Sunday, March 5, 2023

Squirrels helps get revenge on Karen neighbor: 'This whole event caused her to toss the entire roast she had been making [ ] out the window'

Nothing like nature taking its natural course and weeding out the evil ones. This story below is a perfect example of humanity and nature coming together to annoy the evil ones aka Karens. Yes, even nature hates Karens.

The story begins inside a simple city apartment. The Karen neighbor is on the top floor and the squirrel allies are below her. This particular Karen neighbor has many instances where she throws tantrums and treats everyone below her like… well, like they are beneath her, if you know what we mean. Maybe because she is on the top floor she feels like she has the right to treat her neighbors like trash and be a horrible example of a "friendly" neighbor. But, we digress. The story began one day when the downstairs neighbors heard some commotion and then a window break. They looked outside at the shared yard they unfortunately had with the Karen, and see a lone roast sitting on the ground. Turns out something happened and the Karen threw a roast through a closed window… 

The roast was the catalyst for the squirrels. The apartment building had a squirrel problem once before, but they were able to get it under control, no thanks to the slum-like landlords. The Karen neighbor did not care we suppose, because she left her roast out there for all the squirrels to feast on and then on top of that left her disgusting dirty-diaper-filled trash out for the squirrels to get to. 

So, of course, the squirrels got to everything and eventually made their way back into the building's walls. They started making loud noises scurrying between walls all day, keeping the Karen neighbor up. Since the landlord sucked, like they often do, the Karen just had to live with the squirrels torturing her. 

The neighbors thought maybe they could do something to help, but then again… Nah. This was nature's way of giving the Karen neighbor what she deserved. Thank you, city squirrels! Read the entire situation and how it ended below: 

'The flat is paid for and you are still paying rent?!' Woman gets ripped off by trust fund baby boyfriend, internet reacts

I smell a breakup in the near future. Let's hope the original poster is listening to the feedback she received after posting this thread to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit because this relationship is just toxic now.


Let's start with the fact that this trust fund baby had his apartment fully paid for by daddy, yet he insists on his girlfriend paying him half of what the market rate would be each month. That's not money that's supposed to be paid to a landlord or to the guy's father. That's just free money for the boyfriend. And on top of that, now he wants all of their expenses to be split proportionally according to their income, a request he conveniently made not long after she got a big promotion. Does this guy earn any of his own money? The audacity is mind-boggling at this point. How about they factor in generational wealth to make things really fair?


Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best comments. When you're finished, check out this person's petty revenge on their evil stepmother.

30+ Delightfully dorky 'drop-off lines' to break up with your boo

If you get dates with a pick-up line, you use a drop-off line when you break up! On the r/AskReddit sub, people were in stitches with these outrageous hypothetical breakup lines. Some people claim to have actually broken up with people in this goofy manner in middle school! Don't actually use these unless you want to have some major regrets. With lines like "Our relationship is like my financial status: Broke," at least they're plenty relatable. Comments flooded in with suggestions, so clearly people have thought about using these goofy one liners, should they ever get the chance. 

Decide for yourself which breakup line you love most, or drop your own version in the comments below. Then, check out this family vacation gone wrong after one mom demanded her cousin watch her kids, then freaked out when she heard their salary request. 

'I forced myself to keep going out of spite': Entitled woman kicks athlete's water bottle while waiting to use sled weights, athlete gets petty revenge

Are gyms the newest breeding ground for entitled behavior? I won't lie, when I first saw this thread, which was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, I assumed that the original poster was one of those people who hog a machine and spend upwards of ten minutes "resting in between sets" at a machine while scrolling through dating apps and social media.


However, that doesn't seem to be the case here. In this story, the Redditor was taking only a minute in between sets and used their water bottle to mark their territory. Cue the entitled woman, who literally kicked the Redditor's hydroflask and attempted to take their sled weight. This led to the original poster's desire for some exercise-fueled petty revenge. Keep scrolling below to see exactly what they did next and how the woman responded. For more stories like this, check out this Redditor's revenge on their stepmother!

'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

This confused freelancer is unsure if they asked for way too much money to babysit their cousin's three youngsters. U/HENNYDEFN was pretty sure they weren't asking for too much money, but they checked with the r/AmItheA**hole community to be sure. 

As the OP writes, they're actually a software engineer who freelances on the side. They make between $40-$60 per hour at their official roles, but they were willing to offer a family discount when their cousin asked them to babysit. This cousin is bringing three kids on vacation with the OP. Shockingly, the cousin asked the OP to babysit her kids for the entirety of the three day vacation. It's pretty wild to assume this hardworking OP would rather spend their vacation watching three young kids. But then, when the OP tried to negotiate an hourly rate, their cousin didn't take it well. 

Next, this person made an unbelievably cringe mistake at their big interview with a company's CEO… 

'I will be leaving in order to pursue happiness': Employee prints form resignation letter and makes savage hand-written adjustments

Talk about effortless, am I right? If you've ever been in a situation where you needed to quit your job immediately, you would know that sometimes you have already put in more than enough effort to be courteous about it. You've already put up with more than enough BS in the workplace. You've already been asked to take on more responsibility than what you've signed up for with no change in pay. You've already had to do the work of multiple people simultaneously. And, well, you've had enough.


It's important to get you in that mindset before taking a look at this letter, which was shared on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit. Let's just say that this person has set the new standard for resignation letters. The edits are chef's kiss perfect. Be sure to remember these adjustments when it's your turn to give your two weeks' notice. 


For more, here's a tale of malicious compliance in which a retail employee was shamed by his boss's boss.