't mess with my Grandma, Karen. XL denotations people involved are pretty obvious so am not going list them Summary: Grandma with Alzhiemers puts Karen her place.

Experiencing your loved ones deal with aging is emotional and difficult, to put it lightly. But the moments of clarity when your grandma can sling a hardcore diss at a rude Karen are the kind of stuff you remember for a long time. For another wild Karen encounter, here's a story of a Karen who demanded fresh donuts and got them.

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