Friday, February 24, 2023

Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

Wherever there are parking spaces or driveways… there are bound to be neighbors feuding over them. It's just one of those territorial behaviors that have been ingrained in us since the monkey times… Monkey get big cube of metal. Monkey need place to keep big cube of metal. Other monkey move their cube of metal. Monkey take other monkey's metal cube keeping place. Other monkey mad.

This story plays out time and time again, with an irrational neighbor insisting on parking in another (slightly less irrational) neighbor's space. This hatred will simmer like a soup in summer until it finally boils over into a meltdown of rage. 

That's what happened when this "nosey and judgemental" neighbor made a point of blocking this single mother's driveway after stealing her children's ball. After the neighbor claimed that she "had a right to park wherever she wanted" things escalated, and the police got involved. The neighbor is now demanding an apology and the mother is wondering if she is in the wrong for calling the police. 

What's your call?

'Your SIL is an entitled parent': Party host gets yelled at by her SIL over food choices

Planning and hosting a kid's birthday party is stressful enough, but this woman's entitled sister-in-law made it so much worse. This OP shared her story with the internet, since she was seeking helpful opinions on whether or not she was the jerk in this situation. 

As the OP, u/haley××2 wrote, she was planning a birthday party for her kiddo, age 8, and inviting a bunch of people over. The OP invited her sister in law and niece, age 6, to the party as well. Since her niece has several allergies, plus can't have gluten or dairy, she catered a meal specially for her. But that didn't stop the little girl from throwing a tantrum when she couldn't have the food that everyone else was eating at the party, and that's when the real drama began. 

Her SIL was furious that the OP didn't make literally every food to fit with her kid's dietary needs. But, of course, "My daughter doesn't have allergies. This party was for her," the OP wrote. 

Next, this teen wanted people to weigh in on whether or not he was a mansplainer… and people in the comments agreed that he wasn't!

'She accused me of mansplaining': Teen refuses to work with study partner after she claims he's 'speaking to her [friend] like an idiot'

This guy was unsure about the difference between mansplaining and being a dude explaining a topic, so he turned to r/AmItheA**hole for advice. 

Many women have experienced mansplaining – depending on what circles you're in, it might happen all the time! But for this 15 year old, he's been accused of something he doesn't think he did. 

As he writes, the OP, Ellie, and Mia are all in a class together. He and Ellie study together during and outside of their physics class, as he recited parts of the lesson to help him remember and to reintroduce the material to Ellie. While the OP thought this was going smoothly, he suddenly got called out by Mia. Now, he's turned to r/AmItheA**hole to ask if he really was being a mansplainer, or if he was just a dude studying for physics class with his friend. 

In this case, I understand this girl's frustration about mansplaining, which happens literally all the time if you're a woman, but she's definitely in the wrong on this one. The subject is quite fraught, so the viral "mansplaining chart" is included below to help! 

Commenters agreed that the OP was correct this time around. This classmate needed the lesson, and hopefully the embarrassment and fallout from this will make her rethink her words in the future.  Next, check out these 30+ people who shared the opinions that would be super unpopular if they said them aloud.