Wednesday, February 21, 2018

40 Brutally Funny Moments From "It's Always Sunny"

its always sunny in philadelphia alcoholism moments danny devito brutal funny weird - 4870917

Need something to do with your night, man? Here's a collection of sweet bits from Philly's favorite cretins. 

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Driver's Crazy Car Chase Move is GTA In Real Life

los angeles car chase train chase GTA V crime Grand Theft Auto tunnel police - 4866053

It was looking like a regular LA car chase until this happened.

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Woman Claiming Her Sister Died In 9/11 Gets Caught Using Celebrity Photo

katy perry FAIL september 11 facebook - 4869893

Some people will go to great lengths for attention. Wow.

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49 More Kickass Fun Facts To Make Your Brain Bloated With Knowledge

Collection of fun facts to keep you entertained with new bits of knowledge.

These are closer to "alternative facts", but either way, a big thanks to the folks over at KickassFacts for keeping us ever entertained with a steady stream of factoids. 

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12 Brainless Bullsh*tters That Got Called Out For Their Lies

quit your bullshit FAIL cringe lying social media - 4870405

The good and ever hungry truth-seekers of r/quityourbullshit were not about to let these lie-peddling morons get away with their latest lines of pure and unadulterated BS. 

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41 Hilarious Moments from Scottish People Twitter

scottish twitter scotland - 4866821

English version unavailable.

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28 Overheard Conversations To Keep You Looking Over Your Shoulder

eavesdropping twitter overheard dumb funny - 4867589

People say weird and dumb stuff all the time. And sometimes, someone's listening.

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Guy Gets Dragged On Twitter After Trying To Prove Male Privilege Is A Myth

sexism twitter ridiculous funny - 4867845

Some people just want to watch their worlds burn. Dude all but lit the match to make himself the victim of this fiery ragestorm. 

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Sister Becomes Hilarious Meme After Discovering Her Brother's A Furry

twitter cringe ridiculous family funny furry - 4865797

Fur real, this sister was not ready for her ruff realization. 

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When Your Week Seems Like It Wasn't A Total Failure

Plane Forced To Take Emergency Landing After Fart Attack

Guy's fart is so bad it literally brings down a plane and people react on Twitter.

Have you really lived until you've incited a fight inspired purely by the volatile noise (and smells) of your flatulence? The obvious answer is NO. 

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Tagged: news , FAIL , gross , cringe , farting

Guy Lies About His Girlfriend Being A Horrible Speller And Gets Properly Called Out

Guy lies about his girlfriend being terrible at spelling and gets properly called out.

The real idiot was the dude who thought he'd get away with this. 

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21 Times Marvel Movies Screwed Up

marvel movies mistakes Bloopers FAIL - 4856069

All the aliens, gods and mutants are fine and believable, but what really takes us out of the movie is when someone's hair changes mid-scene.

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13 Clever but mostly Terrifying and Weird Baby Cakes

cake FAILS gross weird - 4852997

People like babies, and people like cake, but the two together don't work out so well.

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Tagged: cake , FAILS , gross , weird

Amazing Ping Pong Shot Stops Opponent in His Tracks

Where did he learn how to do that?

Submitted by: (via johaat)

Tagged: sports , win , ping pong