Wednesday, January 29, 2020

People's Experiences With Doomsday Prepper Parents

A collection of AskReddit replies to people that grew up with Doomsday Prepper parents | posted by TheSoviet-Union My father had crates full non perishable food, camping gear, gas cookers name he had he stored bunker he built, which really just big anderson shelter.

People are sharing their experiences with growing up with doomsday prepper parents, or people they've crossed paths with that were just convinced that the apocalypse was looming heavy around the corner. Can't imagine how that could affect a child's outlook on life, if they're growing up around stockpiles of food and other life essentials like the world was about to cave in on itself at any moment. Definitely a stressful environment. 

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Twitter Thread On People's Weirdest Dates

A funny Twitter thread on the weirdest dates that people have ever been on | desktwink Replying postgrad_barty Tinder girl invited mcdonalds and spent entire 45 minutes convincing they were known their chicken rather than their burgers then she showed dent on her car and like Do want hug and said no and she hugged anyway

Twitter user @LauraKlein113 started up a viral Twitter thread on people's weirdest first date experiences. The reality is that in an era filled with numerous dating apps, that people are going to land themselves in some pretty strange dates. I mean, you never know what kind of crazy might lurk behind that next right swipe on Tinder. If you're on the hunt or some funny moments that very well could've led to unimaginably weird dates, from the wild world of Tinder, we recommend checking these out.

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Freezing Uber Passenger Gets In Wrong Car

What a wonderfully wholesome turn of events!

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Tagged: FAIL , uber , driving , ridiculous , Video

Guy On Twitter Explains How To Avoid Boring Salads

Helpful Twitter thread explains how to make salads taste better.

Elan Gale, who is an author and producer best known for his work on The Bachelor, made some waves on Twitter for his helpful Twitter thread about how to avoid dull and boring salads. This could be just the kind of advice that people struggling to choke down that next flavorless salad so sorely needed. 

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Painfully Relatable Job Interview Memes

Job interview memes that are super relatable for anyone looking for a job.

Interviewing for a new job can be a terrifying and soul-draining process. We put ourselves out there and try to do a decent enough job at selling ourselves to a willing company. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes you leave the room with a sour taste in your mouth, convinced that you'll never be seeing that person again. These job interview memes speak to the struggles of the job interview process. 

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Hungry Trees that Enveloped Stuff

Trees that grew around objects.

Trees and plants have the incredible ability to keep trying even when the odds are stacked against them. It's really all they can do. Take these unstoppable plants who won't take no for an answer. Here are some trees that munched on the stuff around them, which turned out to be a whole lot of bikes and abandoned weapons.

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Actual Meanings Of Corporate Catchphrases

Corporate catchphrases get translated by people on Twitter.

Twitter user @delia_p started a thread on what the actual meanings behind various corporate catchphrases are. The corporate world can inspire all kinds of deceptive lingo and forced written pleasantries between people that'd just as much rather never say anything to each other. The following can serve as a potentially helpful and hilariously relatable list of what some of those corporate catchphrases actually mean, next time you read one in an email. 

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Dad Memes That Go Father Than Ever Before

Jokes and memes for dads and about them.

There are jokes about dads. Jokes for dads. Jokes that dads love to make. It's just a big dad party out here and the dad memes are flowing freely like a poorly done home plumbing repair. Here are more dad memes to keep dads going through these dark times. And here are more still, some rad dad memes to achieve dad dreams.

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Tagged: dads , jokes , puns , parenting , Memes , lol , dad , family , funny

Guy Leaves Girlfriend At Airport Cause Her Passport's Expired

Guy asks people on Reddit whether it was wrong for him to leave his immature girlfriend at the airport.

It sounds like this young woman has a whole lot of growing up to do. This guy asked the people of Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for leaving his girlfriend at the airport, after realizing her passport was expired. The context is everything here though. At the end of the day, things probably aren't going to work out if your partner refuses to stop acting like a child when it comes to taking responsibility for simple life tasks. 

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Moments That Are Good Reasons To Not Have Kids

Children being frustrating and messy.

They get into your stuff, ruin your things and draw on the dog. Sometimes kids are weird and dumb in a funny way, but other times they're dumb in a destructive and frustrating way. From the huge messes to the irrational meltdowns, it's better for some people to not have to deal with parenting.

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Choosing Beggar Wants Friend's Car For Date, Gets Rejected, Questions Friendship

Guy's buddy wants his car for a date, and they end up arguing about it | Hey bro, is cool if still borrow whip tonight? Yeah man just bring back by 10 time swinging thru

Ah, the good old choosing beggar strikes again with another ridiculous case of entitlement. This guy's biggest mistake was assuming that the car was going to be the dealbreaker when it came to getting lucky on his date. Naturally, that kind of twisted thinking resulted in one ridiculous and avoidable angry back-and-forth between friends, regarding being able to borrow a car. Hopefully they're able to salvage their friendship. 

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Sleeping Dogs In Silly Positions

Funny dogs sleeping in awkward positions | funny dog sleeping behind the toilet with its face resting on a pipe. cute white puppy sleeping on its belly spread eagle legs outstretched on the floor

Dogs have the uncanny ability to find themselves comfortable in the most uncomfortable of positions and places. Honestly some of these look like piles of legs. When some dogs aren't sleeping, they are professional dogs who take their work very seriously. Less professional dogs are just getting stuck in stuff.

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Tagged: dogs , Awkward , lol , silly , funny , aww , wholesome , tired , cute , animals

Most Random "Facts" People Know (20 Tweets)

Tweets from people talking about their favorite random facts | tweet by CK @la_natif Replying MsPackyetti Phenomena Doorway Effect forget reason enter different room retrieve reason, walk backwards w/o turning around can trigger memory.

Twitter user @MsPackyetti kickstarted a viral thread with people sharing their favorite random facts. Fun facts can serve as a very effective means to break the ice at the next stuffy social gathering, or just as a way to expand your mental horizons. Definitely had no idea that the act of "cheersing" mugs comes from medieval suspicions that people were trying not to get poisoned, and would thus reassure themselves by spilling their drinks into each other's. Wild stuff, man. 

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Guy Loses Job, Gets Stranded On Island, And Gets Friend Deported

Guy loses his job, gets stranded on an island, and ends up getting his friend deported | r/tifu posted by jazzandboats TIFU by losing my job, getting stranded on an island, and getting my friend deported Oooooh boy this is big FU. Thave been working on cruise ship past 5 months live with, work with, eat with, and do everything else with same people every day months

It's like this guy was trying to check all the boxes for what constitutes a devastating fail. It's one thing if life throws you a sh*t-coated curveball and you end up losing your job. It's a whole another beast to find yourself stranded on an actual island. But to additionally somehow get your friend deported? That's straight up surreal nightmare territory. 

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Tagged: regrets , fired , FAIL , job , cringe , ridiculous , tifu

Ways People Got Blocked By Famous People

Tweets from various people explaining how they got blocked by famous people | William Shatner @WilliamShatner blocked. vincesrocks Replying vincesrocks and @bertkreischer cause William Shatner @WilliamShat And am not guy green lit Eps 1-3! U Linda Sue @hyannis1952 Replying WilliamShatner This will get some annoyed Star Wars fans Vince @rottenzombiehug directed Star Trek V.

Comedian Bert Kreischer started up a Twitter thread of people sharing the ways they ended up getting blocked by celebrities on Twitter. Some instances seem like the celebrities couldn't have had less of a sense of humor. Maybe they just get tired of the constant online trolling at a certain point though. 

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