Sunday, July 4, 2021

Employee Isn't Being Paid For Being On Time, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Being lambasted by a manager for showing up on time is one thing, but when you find out they're not actually paying you even after you've clocked yourself in? Then it's time to get creative. It's disappointing to learn that even small things in life can become a power play, but those moments are a good opportunity to learn how much power you actually have in any given situation. For example, this store owner who wouldn't change their number so a dude fought back.

People's Experiences Working On Notoriously Bad Movies And Games

The kinds of thoughts that must possess someone who finds themselves stuck working on a movie or a video game that they instinctually know is destined for utter disaster must be terribly overwhelming. It's like, part of you probably just wants to dip ship and pivot into something that might actually shake out favorably. While, at the same time the other part of you could feel some kind of irrational loyalty to see the sinking ship down as it approaches its ultimate demise. Maybe these people's stories about what it was like for them to work on infamously bad movies and games will make you feel better about the failed projects that you were tasked with seeing through. 

Entitled Customer Shows Up When Restaurant's Closed, Leaves Nasty Review

The entitled people in this world that have the gross audacity to go ahead and stink up perfectly fine establishments with dishonest and downright nasty reviews because their entitlement wasn't catered to in the first place, are in a league of their own. Obviously, we're not talking about the kind of league that you'd ever want to find yourself in. We're just glad to see that this "customer" was dealt with in righteous fashion. Everyone has their breaking point, and eventually someone comes along that isn't going to put up with all of the toxic behavior. For another ridiculous case of entitlement, check out this Karen who demanded the exact change and then got upset when actually got it

Biggest Plot Holes In Reality Itself

Some days it can feel like you're living in a matrix more than the other days. There are many elements that go into this big ole cocktail that is "reality" that can end up misfiring, and leaving you genuinely confused over how something just occurred. That comment about the whole matter of sleep/consciousness is a great start for what naturally ends up being a very trippy thread. It's almost like sleep is its own kind of cutscene situation. Unless you're able to retain some kind of "control" through a practice like lucid dreaming. 

Pretty weird how when you first "wake up" in a dream, the dream world can amplify in its vividness and look more real than the world that you end up experiencing when you're back in an awake state. Sometimes, it's best to not fall too far down those rabbit holes. 

Thief Nephew Steals His Way Out of College Money

No one is prepared to tolerate a thief, and this guy's nephew stole himself a ticket to 40K extra in college debt when he decided to abuse his uncle's trust. It doesn't seem like too good of an investment. People deal with thieves in professional settings too, like this lunch thief that got outed by a coworker's revenge or this employee who got a raise for catching a stealing manager. For some sneakiness that lies in the realm of the absurd, here are cons people pulled off through complete confidence.

Bad Life Pro Tips To Really Jack Up One's Game

As people, we're constantly fretting over the next best move. We don't want to make rash decisions, so we seek out advice that best fits our situation. But that advice sometimes isn't so great. Sometimes, it's bad life pro tips that won't help at all. Be they wildly self-destructive or heinously immoral, some pieces of advice are just hilariously dumb and bad tips to avoid.

Red Flags To Look Out For In People

Everyone can live their own truth or whatever, but spend enough time alive and you start to notice personality traits that people can't stand. We could all gain something from spending our time around less manipulative or abusive people. At the same time, if we see ourselves doing these things it's a good chance to know if we're alienating our friends and coworkers. We can dodge a lot of bullets by knowing what signs to look for in red flags for roommates or red flags at job interviews.

Mad Lads Who Made The World Their Big Briny Oyster

The world is full of rules, and that's just not acceptable for these mad lads who blazed their own trail. The way of the mad lad is one of deceit, manipulation, and a commitment to the bit. It's a lonely road because so few of us choose chaos, but when it works, it works. May the mad lads of the world reap the rewards of their toil.

Twitter Gems Tweeted From Twitter's Twitterrific Tweeters

Sometimes, it's nice to take a break from all the arguing and panic-inducing headlines that can often break out in the vast world of Twitter. Instead, it can be fun to turn the attention towards what kinds of funny and downright strange observations that Twitter's wandering minds have shared most recently. This batch of Twitter gems certainly didn't disappoint. For some more gold from the Twitter world, go ahead and check out this collection of comedy gems from Tony Hawk on Twitter

Weird, Awful and Wild Junk People Tried Selling Online

What do we do with useless garbage? Obviously, try to sell that weird junk online. Does anyone need an extended lawnmower or thousands of empty cans of Mountain Dew? Who knows, but maybe someone will find a use for it. Got a horrible or weird art project like baby planters or dog wigs?Try to sell that ridiculous junk too. Who could it hurt by asking?

The Stupidest Reasons Companies Fired People

Unfortunately, a ton of us have had our run-ins with being fired from companies over the dumbest matters. Honestly, sometimes it can end up being for the best. Life is far too short to put yourself through nothing short of a hellish experience just because you're committed to chasing the next paycheck. There's always going to be another gig out there that can pay you a decent enough amount of money, without you having to bid farewell to your soul in the process. Sometimes just quitting the job in the first place or getting fired, actually opens up the opportunity for a far better job to present itself. For some more career drama check out some of the biggest red flags that people got during their job interviews

Man Puts Sauce On Expensive Steak Prepared By Girlfriend, Asks If He's In The Wrong

The world's filled with many folks who can get very particular when it comes to how they like their steaks prepared. It's not beyond reason to draw the assumption that there are plenty of people who would pitch absolute temper tantrums over any kinds of sauce being put on their steaks. I mean hey, maybe you're someone who has always enjoyed rocking a sizable amount of ketchup with your steak. To each their own. 

Doesn't mean that other people are going to necessarily understand what kind of wave you're on though. With all of that steak talk out of the way, let's take a closer look at the drama that broke out between a couple over a boyfriend deciding to put sauce on an expensive steak that was thoughtfully prepared by his girlfriend. 

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Contestant Gets Instantly Humbled

If you can't walk the walk, just don't talk the talk. Otherwise, you'll likely end up putting yourself in a video that will stand the test of time itself, because everything is forever on the internet. This egotistical contestant on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" came right out of the gate with all the brags. Then, oh boy, he proceeds to literally get the first question wrong. Whoops. 

Impressive Creations of Weird Taste

All in all it's good to know that it's possible to weave a wicker toilet. It's not clear exactly what it's for, but it definitely counts as an impressive creation of dubious taste. Everyone has their own style, and whether that's golden hot dog statues or chest tattoos of Scooby Doo, there's always someone out there willing to make an extremely competent version of it. They may be of questionable taste, but they're definitely impressive creations.

Choosing Beggar Tries To Haggle Over Artist's Pricing, Gets Rejected, Turns Nasty

This is definitely not the first time that we've seen a choosing beggar pitch a fit over a completely reasonable pricing being offered up, and we're sure that it unfortunately won't be the last time. It's just wild, man. The sheer amount of selfish ignorance. Like, they make a whole fuss out of being rejected by an artist who is just trying to make their own money during hard times. Where's the understanding? 

The Stupidest Injuries People Have Sustained

No injury is smart, but some are certainly dumber than others. Whether it came from a seemingly inconsequential source, a poor decision, or just plain hubris, most of us have sustained otherwise avoidable injuries that at least make for an okay story. Some are dumb and embarrassing freak injuries. Other injuries are just stupid.