Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Kid Faints In Middle Of National Spelling Bee, Gets Up, Spells Word Right

Clearly, the kid surfed right on into another dimension to grab the answer he needed to continue onwards with the spelling bee. That takes some kind of grit and composure to come back from a fainting spell, and actually manage to spell the word right. Good for this kid. 

Submitted by: (via Chad Mosher)

Attempted Car Thief Gets Taste of Bouncing Brick

It's rare that justice is served so quickly and effectively. This dude tried to get into a car via brick, but that window was much too strong. That bouncing brick clips him right on the eye, giving him an opportunity to think about if any of this was worth it.

Submitted by: (via Disabled Gaming)

Socially Clueless Raven Relentlessly Annoys Snowy Owl

Clearly, our socially aggressive Raven is bombarding the majestic snowy owl that could easily be mistaken for Hedwig, about Harry Potter's whereabouts. Some birds just refuse to take a hint. Maybe the Raven homie was lonely out there in the bitter cold. 

Submitted by: (via ChetCochon)

Pettiest Reasons People Held Grudges

People's capacity for holding petty grudges is truly astounding. Sometimes you might completely unknowingly rub someone that you regularly cross paths with the wrong way, and ever since that unfortunate moment it's as if they've undertaken a lifelong personal vendetta against you. If you ever find yourself on the other end of a petty grudge it never hurts to try to smooth things over. With that being said though, sometimes folks just refuse to let things go. 


Font - DadlikePowers • 20h My niece was nervous about her driver's test so I told her not to worry her mom (my sister) is a really good driver and she failed her first driver's test, if you mess up just study, practice and try again. My sister still doesn't talk to me after three years because I "embarrassed her in front of her daughter". Reply 113


Font - laguna_redneck · 20h My husband lost his job a few years ago around Christmas time. I told people that we wouldn't be buying anyone gifts that year including my brother who lives in a different state. About a week before Christmas, someone anonymously left some groceries and a visa gift card on our doorstep. Because of that, I was actually able to do a little gift shopping for my young kids and made a facebook post about it, in hopes that whoever had donated to us would see how grateful w


Font - littlehelppls · 20h I talked about our mutually-liked celebrity like a real person and not an infallible being Reply 52 ...


Font - kojinB84 · 19h In early senior year, I bumped into a guy from high school at the beach. We exchanged numbers and talked for a week on the phone. He would pick me up and bring me over to his house and watch movies. Then we hung at my house a few times. At breaks I would hang with him and his friends. Well, one day in P.E., my friend said that some girl was jealous of me. I had zero clue who she was. Turns out it was his ex gf. I never knew he dated anyone or what his past was. Well, he jus


Font - DNA_nonymous • 18h A girl threw a bowling ball at me because she couldn't spell my name Reply 21 3 ...


Font - Paddles98 · 20h Someone I knew got mad at me because she thought that I tried to prank her by putting Cards Against Humanity cards in her backpack, even though we were playing it the night before and they probably just fell in (and despite the fact that that would be a horrible prank). | Reply 1 31 <3 ...


Rectangle - SierraMikeHotel · 19h My wife is still angry with me over a dream she had years ago in which I cheated on her with a faceless woman. Seriously. + Reply 42 ...


Font - battybatt · 19h A coworker when we both were teenagers. He was really into cars, had a huge lifted pickup truck. I drove a 12-year-old Prius. I know Prius owners can be annoying, but in my caseI literally never talk about it, and I don't think it makes me better than anyone else. He only knew because it's the first thing he asked me when we met. After that he would go out of his way to find videos of Priuses in crashes and show them to me, or make random little comments about how he would


Rectangle - EwOksAmongUs • 21h O1 Award A best female friend growing up (I'm male) didn't talk to me for a week in high school because I called her a bitch in a dream. Reply 1 276 3 ...


Font - Billbapawpaw · 21h I write backwards and upside down. Example: start my 2s on the bottom-right. I had a teacher who thought I was mocking them when I wrote on the board that way in grade 5. I seriously had enough problems I didn't need that weird shit to worry about in the classroom. Q Reply 1 49 ...


Rectangle - Mangobunny98 · 20h I once mentioned that if a job position opened up at the job I was working I might apply. One of my coworkers overheard and held a grudge because she wanted the position. What was even stupider is the position never ended up opening and I ended up deciding to leave the job later that year and she still held the grudge. Q Reply 1 37 3 ...


Font - gaveuptheghost · 21h They thought they heard me and 2 other people say their name and then laugh in some random conversation, and then decided in their head not only were we making fun of this person, but we (again in their head) had been doing this for a long time. Pretty sure all of this was an overactive imagination, since we and this person in question were never close, just acquaintances, and there would be no reason for us to talk about them for anything, let alone making fun. É QRe


Font - LyriaBlossom · 21h I met a guy when I was still in university that was mad at me for taking the train to go home; he wanted me to wait for him just so I could go with him at the train station, and he even wanted me to miss my train just so he could be with me at the train station! Bro, I just wanna go home at 8pm, not at 3am! Mind you, he doesn't take the train because he had an appartment not too far away from the unversity so it's not like he had to wait for me because he was at home wh


Organism - Tasia528 · 15h I called a co-worker, whose name was Barbara, Barb. She immediately started antagonizing me every chance she got. When asked why by our supervisor, she said that Barb is the French word for beard. I don't speak French, so I didn't know that. Reply 13 ...


Font - |_DRINK_ANARCHY • 16h I don't think it was a very long held grudge, but years ago when I was in college, a couple of friends and I played a few games of Scrabble. I'm a big fan of the game, I'm a damn fine speller and I have a decent vocabulary. Scrabble is one of my strong points, to put it plainly. And I won...which really pissed off one of the guys I played with. Apparently he and his gf played Scrabble competitively on a regular basis, so someone "like me" shouldn't have been able to


Font - honestgoing • 17h Someone was mad that I didn't vouch for them being in a location in Among Us. They were depending on my vouch to not get voted out. But here's the thing: they were imposter I didn't see them in the room they saw me because imposters have better vision than crewmates They proceeded to vote me every single round for the rest of the time we played together (2 hours) and accused me of not paying attention. Reply ...

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Tenant Refuses to Give Up Parking Spot for Disabled Lady

Sometimes we find ourselves in awkward situations, especially when it's over a finite resource like parking. There are plenty of times handicapped parking spot hogs need to be taught a lesson, but this situation has a more complex backstory than some rando just illegally occupying a handicapped parking space at the store. The most important thing to do in these situations is to take a step back and think "why am I in this situation?" In this case it seems like the apartment manager may be the one to blame for all this madness.


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Twitter Thread: Animal Crossing Player's Dreams Completely Implode

The Animal Crossing fever absolutely swept over the globe last year, and we wouldn't doubt that the mad passion amongst gamers continues as this year rolls on. This quick and humorous little thread shines light on some of the drama that can manifest between players just trying to make their Animal Crossing dreams come true. One Animal Crossing player thinks they finally have it made when they've laid claim to their precious Arwing, but another random Animal Crossing homie swoops in and ruins the day. 


Font - ull T-Mobile 11:35 AM 1 30% Tweet busts are CLOSED!! THANK Y.. · 21h reading a thread about why animal crossing players restart so many times and ppl keep talking about villagers that "wronged them in the past" like im sorry what did that squirrel do to you, ask you to retrieve a pocket pikachu too many times??? it's a squirrel O 27 t7135 1,675


Organism - ull T-Mobile 11:35 AM 1 30% Woshua @DelcatDelcat Replying to @batshaped Listen..listen. OG Gamecube Animal Crossing. At the end of every month, if you have five tickets, you get ONE entry to a lottery for super rare items. One day a month. One. Prizes are five tiers, gold is mega rare.


Font - Woshua @DelcatDelcat Replying to @DelcatDelcat and @batshaped But one day I win that gold, and I get an Arwing. You can't get them anywhere else. I played ate slept breathed Star Fox 64,I was thrilled beyond all belief. The only way to save in GC was to return to your house, get in bed, and go to sleep. 2:38 PM 3/21/20 · Twitter for iPhone ili View Tweet activity


Organism - Woshua @DelcatDelcat Replying to @DelcatDelcat and @batshaped Now, GC animals had a funny little routine in their behaviors, one we have not seen since, and one | learned that day. They will run up to you, displaying the delighted emotion cloud like so much kawaii desu camouflage, and they will say this: 2:41 PM · 3/21/20 Twitter for iPhone


Font - ul T-Mobile ? 11:35 AM 1 30% Tweet Woshua @DelcatDelcat Replying to @DelcatDelcat and @batshaped "I'm taking your [item], and there's nothing you can do about it!" 2:41 PM · 3/21/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Font - ul T-Mobile 11:36 AM 1 30% Tweet Woshua @DelcatDelcat Replying to @DelcatDelcat and @batshaped And it will be gone. And there is nothing you can do about it. AND THEY WILL SET IT UP IN THEIR OWN HOUSE. 2:44 PM 3/21/20 · Twitter for iPhone



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Classist Roommate Gets Called Out After Insulting Plumber

People that assume other people aren't carrying on with meaningful and incredibly helpful professions just because they didn't go get that college education are something else, man. This particular roommate got a swift reality check after making some disrespectful remarks pointed toward the fee that the plumber charged to come through and clean up their literal sh*t. The moral judges of Reddit's AITA in this thread are in agreement that the classist roommate was the one who was out of bounds in this scenario. 


Font - 11 O 10 3 7 8 11 AITA for snapping at my classist roommate? Not the A-hole I live in a house with 3 other people (all students). Last week one of our toilets got really clogged up, to the point that we could not fix it by ourselves and had to call a plumber. The plumber came and was working on it for an hour, for which he charged us 50€.


Font - Since then, one of my roommates won't stop making comments about how expensive that is and that a plumber has no right to charge so much since he didn't go to college. The last comment on a long list of them was "if you can charge 50€ an hour for fixing a toilet why are we even studying?". After this I couldn't hold it in anymore and finally snapped. I told her "I think 50€ is a more than reasonable price to deal with your literal shit. You can start working as a plumber right now if you


Font - 123Tequilla · 2d NTA. The plumber didn't 'earn' 50$. He charged for a service he provided and he will have to pay taxes, tools/ materials and his ride to and from your location. Q Reply 453 ...


Font - liefieblue · 2d · Partassipant [3] S 8 8 Awards NTA - if she is only realising now what people with a trade earn, she has led a very sheltered life. They have a different education, not an inferior one. People who work with their hands doing essential services are what keep our world ticking over and the sooner she realises it the better. + Reply 16.2k ...


Smile - comparitiveanatomist · 2d · Partassipant [1] Giant NTA - your roommate needs a reality check, people deserve a fair wage regardless of their academic achievements. She sounds super bitter and entitled. O Reply 1 2.2k 3 ...


Smile - Dookwithanegg · 2d · Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA and you are absolutely correct. His skilled labour is worth the money. If it wasn't then she could take the €50 payment, do it herself, and end up taking significantly longer to do a worse job at a higher cost. E Q Reply 1.1k ...


Font - aspieperhaps • 2d · Partassipant [1] NTA. How did you disrespect her? edit: it's a rhetoric question. You don't need to answer it. Reply 504 ...


Font - Snarkybish03 · 2d So he was skilled enough to do something yall couldn't but doesnt deserve pay? Arent doctors, pilots, electricians paid for their skillset? And what is miss high and mighty studying? Hilarious if its something thats just gonna have her working at starbucks anyway with just student loans to show for it. Nta and dont you dare apologize Reply 4 121 ...


Font - H8rsH8 • 2d During lockdown, when people started losing their jobs left and right, my dad and I had a conversation, that three jobs in particular are always going to be needed, no matter what: • Plumber Electrician HVAC technician No matter the circumstances, people will always pay whatever is necessary for those services. And none of them require a college degree - just trade school. People like your roommate are why I tell my high school students not to rule out trade school. People may


Font - Scribb74 · 2d NTA - she needed this reality check. She reminds of a team manager at a place I used to work at, I was in facilities and was assisting our on site engineer, this manager made some snide remark about being on minimum wage to the engineer, he retorted : "I took home 75k last year after tax how much did you take home" She went beetroot and walked off. Reply 1 31 < ... +


Smile - GreenTravelBadger · 2d NTA. You nailed it! If she feels disrespected for disrespecting someone, that's too bad, she's going to have to learn to live with it. Do not apologize. And as far as her not speaking to you, that's a blessing. Q Reply 1 18 3 ...


Font - SNORALAXX• 2d NTA. I'm a college professor. My dad was a college professor. My grandfather was a college professor. We are perhaps the most overeducated family you would ever want to meet. But you know what we aren't? Classist snobbish jerks. I was raised to respect all people including tradespeople, waitstaff, cleaning people etc. You are right to call this person out. And you have now experienced a weird phenomenon: people often rally behind the AH rather than the person calling them ou


Font - MAFC1934 · 2d NTA - and I LOVE your response to your RM. I wish I had an award to give you :D Reply 1 7 3 ...


Rectangle - TinLizzy-1909· 2d NTA - People having a disrespect for "the trades" is a hot button for me. And her elitists' attitude of not studding to learn a trade is way off. I went to trade school and studied my rear off. Apprenticeships take years to complete and you are working and studying the whole time. Reply 1 6 ...


Smile - brazentory · 2d NTA!! She's in college? She thinks that 50 is their hourly wage? That it doesn't pay for the truck and equipment they showed up in? The overhead and training? She's not the smart one is she? | Reply 1 4 ... +


Font - mstar1125 · 2d NTA Also, the fact that 4 people couldn't fix it sort of makes the point that the plumber's services are valuable and needed. To be honest, he should have charged more! I have lots of family and friends who work in trades, and it annoys me to no end the amount of people who are either not "handy" or think their time is too valuable to spend on menial chores who then turn around and complain about how much those services cost for someone else to do them. Reply


Font - AnAngryMelon • 2d NTA I have a fairly affluent group of friends who's parents have a wide range of jobs but by far the most wealthy's dad is a plumber Reply 5 3 ...


Smile - leebo97 · 2d NTA - also separately yall got a fantastic deal, I dont know the exact exchange rate but my plumber friends charge $300 to come unclog a toilet, for exactly the reason of "dealing with your literal shit" Reply ...


Font - Midia00 · 2d "if you can charge 50€ an hour for fixing a toilet why are we even studying?". NTA and thanks for the laugh I don't see how you disrespected her, you just gave her a reality check. He's done his job and deserved to be paid for it, plus I don't know in which planet she's living but a diploma does not mean you will have a higher salary than someone who doesn't, it depends on the type and diploma and job you get. Reply 14 3 ...


Font - NecessaryHighway · 2d NTA. My old psychiatrist had a Ph.D. in addition to his M.D.. So 4 years of BS + 8 years in M.D./Ph.D. + 4 years of internship/residency/fellowship. He laughed once that despite his very long education, h still made less per hour than his plumber. Your roommate might want to take a seat. I'm in the U.S. so things may be different, but 50€ seems like a fucking bargain to me. Reply 1 3 ...


Font - kb-g • 2d NTA, and she's in for another rude awakening when she first gets a vehicle repaired. It's supply and demand. There are relatively few plumbers and they provide an emergency service- that costs money Reply ...


Rectangle - squidiot10 · 2d NTA I'm a tradesman. I got paid for my 5 years of workplace education. I have no student debt, and I outearn most of my college educated friends. And, if your life is on the line, who's weld would you trust? A welder making $15 per hour, or a skilled tradesmen making $45 per hour? Reply ...


Font - mblair722 · 1d Absolutely NTA! As I always tell my kids, people working a trade are just as important as any other job, and not everyone is cut out for college and the jobs that come from it. My husband is a mechanic, and his father is a retired mechanic. When my stepson started considering doing the same, I encouraged him to do so, if it's what he really wanted. He has a learning disability, and struggled in school, so l'm not surprised he has no interest in college. I've always told him


Font - sincerelycjones · 2d NTA. When my dad was earning his licenses, he was had to learn the complex equations that dictated WHY a certain type of pipe could withstand a certain amount of pressure. It was practically engineering. In addition to learning local zoning laws so he could pull permits. It's years of study and apprenticeships to learn the hands on portion of the job. Factoring in having to buy and maintain equipment/ tools, travel, and administrative tasks on top of the skilled trade


Font - benx101 · 2d · Partassipant [4] NTA Just cause a plumber didn't go to normal college doesn't mean they didn't go to another secondary school. There's trade schools for plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc. Often those schools are less time than normal college! Your friend just didn't like that you didn't agree with her Q Reply 1 2 ...


Font - wtfmop · 2d NTA. This is a super reasonable call out charge and fixing fee. People that learn a trade are essential to a functioning society, and are unlikely to have put themselves in to debt doing it. A lot of people think their degree has to mean something otherwise they can't justify the amount of money/time they've wasted with it. They had no reason to be so dismissive when they clearly couldn't resolve the issue themselves Reply 1 3 ...


Font - Danmont88 · 2d NTA. In fact here in the states more parents and professionals are telling young people to give consideration to a trade instead of college. We seem to be running a bit short of tradesmen and trade schools and internships don't cost near what a college degree does. One person here on Reddit spoke of how he went to wielding school and was making 50K dollars a year while his college educated friend made fun of him for doing so but, the friend was still looking for a job and p

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History Memes For The Ages

More and more history is being made every day, so naturally people are gonna make history memes about it. Sure, it's probably more helpful to learn about the Spanish Inquisition in an actual book, but history memes are pretty good too. They're like 90 percent as good, probably. Yeah, that sounds right.


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