Saturday, May 17, 2014


It's... it's perfect...

New Trend in Japan: Elder sisters dressed their little brothers up as girls, with cute and hilarious results

Probably super unpopular. But seriously, they don't give a s**t about you.

Found in my local beer store

Grading confession of a teacher.

Superhero party they said and this guy turned up like this

I don't know anything about sports but something about this is gold.

Crab emerging from its old shell

Or as we call him in Zimbabwe...

Complications on the set of Godzilla

I've never been to Phoenix before today

Cat playing hide and seek

The one who did this defined the word "awesome" in an image.

And that's all I have to say about that.

So... Carter has made his way to Denmark now.

Epic Free Kick

Why Deadpool is awesome reason 17323483

When s**t is about to get real

How to impress your date.

I asked that the same question!

As a casual gamer

Me on my finals


As a songwriter, this infuriates me.

Selfie of the year.

Morbid Fun Fact Skeleton

The REAL reason the cat saved the little boy

Most specific gift ever

Just Beautiful!

I would definitely ride it into battle.

Back to bed

The Prince of England meets the Queen of the internet

Challenge accepted.

Someone in the office brought this in

I'm... just gonna... just gonna take this. Yea this is mine now.

My buddy is a GGG, he saved my life after I moved cross country for a girl and we broke up a week into living together

That face

Spidey knows what's up

Korean Armadillo-T car, folds up for compact storage

Different alcoholic drinks under a microscope.

Well at least I know now

I swear, it was a dragon!

Awkward high paw

My life goal

As an audio tech at a party

Letting a toddler ride his bike down a hill.

Photo taken while visiting Israel. The rest of the group couldn't figure out why I was laughing so hard.

I'm sure someone will have something to say...

An Infomercial For How You Actually Play Skyrim