Thursday, April 22, 2021

Technologically Incompetent Coworker Can't Handle Clear Instructions

Yep, if you've worked in an office that uses computers you've likely worked alongside at least one person who seems to possess a daunting, stubborn ignorance when it comes to running with clear instructions from the team's resident tech wizard. This particular tech wizard actually handled the frustrating confusion they received from their clueless coworker with nothing short of a saintly patience and understanding. Good for them. Check out some times that tech support faced waking nightmares over here

Streamer Nails Song Intended To Be Impossible Joke

While most of us gave up on Guitar Hero back when "Through The Fire and the Flames" was the hardest song ever, that was apparently too easy for some people. Originally intended as a joke, the song "Soulless 6" was thought to be unbeatable. As all things deemed "unbeatable" and "a cartoonish waste of time," someone took that as a challenge.

Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

Some sibling rivalries are more intense than others. Especially at young ages, siblings can be prone to carrying out all kinds of devilish behavior directed towards one another. I mean, props to the kid for devising a way to get that toy owl that she wanted. 

Man Feeds Massive Wild River Croc Like It's His Pet

Maybe it's all about carrying no fear in your heart. Maybe this guy's just exuding such an overwhelming presence of love that the crocodile isn't even thinking twice about attacking him. Who knows. What I do know is that this croc is out there looking like a modern day dinosaur. 

Man Tries To Sell Smart Phone For Cheap, Choosing Beggar Flakes Out

Absolutely absurd. You almost have a hard time believing that this could possibly be an adult. Seriously, the behavior of a child at play here. For more juicy stuff from ridiculous choosing beggars, check out this choosing beggar's request that ended up landing them at a comedy club.

Bride And Groom Get Enraged When Honeymoon Fund Box Gets Moved

Honestly, this whole situation screams shady underlying motives on the part of the bride and groom. It sounds like they were just hoping that their wedding guests would mistake the honeymoon fund box for the bar's actual tip jar. And then when their plan didn't work out (yay), they staged a whole public freakout. For some more wedding drama check out these disasters that wedding planners managed to successfully hide from the bride and groom

Job Applicant Calls Out Company's Interview Process

This job applicant decided to call out a company's interview process after being rejected from getting the position. It would seem given the context here that the honest and critical review was completely reasonable. Someone in the comments section suggested that this company sounded like a potential MLM/pyramid scheme. If that were the case, then bullet dodged! 

Perspective-Bending Images of Double-Takery

When it comes to warped perspective, not all things are exactly as they seem. What looks like an area rug could be a massive sinkhole. What looks like a vast landscape could just be a puddle. Every once in a while you run into what looks like a dog with a human butt. If that's not double-take-worthy, then nothing is.

Waiters/Waitresses/Baristas Share Their Unexpected Overheards

Waiters, waitresses, and baristas are sharing their unexpected overheards that they've experienced while working on the job. Nothing quite like just trying to muddle through your work day, while you're also playing third party to what could be the ending of a relationship, or some other kind of emotional blowup between a couple people eating a meal. 

One Pound Cake Karen Furious After Getting What She Wants

What is there left to do after a customer gets exactly what they want? Does the customer apologize for their misconception? Do they just walk off with what they asked for? Absolutely not, what planet are you on? For some stupid reason, there's a type of customer who thinks it's well within their rights to be a total jackass about their own mistake. It's reminiscent of this guy who ordered exactly a pound of wings and got less, but at least it wasn't as bad as thisguy who demanded no ice and got less than that.

Guy Reaches Breaking Point With Rent Division Between Roommates

It seems like this guy was being taken advantage of just a bit. Of course the last year has been historically difficult for so many people. There's a balance between being understanding/compassionate and also respecting your self through standing your ground and not letting people walk all over you. Human beings can be terrible when it comes to taking advantage of someone's good graces. By the sound of it, this guy is feeling a bit of regret over having to confront his roommates, but it also sounds like he didn't really have any other choice. 

For some more roommates drama, check out this woman who couldn't stand her roommates, broke the lease agreement, and then dealt with her roommates totally flipping out

Petty and Absurd Reasons People Refused to Date Someone

There are a lot of extremely good reasons to not date someone. It could be that the first date was just bador that they just throw up a lot of dating red flags. There are also much more absurd reasons. Maybe they say stupid things with complete seriousness. Maybe she shops at a store you don't like. Maybe he makes weird mouth sounds. Maybe she lives 5 minutes further away than you'd like. People come up with some Seinfeld-level reasons to refuse dating people, and they're spectacular.

Entitled Parents Lose It Over Parking Spot, Get Towed

I'm loving the pacing of this story. In that, the protagonist keeps a level head when faced with extremely aggressive and irrational antics from some entitled parents that were never going to be reasoned with. It's also great that everything was ultimately able to be de-escalated in such a way that nobody was harmed. Except for the entitled dad's ego. 

Entitled People and Their Ceaseless Demands

People want to be nice to each other. When someone makes a reasonable request, most people are willing to consider it. But when an entitled person makes their request something like a free parrot delivered to their door, or an hour-long car ride from a complete stranger, people are much less inclined to take them up on the "offer." Then there's the entitled people with such laughable boldness that they seem like a cartoon. Those ones are fun.

Cursed, Dumb, Vaguely Genius Food Creations

The internet's in no short supply of cursed food abominations that can effortlessly leave you at a loss for words. It's like, on the one hand the cursed food is "creative", but on the other hand it's soberingly disgusting. Some food ideas are better left as mere food ideas. Sometimes though, you just might end up dreaming up a dish that's actually amazing. I'm personally not opposed to the idea of having some mini pizza slices on a slice of pizza. 

Strangest/Dumbest Things Adults Believed

People can fall through the cracks when it comes to picking up on all kinds of tidbits of necessary common sense. And it's through that process of falling through the cracks that folks can end up growing up to believe in absolutely nonsensical things. Maybe you've encountered one of these blissfully clueless individuals at one point or another in your life. Maybe you tried to enlighten them. Maybe you were met with an unwavering wall of stubborn ignorance. Oh well. It can be worth a shot. 

Dog Owner Investigates Cause Behind Feathery Mess, Finds Culprit

Anyone who has a dog has likely encountered them creating a mess around the house at one point or another. Dogs just love to sink their teeth into those pillows, man. We definitely got a kick out of this humorous little emotional rollercoaster. That mugshot is pure gold. 

Weird Things People Learned About Their Partners After Moving In

It really does take living with someone to gain a more comprehensive understanding of what makes them tick. People are true professionals at wearing various personalities when they're out and about in society. But underneath all those carefully practiced niceties can lie all kinds of bizarre behavior that only comes out when someone is alone. Hopefully it's nothing too serious. Maybe some of these people's insights about the strange things they learned about their partners after moving in together will strike a chord. 

Guy Flies Homemade Hoverboard 40ft High While Drone Follows Him

What a brilliant idea to combine the drone and hoverboard for one awesome video. It feels like this is right out of a Marvel movie or something.