Thursday, May 12, 2022

Husband Secretly Books His Mom On Husband/Wife Vacation, Wife Nopes Out Of Trip

What are you supposed to do when you've saved up a bunch of money to do a nice thing, and your own spouse just drops your awful mother-in-law into the mix, like a dog-egg into cake batter. That's a turd, by the way. A dog-egg is a turd. A dog turd.

See, this is why people need to stick to boundaries and communicate with their significant others. This woman was excited to go on a trip with her husband, just to find out day of, literally at the airport, that his mother is coming along. This one is a toss-up between who's more toxic; the spineless son who couldn't stand up to his insane mom, or the mom herself who threatened to call the cops if she couldn't go on vacation with him. One thing that seems clear is that this pair deserves each other, and this woman is just caught up in their mess. This one is a yikes all around.

For another trip-themed fiasco, here's the spoiled daughter who wanted a $30K trip as a reward, and the Dad who wanted his partner to pay for it.

Service Worker Makes Job Take as Long as Possible When They Are Forced to Return to Site

A service worker was called out to a job and sent home moments after arriving because the manager on-site wanted to return home. So when they had to re-attend the site the following day they drew the job out for as long as possible.

Now, I know what you're thinking… Isn't that what every service person does any time they attend any job ever? It certainly seems like it. When the TV repair guy used to come to my parent's house he'd spend the entire day on the roof doing only-god-knows-what. (I'm only kidding please don't flame me in the comments service workers.)

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by Redditor u/Mother_Distance_4714, who was the service worker in their story. They shared the story of their brilliant response to their customer's demand that they return to the site the following morning.

Keep scrolling for screenshots of the story and Reddit's reactions below.

Thumbnail Image: Jean-christophe Gougeon

25 Instances Of Kids Being The Weirdest And Dumbest People Around

Kids aren't exactly smart people. Thank goodness for child labor laws, because if we had to deal with child coworkers, it would be a mess. Imagine having to wait for a fourth grader to finish figuring out the copier. HR would be packed full of "stop hitting yourself" cases. The break room would be covered in candy wrappers. And good luck finding fresh air, cause toddlers these days smoke up to three packs a day.

It's a good thing we send these people to school for a decade and a half, cause there are few places where they could be welcome or useful. They can't sit still, and good thing they're considered dependents, because they can't be bothered to do their taxes. You can't even leave a 9 year old alone with a bucket of paint before he comes back blue.

Anyway, here's more stupid proof that kids are almost another species.

33 People Share The Smallest Opinion Hills They Are Willing To Die On

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That doesn't exactly mean that their stance on something is any good. And of course, the people who yell the loudest often have the least amount of evidence to actually defend their claims. But due to popular misconceptions and all around laziness, people often find themselves yelling their pretty reasonable hot takes into the void that is the uncaring world.

Even if you've got the empirical evidence to back it up, if it's not something people see themselves acting on in the first place, your terrific opinion will probably go unnoticed. But if it's something that people do anyway, like slamming Q-Tips in their ears to see God, your hot take will probably find some healthy support.

Maybe these are a good reminder that no matter how minute something gets, people are still going to have a passionate opinion on it. Either that or we all just care too much and want to lecture other people.

Scavenging Family Comes For Wealthy Father's Estate, Daughter Maliciously Executes

A daughter took to the internet to share her story of how she maliciously complied to the execution of her wealthy father's estate, amid a sea of 'concerned' gaslighting, gold-digging relatives. Her primary weapon was the fact  that she had almost complete say over the execution of her father's will and the fact that she had the ability to make 'weaponized donations' in her relative's names to charities that represented the people they had wronged. Sort of like a PG 'se7en' with less heads in boxes. 

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by the daughter, Redditor u/ThatsDrAardvarkToYou who shared the story of their devilishly clever way of dividing up their father's estate. It's a doozy of a tale that ends up being quite the read. 

There has been some debate on to Reddit as to whether or not this story belongs in r/maliciouscompliance or the various revenge subreddits. We're of the mind that it fits just fine, even though moderators removed the post for this reason not long after it started trending.  

Scroll on for screenshots of the full story and the reader's reactions.

32 Delectable Food Memes To Amuse That Bouche

We live in a world of infinite perspectives and endless compromises. Almost no one can even agree perfectly on the rules of the objective reality they inhabit. But if there's one thing that almost all people have to agree on, it's the notion that "food is basically good." Almost anything else is up for debate, especially the type of food that is good, the values that indicate what goodness of food actually means, and for some of us, what food actually is. But we're not here to split hairs. We don't even eat hair on purpose. We're here to laugh at funny things relating to what most of us can agree is food, or at least food adjacent.

Anyway, undo your belt buckle and take a good long sniff of these hot hot food memes. And if you're up for seconds, here are some more humorous and heinous food memes to pack that gullet.

Roommate Insists Her Father is Able to Sleep in Girl's Bed, Internet Disagrees

This roommate splits rent with the poster of the topic 50/50, the pair are university students, and the roommate is approaching her graduation. She has been trying to make plans for her family to fly out to attend the graduation but has had trouble nailing down accommodation for her father. She got the brilliant idea that she should stick her father in her roommate's room and tell her roommate to clear out for the weekend. 

It would be one thing if the poster of the topic were planning on being out of town, but it would be hard to justify having a strange man sleeping in your bed. It's even stranger still to make this demand when your roommate is still in their room!

This thread was posted to the r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by u/notatypicaltaurus, who tells the tale of their roommate's strange demand. 

Commenters were angered and bewildered by the roommate's demand and couldn't get over how strange it was. 

Read on for the whole story and screenshots below. 


Thumbnail Image: Sigmund