Monday, February 17, 2020

Costco Parking Lot Standoff Ends In Petty Revenge

A competition over a parking space in Costco parking lot ends up resulting in a swift and satisfying petty revenge | lady almost hit front my car trying pull into parking spot turning into so just sat there. So l'm at Costco need dog food, and 's ridiculously busy Monday. Barely any parking spots until spot one at end lot make my way down aisle, and am about turn into parking spot lady RUNS OVER CURB and almost hits take spot. Thankfully tapped my brakes time or she would have taken off my

We love a good old-fashioned petty revenge. People can get very passionate about securing their parking lot spaces. It can really turn into a battlefield out there. In this case, the lady that overstepped and almost put the other couple in harm's way, ended up getting her just deserts. Beautiful touch with the cart in the parking space. 

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Instagram Influencers' Most Outrageous Photoshoot Requests

Photographers share the weirdest requests that they've received from Instagram influencers | posted by Amuro_Ray_Gunner Had an influencer try set up shoot with mentioned my price she shocked because she under assumption going pay her some reason.

Photographers are sharing the weirdest photo shoot requests that they've received from Instagram influencers. Never underestimate the lengths that an influencer will go to ensure that their photo is ridiculous, unique, and well suited for viral status. Can't imagine being the one holding the camera in some of these situations. 

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Thread Explains Why Kids Should be Taught to Respect Pets

Tumblr thread explains why parents need to teach their kids to respect pets | ANAEINT Dún Laoghaire K9, LLC June 13, 2016 Instagram O HAIRE R Prime example NOT allow. Eventually will come head and dog will have enough. This child will be injured and this dog will be labeled aggressive and rehomed or likely euthanized. Stop allowing children mistreat dogs s not cute s not funny s not playful s dangerous and stupid dog and child pay consequences parents lack common sense.

If it didn't seem obvious before why kids need to be taught not to screw around with animals, this thread goes into a lot of detail as to why nobody wins when a kid angers a pet. A dog can't exactly say "quit poking me in the eye" without seeing a bit threatening. For some lighter stuff, here are professional dogs who take their work seriously as well as sleeping dogs in silly positions.

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Fiancé's World Turned Upside Down By 23andMe Kit

Fiancé's world gets turned upside down by a 23andMe kit during Christmas time | TIFU by asking my fiance 23 and kit Christmas and accidentally blowing up his life. So have always been into my family's genealogy keep pretty detailed record our family tree and enjoy tracing back as far as can have always wanted try one those DNA testing kits

This is one of those big TIFUs that sounds like it could be out of a movie. The fiancé in this scenario was blindsided by quite the revelation regarding his parents, thanks to a 23andMe kit. Hopefully they're able to work through the post-revelation with some grace. That's got to be a whole lot to digest. 

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A Tumblr User's Strategy to Keep Jerks from Namedropping their Fancy College

Tumblr user explains how to keep fancy college graduates from namedropping their school | inthisquarter Want more subtle way accomplish this same kind power move? DON'T ASK WHERE BOSTON. Story go fancy grad school, where lot folks did their undergraduate degrees at fancy places two schools whose alumni here are most full themselves about are Harvard and MIT. They'll drop name their alma mater at any and every chance they get. However, upon introductions, they all name-drop exact same way can

Believing that the elite college your daddy got you into makes you better than the people are around you is some rude BS. If you are the type of person who likes to namedrop their college, other people are laughing at you behind your back. This Tumblr user has a graceful strategy to keep jackasses from casually mentioning their fancy schooling. For some college themed entitlement, here's a college slacker who demanded a classmate's notes and got denied. And here's just some fun gems from Tumblr.

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Tagged: tips , school , tumblr , advice , lol , funny , name , college , harvard

Nuggets Of Gold From Tumblr's Busy Brains

Interesting thoughts from various people that use Tumblr | blxxdfae dont think american filmmakers realise huge london is, because sure have london eye and houses parliament but say 'london has fallen so nandos catford is flames tesco peckham has descended into chaos? wtf furiouslyfeminist have states bigger than entire country Source: cherrygOre viralthings woman planning marry showed this pebble looks like guitar pick and with an entirely straight face said rock music sheepkind marry her

We're big fans of the wild and unpredictable threads and passing thoughts that the minds of Tumblr can hatch up. We pulled together a fresh collection of gold from Tumblr users that we think you'll enjoy!

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Clever Employee Blacklists Rude Customer

Clever employee blacklists a rude customer from all their stores after annoying interaction | No sales rude people This story isn't mine, but friend/coworker had were both working at big box electronic store. This particular coworker, let's call him Jack, is known two things- 1. being knowledgeable about his area expertise (he specialized selling phones one particular carrier) 2. being rather grumpy person.

Jack had enough of this customer's rude behavior. So, he enacted a calculated and very satisfying petty revenge. The best part of this petty revenge is the moment that the customer goes to another store, and realizes their card isn't going to work there either. They underestimated Jack's capacity for pettiness, and definitely paid the price for that. 

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Girl Crop Dusts Cave, Activates Karen, Tour Guide Suffers

Guy crop dusts a cave, and ends up arousing the suspicions of a Karen in his tour group | taking cave tour and one those really tight places with horrible name like 'Fat man's death' and all hell is brewing my gut. Audible growling like hellhounds begging be freed, loud enough people next get shifty eyed wtf look.

A good old-fashioned crop dust. Yes, she subjected the rest of her fellow cave tourists to the smells of whatever her body was working through. She also activated the group's resident "Karen." From there, the downfall was swift. Karen ultimately asked the poor tour guide to get up to date on their knowledge of sulfur deposits in the cave. If only Karen knew. Those silent farts can pack the most powerful punch, indeed. 

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Tagged: FAIL , tourists , tifu , Reddit , funny , karen

People's Best "Fake Sick" Advice

AskReddit replies to people's best fake sick advice | pug wrapped up on a blanket post by berks99 If hang head off bed upside down will sound very congested!

Never know when you might wake up and just not have it in you to tackle the day. Maybe you're emotionally spent, and in dire need of a day to regenerate health across all fronts. Maybe that one sick day is the world of difference you need to get back on the work grind with necessary energy. If that sounds like it could be the case for you, or even might be in the future, these bits of "fake sick advice" could come in handy. 

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Attempts that got Clotheslined by Failure

attempts that led to fails | 6'3.Slim.Bahamian If use facial recognition anything govt has face lol Tash THEE Bae Wait until find out about driver licenses.

People try to do things all the time. Sometimes you're trying to make a point. Sometime's you're trying to shame people online. Sometimes you're trying to escape being captured by Romans. With every attempt, there will be some that hit the ground with the sound of failure. Some will take off running, but others will stumble into a pile of fail.

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Tagged: FAIL , facepalm , attempt , lol , dumb , funny , trying , stupid

Entitled Dude Demands Textbook, Doesn't Realize He's The Problem

Entitled guy demands textbook and then gets rude | kinda important be library most tomorrow though if want join way can both use don't work well library, sorry s too loud general areas but too quiet silent areas wouldn't mind if came my house could work

This guy is given multiple opportunities to share the book, and after being shut down for a legitimate reason decides to get super rude about it. All thing aside, this sounds like a really bad strategy to get access to a textbook. Some students don't get it, like when this rude entitled student exploded when denied a classmate's project. The world has its unfair share of entitled people who need to abandon their nonsense.

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Tagged: wtf , demanding , books , entitled , rude , weird

Habits Of People's Spouses That Drive Them Insane

People share habits of their spouses that drive them insane | reddit post kassa1989 She doesn't screw lids on properly so l've developed an aversion lifting bottles and jars top case make mess.

People are sharing the habits that their spouses have that slowly and steadily drive them insane. For some, reading through this might awaken memories you have of your spouse and how they managed (or still do) to drive you crazy by doing (or not doing) things like leaving lights on at night, or the door unlocked, or a container of cream out after making a cup of coffee. 

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Entitled Karen Steals Co-Worker's Snacks, Revenge Note Ensues

Entitled "Karen" steals her co-worker's snacks until a petty revenge note is written | reddit post r/pettyrevenge votedog woman at work stealing my snack drawer knew exactly who she only one who had seen where put them. This woman pain: opinionated, gossipy, lazy, and just all around drama call her Karen knew if approached her, she'd deny get all butt hurt and make scene. Sol let go.

This case of "Karen" being an entitled and inconsiderate individual ends in one satisfying, petty revenge. The co-worker had had enough of their snacks being stolen, so they left a special note for Karen to find next time she went to eat snacks that weren't her's. Sounds like it worked and that Karen will have to start buying snacks of her own. 

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Guy Becomes Hockey Superfan In Wholesome Thread

Guy becomes a hockey superfan during a wholesome Twitter thread | tweet by Tony X soloucity This shit lit as Fuck Lmaoooo0000 Retweeted Tony X soloucity goalie just said Fuck and left? Retweeted Tony X soloucity Empty net? IM SCREAMING St. Louis Blues O STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS @StLouisBlues Welcome Hockey Twitter stlblues fandom soloucity! Want check out Game 3 live s on us WeAl|BleedBlue

This wholesome moment from humanity actually being pretty awesome never fails to hit the spot. Twitter user @solucity shared some hot takes about the great game of hockey ended up landing him at a Blues game. He'd go on to become a superfan, and we can't blame him. 

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Misfortune Monday: Putting things in Perspective

Messes, mistakes and failures | ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION SITE collector's car expensive vintage stopped at side of road fire burning coming out from window. smartphone that fell down between train tracks at a station just as a red train is approaching

Almost everyone would rather be relaxing at home than having to do any of this annoying "paying your bills" bullcrap, but as dark as some things can seem on Monday morning, they could certainly be worse. Misfortune Monday lets you see people dealing with the fallout of chaos and failure and serves as a good reminder that maybe things are going alright.

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