Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Russian Man Almost Interrupted By Car Accident

It's hard to tell what's going on here, but by the looks of it, this guy is giving an interview when a car speeds through the scene, nearly interrupting him. If it were any worse, he might have not had the time to take another drag.

Submitted by: (via Алик Алмазов)

Man's Unicorn Costume Sends Co-Worker Into Tears

The mystical unicorn that is Ferdinand was not taking the whole Halloween thing lightly. This'll always have its rightful place in history for being an awesome Halloween costume, in the middle of an otherwise mundane weather forecast. 

Submitted by: (via Global News)

Dad Tells Daughter Where Sausages Come From

Come on, Dad. Ignorance is bliss. Don't do your daughter like that. Nobody really wants to think about where sausages come from. 

Submitted by: (via B C)

Bridezilla Wants A Redo Wedding, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

If you play the part of a nasty bridezilla the first time around, you should be more than ready for anyone that attended that mess of a performance to reject your request to do the whole thing over again. Seems like this particular family member was totally in the right for not wanting to attend the dramatics yet again. Folks in the comments section would all seem to be in agreement as well. 

For some more juicy bridezilla drama check out this story about the time a bridezilla Karen ended up looking like a pauper at her own wedding.


Text - AITA for telling my sister I won't be in her second/makeup wedding? My (25f) sister (30f) got married six years ago. The wedding did not go quite as planned so she and her husband have decided they want a redo and are planning to have their wedding late next year. I was her bridesmaid/kinda maid of honor with one of her friends, and she treated me like shit. I was younger then and didn't really say much because the rest of my family would have told me to deal with it for her day, and be t


Text - I was SO stressed out because of her and then at her wedding one of our cousins had a medical emergency followed by our brothers girlfriend going into labor. I bore the brunt of her anger that day and afterward she got pissy with our brothers girlfriend for taking the spotlight from her and now they don't talk and she doesn't know our nephew.


Text - So when she asked me again I told her no. She wanted a reason. I told her to reflect on how she treated me at her last wedding and left it there. Now our parents, paternal grandma and paternal aunts and great aunts are all rallying to get me to say yes, and to apologize for saying no. ΑΙΤΑ? 12.1k 833 Share


Text - Mysterious-Winter616 • 10h She's still holding a grudge because your nephew was born on wedding day? Damn. So l'm guessing she hasn't done any maturing during the last 6 years. I would not want a repeat of that experience. Basically you've got a year before the wedding. By when do you have to let them know if you're changing your mind? Book a vacation that you just forgot to tell them about it. Lol. NTA Reply 1.7k ...


Text - Readingreddit12345 • 10h • Partassipant [4] NTA- She was a Bridezilla the first time around and has had six years to plan how to be even more demanding the second time around Reply 12.0k


Text - weeble_ • 11h • Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA. You are a person with free will. If you feel you were treated badly and don't want to be put in a position where it could happen again, well you have every right to do as you please and shouldn't feel any guilt for that choice. And is buying your own dress a thing? At my marriage we bought all the clothes, bridesmaids, best man, page boy...all out of our funds Reply 1 1.9k ...


Text - kma1391 • 8h NTA. Don't put yourself through that again. And you don't have anything to bloody apologize for. Did your family not see this behaviour from her? Or is she the "golden child" that can do no wrong? Reply 149 ...


Text - Sentahlta • 10h NTA it's not on you to make her day perfect, and since it's already a do-over sheʼll be even worse if this one doesn't go exactly to her every plan. It's very indulgent to have a second wedding when already married, especially next year when everywhere will be packed with weddings that got cancelled during corona. Everything will be hard work from shopping to venues to food. You already did it once and you shouldn't have to take on the emotional labour of a second round fo


Text - Ok-Beginning-5922 • 10h • Asshole Enthusiast [6] 1 Award NTA. She's holding a grudge against a woman and her child, because she went into labour. That says everything we need to know about her. Hope people respond in situations like that, tells you a lot about who they are. She doesn't recognise her poor behaviour, and never apologise for how she treated you, which means she feels entitled to treat you that way. Stick with no, ignore any messages regarding this, and end conversations with


Text - BrownandBlonde • 9h • Partassipant [3] NTA Im surprised her marriage has lasted six years. Was her husband blinking S.O.S the last time you saw him? But seriously, tell her and your family the reason, don't be vague. Reply 159


Text - Cranberryblue112 • 10h NTA No. Hell no. No with a cherry on top. You don't deserve to be treated like shit, especially by a Bridezilla that is demanding a second wedding for her own selfish reasons. I would distance myself from that whole train wreck if I were you. Your sister is only going to get worse before she gets better. She clearly has issues. Reply 40 ...


Text - WembleyToast • 11h • Asshole Aficionado [19] NTA but I would say that it's better to state the reasons why you felt uncomfortable last time rather than hoping she'll figure it out on her own. She probably won't self- reflect in the way you hope, she could lash out and say that you're being vague or petty, and that's not what you want. Good luck. Reply 140


Text - not-into-usernames • 10h • Partassipant [3] NTA. My whole family treated me like trash during then year before my sister's wedding and every time I had a panic attack they comforted me by telling me she'd do the same for my wedding. What should actually have happened is not being treated like shit in the first place. You should be able to choose how you'd like to be treated as an adult, so it's only fair for you to stand up for yourself. Don't give in! Reply 1 64 ...


Text - Alternative_Year_340 • 9h NTA This sounds like a gift grab. Or someone who enjoys the wedding more than the marriage. I don't think l'd even attend at all, let alone be a bridesmaid again. Reply 31 ...


Text - galaxy-parrot •9h • Partassipant [2] NTA It takes a special kind of person to not be happy with all of the attention they got on their first wedding day. Because that's all this second wedding is, "I didn't get enough attention the first time round". She sounds like a nightmare to be perfectly honest. I wouldn't bother either. Six years has no real significance. Renewing vows at 10, 15 or 20 years? Sure. But six years? Give me a break Reply 65 ...


Text - TheSexyPotoo • 11h • Partassipant [4] NTA. Fake something unavoidable if absolutely necessary. Your sister sounds exhausting. Reply 54 ...


Text - tastyfakes • 10h • Asshole Aficionado [17] NTA. I would completely want to avoid being her emotional stress ball. No one wants to bear the brunt of Bridezilla. Reply 16 ...


Text - Livid_Huckleberry_28 • 10h NTA and I am surprised anyone in your family is willing to entertain this joke of a second wedding. It is not your fault the first one is shitty and you ate totally in the right for not wanting to have a second go around. Why would they think you would want to deal with her being a bridezilla again. Reply ↑ 17 ...


Text - dart1126 • 7h • Partassipant [1] NTA, especially because it seems like 6 years later she only wants a do-over because of the examples you gave like sister in law having the gall to go into labor and 'ruining her spotlight'. Anyone that self centered is bound to be even worse the second time around. Here's hoping there's a proposal or pregnancy announcement during this don't happened to have a boyfriend do you? Tee-hee. Reply 1 17 ...


Text - BellaSantiago1975 • 9h • Partassipant [3] NTA!!! Stand your ground. The fact that she didn't reflect and apologise, and instead is just demanding it shows she hasn't changed. Hell, the fact that she doesn't know her own nephew because your bro's girlfriend went into labor - how self centred is she?? l'd be staying as far as possible from her do-over fake second wedding. Reply ...


Text - buckeyemermaid • 7h NTA. Ask your family members who are hounding you why they don't hound her about meeting her nephew if fammmmily is so important. Though your brother and his gf are better off without her Reply ...


Text - ringadingsweetthing • 7h NTA The fact that she wants to go through all this again so it's 'perfect' tells you what a shitshow she's going to be. And God forbid something else goes slightly wrong. Save your mental health. Your family will get used to the idea that your 'no' means NO. Reply ...


Text - imsorrydontyellatme • 6h • Partassipant [1] NTA My mom went into labour on my fourth birthday and l'm still pretty upset that I got a sister instead of a puppy.. but I was four.. Your sister is mad because someone went into labour... I'm sorry but that's not a controllable thing. Your body doesn't care where you are, it's now focused of getting the baby out. Also, I would love to have a wedding do-over. We never got even a quarter of what we wanted. I won't get into it but having a weddin


Text - chasing_D • 6h NTA it sounds like your family wants you to be the punching bag so they don't have to deal with her. I'm guessing your whole family feel about the same about her as you do, you're just brave enough to say no. Don't give in and if you're part of your nephew's life then maybe you should enjoy spending the day with him. Reply ...


Text - periwinkle_cupcake • 8h NTA You know your sister. You know how she treated you. You know you were her emotional punching bag. You know that she hasn't changed. I'm guessing that her behavior has been enabled for years by these relatives who are now berating you. You do not have to participate in her second shit show. Sit back and let her implode on herself. Reply 11 ...


Text - JakeT-life-is-great • 7h NTA - and if anyone tries to convince you to do it calmly explain that it was a terrible experience, you were repeatedly treated like shit. Then to stop them from asking again go on the offenisve. Ask the person why they think so little of you that they want you to go through it again. Ask them why they don't like you. Ask them why they favor your sister. Put them on the spot with uncomfortable questions and they will stop asking. Reply


Text - sapc2 • 6h NTA. Anyone who can be mad at someone for going into labor at an inopportune time to the point that they've not spoken in years is gonna be just as crazy the second time around. You're sparing yourself the stress and distress. I'd probably skip the re-do wedding altogether. Reply ...


Text - TwithHoney • 6h NTA When did No stop being a complete answer and become the starting point for a negotiation. No means no. No doesn't mean please repeat the victimization I felt all those years ago but magnify it with a dozen people now. NTA but everyone looking to change your mind through coercion or badgering is. Reply 5 ...

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Man Counters Lame Accusations With Epic Spite Video Game

Oh boy, he had us at spite video game. There's nothing better in this world than seeing a ridiculous argument go on to inspire the development of a game that would seem to truly make people feel better. Folks in this comments section on this particular pro revenge story went ahead and tried it out, and loved it! Lastly, apparently if you go on Google and run a simple search for, "" you'll find the game. Go show some love! 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/postfu • 3h 1 e 2 3 2 1 Ridiculed, accused of lying and incompetence, I shoved burning facts down their throats and made a successful business in the process. "The best revenge is massive success." -Frank Sinatra TL;DR; Told I was lying and didn't know anything about game design. Made a spite video game that became a huge hit. Jackass is also forever immortalized within the game credits. PREFACE


Text - This is a very unusual story compared to the typical posts you've read here. There's a lot to unpack but ll try to summarize everything as best I can. I hope you'll find it as entertaining as I did. And, what's great about this story is that it happened very recently, it happened here, evidence is searchable, and it's still kinda on-going. It's a tale of trolls, video game addiction, self-righteous arrogance, harassment, winning an impossible bet, a viral hit in Russia, and massive succes


Text - Two months ago, there was a new reddit post about "using video game to ease depression" that caught my attention. The reason it caught my attention was because it was a game & study that I had in-depth knowledge of (from over a year prior.) Unlike everyone else in the thread, I was the only one who had actually seen the game, played it, knew the developers, and even had the original technical game design documents. The article discussed a variety of topics but never addressed exactly HOW


Text - [SKIP THIS SECTION IF NEUROSCIENCE & GAME DESIGN DON'T INTEREST YOU] A quick side note about this article, for those that like extra details: One of the cool properties of ketamine is that, not only can it provide rapid and temporary relief for depression, it also actively heals damaged brain circuits. Then there's dopamine. A chemical that we internally produce, that has similar but less potent effects. There is no cure for depression, but these are promising treatments for some. The art


Text - improved cognitive functioning, reducing impairment of the reward process, and improving the effectiveness of antidepressant medications. Video games can be a unique non-drug option to accomplish this while easing symptoms. Research has already shown that many popular games can already accomplish this (unintended effects by the game developers). By comparison, the game design they used in this theoretical study was highly limited in scope, so permanent benefits were negligible compared to


Text - My summary posting was fine for a while, until predictable trolls arrived led by an "armchair game developer". Dr. Armchair definitely did not appreciate my post. It was an affront and insult to his profession. Within a few minutes, it dropped 30 karma. I don't care about imaginary internet points but I don't like being accused of lying. Dr. Armchair and his pals started with the usual "do you even lift?" Then it was quickly asserted, from their armchairs, that I knew nothing about flow,


Text - It quickly devolved into Dr. Armchair gleefully, and repeatedly claiming, that he won, he was right, and I was wrong. He demanded that I essentially write a 300 page peer-reviewed study to prove him wrong, and when it couldn't be provided within 5 minutes, there were more gleeful cheers of "HAHA! I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT! I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU LALALALALA.." Obviously, it was going to be impossible to reason with Dr. Armchair and his buddies. But actions speak louder than words. So, I c


Text - Eventually the mods had enough. Dr. Armchair and his cronies harassment, ad hominem attacks, accusations and inflammatory attacks resulted in multiple posts being removed. But my promise still stood and I fully intended on keeping it. THE BOLD CLAIM The plan was simple: Create a proof of concept that demonstrates just the critical neuroscience principles that induce flow. To prove it beyond a doubt, I intended to also prove that MOST COMMON INGREDIENTS of a game are completely UNNECESSARY


Text - No extras or frills. Built within a short period of time. No music. No sound effects. No animations. No story. No expensive art. In fact, hardly any at all: I would use ONE SINGLE ART ASSET for the gameplay (plus some lines.) No feature creep. No sign-in system. No gacha mechanics. No level design. No achievements. No RPG gamifications. • I could get at least a couple hundred people to play it. I should have also mentioned that it would be built with ZERO BUDGET and NO MARKETING. If this


Text - HOW IT ENDED While I was preparing to stress test the game online, it was discovered by .ru bots that were scouring the web for new games. Even before the game was ready, they published the game link on several Russian gaming sites. The game exploded.


Text - It has graphical similarities to Tetris, so it was a nice coincidence that the game essentially launched and did so well in Russia at first. After that, other game sites started discovering the game on their own too, even before I had a chance to submit the game myself. Most importantly, the proof of concept and everything I claimed worked (high ratings and retention). It proved so effective that the game is currently being played by hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. And it's a cl


Text - I suppose you could say that there are many layers of revenge happening here, maybe even karmic justice or backfiring on their part, it's really hard to classify. The best kind of revenge is always massive success, and shoving it in their faces, however. But, on top of that, I also fully kept to my promises while proving these ignorant individuals so wrong they look like fools. I also added some extra salt to the wound. I figured that success of the game was partly due to Dr. Armchair's i

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Tumblr Odds and Ends to Feed the Beast

It's all weird here, and it's not getting much better. Tumblr is an ocean of thoughts, smooshing and grinding away at each other in hopes that one day there will be a final, perfect thought. It will probably be about Shrek or something.  For more tumblr bits, here are some prized tumblr gems from tumblr's best.


Text - @ softtaulette-deactivated2018032 date a girl who puts mustard on her pizza gudram i aint need a gf that bad


Skin - crow--teeth-side archaeologists 123RF o 123RF bones goths punks 23RF homestucky 123RF archaeologists o 123RF dog bones goths punks 123RF RF 23RF


Text - adhdpeebee "Whatcha thinkin' about?" "Oh idk, Draugr stuff." sneakyfeets who the fuck has that many quests tracked at one time that is fucking madness


Cartoon - zog-agent NYLON O @NylonMag We're crushing hard on this open concept one-piece: fantabody


Cartoon - retrogamingblog LUN AUEGO A CON LA wHARIO EDALLO- Las dos vas entregn de pokeoson antes de HNn de nombre Cha tirand en el cao de la dar de las version cojAyA nueva entregas Glan n bilitar al rival para poderlo capturar, vlemento emble matica en todas lassaga Intención de o teria jcon puesto estatal la or- rural corte presupu s que detalles al res atrae a se per- mento e 40THS "como de la li abril p punta a ey mu- sdo que divet cóm niendo", también truct dad la Red ra optica nec d de El


Sitting - * iapislazuli oh boo hoo let me hand you an L from the world's smallest dr phil hongkong-97 furbearingbrick Devtomet e1


Text - trainthief honestly the only reason im not an old man is that i happen to have been born somewhat recently. other than that


Text - horchatadrinker finally told my parents they're gay


Animated cartoon - gardenoffish "Boohoo let me play you despacito on the worlds smallest Alexa" NICK "This is serious!" NICK "I know this really is the worlds smallest Alexa"


Text - digimon-world-next-order Pokémon: There are no bad Pokémon, only bad trainers! No Pokémon is evil uwu Digimon: HELL IS REAL


Text - davidalleynes honestly we are entering a Dark Age of Gaming where only co-op games exist and the only companies producing single player games are bethesda and bioware arctic-hands Well this post certainly aged nicely


Text - beatlemeat-archive from the creators of kids bop meet adult bop where we take regular songs and make it have as many curse words as possible chaotickalix Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Banana phone


Text - A swarnpert wine tasting but instead with hard liquors A swarnpert do i detect a hint of sharpie marker


Cartoon - pink-spaceturtle5 Me: *sets my alarm for tomorrow* Phone: Alarm is set for 4 hours and 37 minutes from now. Ме: (chuckles) I'm in danger


Text - federations god i hate being alive i just wanna die in a national park under mysterious circumstances federations ok im done being dramatic i finally started my homework and its not that bad


Cartoon - cleyra Follow The saddest thing about the remake is that we lose the ability to do stuff like this GAY420GAY ".COOLRANCH.


Text - RE tilthat TIL Christian Heinrich Heineken "the infant scholar of Lübeck" could speak fluent German at 10 months old. He read the Pentateuch at age one, and read the entire Bible in Latin by age three. Later that year he recited his own History of Denmark when visiting the King of Denmark. He died at age four. via 555-goghost AGDQ.


Green - @ lesbiiundyne-deactivated2015112 Reasons to live Mo Falout 4confirmed Reasons to live it gets easier everyday kramergate remember when things were simple C pigpocket this is the saddest fucking image on this website


Wildlife - reys--speeder narrator: Mewtwo was created in a lab almost 20 years ago me in a theater full of children: I WAS THERE! bibliophilic-pluviophile @narnia.folk 79 Do not cite the deep magic tơ me Witch. I was there when it was written.


Text - kortzite Pizza Hut O Pizza Hut @pizzahut Knot first or pizza first? HOT P IZZA ALL IN DHE DELICIOUS APPETIZERR hE FLAVOR OF NOW 9:17 AM · 26 Jan 16 · Twitter Web Client 2,440 Retweets 3,381 Likes Tweet This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable This Tweet is unavailable Tweet your reply


Cartoon - REI i tilthat TIL that the fake snow in Wizard of Oz was made of pure asbestos via moonlandingwasfaked another win for absestos fans ! kirishima-hates-terfs Literally no one ever: Wizard of Oz producers: NEET THE CINDIDAT MORE ASBESTOS! MORE ASBESTOS!


Text - alexxdz person who has been through depression/ understands the effects depression can have on a person: doing physical activity, eating healthy, and actively working to focus on positive things can be very use- ful, and can put you in a place that will help you overcome depression more easily person who wants to wallow in their depression: WOw, so DOING YOGA, EATING AVOCADOS AND READING 'EAT PRAY LOVE' WILL CURE MY DEPRESSION? GREAT ADVICE


Wildlife - ankle-beez Look at the incredible, heartbreaking emotion on simba's face when he's running from the wildebeests in the lion king remake. Truly an extraordinary achievement thanks to the magic of modern, state-of-the-art CG. hawkodiles


Plumbing fixture - fakehistory Ant-man bathing in hot sauce for bonus damage (2019) benkinsky I hate that you don't have to give extra content because everyone on the internet already knows what's going on and why hot sauce would be considered "bonus damage"


Cartoon - merlot-madness FOR, YOU SEE, I WAS ATTACKED BY THE ORIGINAL WERE-CAR. THE YEAR WAS 2019 It happens this year folks... gattomeows Robot struck and killed by self-driving Tesla in Las Vegas at CES candygarnet FUTUR AMA YOU CAN'T PROVE IT WON'T HAPPEN

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Student Exploits Every Loophole In School Dress Code

Sometimes school staff doesn't exactly have a consistent policy, like the time staff made a student patiently wait to report a fire. After some absolute BS rule nitpicking by the staff, this person decided to read up on the rules and dress with extreme panache. Sometimes students get the best of their teachers, like this student who made a mockery of a robotics competition with a dry ice loophole.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/TandyAngie 12 hours ago 2 A W 2 6 4 384 O 8 4 & Nitpick the dress code? I can do that too. oC L Our junior high dress code was a pain. Most teachers didn't care so long as kids weren't distracting. The principal of the junior high, however, insisted on enforcing every single rule. A friend of mine wore a long sleeve shirt under a tank top. The principal insisted she couldn't wear the tank top because tank tops were against the dress code. But she couldn


Text - I decided this wouldn't stand. I studied every rule in the dress code to prove how stupid it was. I started off small and worked my way up. No open toed sandals. - This one was easy. I wore open toed high heels. Nothing in the rules against high heels, and the open toed rule only applied to sandals the way it was written. Shirts must be tucked in to pants. Belts must be worn through belt loops. - Knocked out two here by wearing a skirt. Skirts, or at least the one I wore, had no belt loop


Text - Backpacks must be plain colored with no pins/excessive accessories. - I picked up a briefcase from a resale shop and slapped it with every sticker I could find. Any random logo or inspirational sticker I had laying around got slapped on it. Technically, a briefcase isn't a backpack. No costumes allowed. (I verified this, my school considered a costume to be anything only worn for a certain period of time or for a certain reason. If you wore it all day, it was an outfit, not a costume.) -


Text - No crazy hairstyles. - Kept my hair natural colors, and kept the styles as something that was at least popular at one point. Beehive took forever but was the most satisfying. Bonus points if I could find pictures of adults who were still wearing their hair like that currently. Shirts are not allowed to have logos or print, only patterns and consistent designs. - Consistent designs was my loophole here. No print, fine, but consistent print made specifically to look like a design? At this p


Text - Gym shorts must teach students knees or as long as their fingertips. - Guess who's finger tips reach about three below her butt? Me! I went from wearing a shirt that said bite me all over it, to an outfit that included short shorts. But my shorts were still longer than my fingers. I even offered to change back into my other clothes. At this point in the year, we were almost done with school. Other kids were following my lead, and we were driving the principal mad. I decided to kick it up


Text - No tank tops. - I wore a dress with spaghetti straps. It wasn't a shirt, so I wasn't breaking a rule. Belts must be plain with no dangerous materials. - Plain it must be, so plain I went. I wore a shoe string as a belt. I wore a braided yarn string as a belt. I even wore a spandex band sewn to my pants as a belt. No crocs. - Crocs are not the only rubber shoe my friends. I found every off brand croc I could get a hold of. Finally, at the end of the year, I wore one of my most outrageous o


Text - Kids paused to see what would happen. I waited to see what she would say. We'd had this conversation all year. She would point out the rule I 'broke' and I would prove how I didn't. She sighed. Principal- Fine, but if even one teacher says you're distracting to the class, you change clothes. We shook on it. Only thing I had to ditch was most of the bangles. They kept clanging while I wrote. In the end, I ended up getting the dress code rewritten and amended and the principal implemented a

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Tagged: school , loophole , lol , clothes , dress , funny

Tumblr Story: Kids Go Full Chaotic Good To Help Barista

Every now and again the wonderful beings of the Tumblr world deliver a quick, impactful, wholesome story that hits us right in the feels-plex. In this case, we hear about a barista who worked in a rough part of town, but ended up being helped out by some kids that went full "chaotic good" mode. Seriously, picking a lock to help take the trash out is about as chaotic good as it comes. 

For another Tumblr thread about the world of coffee serving, check out this thread about customers' mythically powerful coffee orders.


Text - undercover-underdog For those of you who don't know, I work at an anarchist co-op coffee shop. Apparently, all the Chicano/Cholo boys in my neighborhood have caught on the the fact that I sneak food and stuff to all the little punk kids and homeless kids at the coffee shop. There are three in particular who call me Mom. Not Mami, not Ma, Mom. The rest refer to me as "Miss".


Text - They've decided to always have one of the three of them there with me on my night shifts. (Especially after they witnessed the last bad shift where I had to kick a bunch of tweakers out. Said tweakers lit my fucking bulletin board on fire.) Tonight, one of the boys actually charged up a crackhead who wouldn't get out when I told him to leave. About an hour later, I was emptying bus tubs when that same lovely boy walked in and wetted a wash rag. I asked what he was doing and he told me not


Text - I'd left a broom in the smoking room and a fresh trash bag in the bathroom for once I was done with the dishes. When I walked out, everything was spotless and the trash had been replaced. He'd wiped all my tables, swept, mopped, and emptied all the ash trays. He'd also picked the lock on the bathroom so his friend could take out the trash for me. (Which I'm not sure whether I should scold him for. Haha)


Text - They snuck around and did my closing shift duties to thank me for keeping them warm and fed. I'm fucking crying. spaffy-jimble Kindness begets kindness. orc-lady-unabi Picking a lock so you can take out trash for someone who's nice to you is the most chaotic good thing i've ever heard. <3

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Power Tripping Assistant Manager Gets Put In Check

It's people like Fran that give the assistant managers of the world a bad rap. In this case, we see Fran express no level of sympathy and understanding for her absolutely exhausted employee who was fresh off an overnight shift. But alas, as will happen, the employee hit their breaking point, and decided to put into play some delightful malicious compliance. Fortunately, that malicious compliance ends up serving as the catalyst for getting Fran out of the business. 

Check out some more juicy malicious compliance content with this lying Karen who used her old employer as a reference, and then it backfired terribly.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance + Join u/fredzred • 176d 1 "Clean the store TOP TO BOTTOM. Don't leave until you do." yes boss ... L This happened when I worked in retail around 2005 (I was 15). I was working at a very small grocery store and although it was a small store we were always busy, as it was near a popular beach and along a highway rest area. The night before, l'd worked from 12am until 6am packing shelves (there was a huge delivery coming in that had to be stocked for the next day). I w


Text - At 12pm that afternoon (6 hours after finishing the packing shift and barely getting 5 hours of sleep) I got a call from the assistant manager (Fran) who wanted me to come in to work a shift. I explained that l'd just finished a shift and had only had a few hours sleep. FRAN: "But the other girl has called in sick and you're the closest person." (I lived in the motel next door. My family were managing the motet at this point). ME: (too naive to know that I didn't legally have to come in a


Text - I got dressed and walked like a zombie to the store. When I arrived we were extremely quiet, with the occasional customer every 10 minutes or so. I was surprised she called me in at all, considering that even on a busy day, 1 person can run the store on their own. FRAN: (around 2pm) "I'm going on my break. Will you clean the store while I'm gone?" I picking up a duster, knelt down on my knees and proceeded to dust underneath the shelves (It had been thoroughly cleaned during the 6 hour pa


Text - ME: "Why can't you do it? l'm exhausted and l'm doing my best not to fall asleep on the spot." (l'd informed her that l'd done the midnight packing shift). FRAN: "You have to do it. I have a bad back." Fran then proceeded to grab the duster and lean down (against OH&S bending guidelines) and dusted underneath the shelf to demonstrate. Making it look easy for someone who "claimed" to have a bad back. FRAN: "I'm going on my 15 minute break and by the time I come back I want the floors to be


Text - Queue the malicious compliance. I started cleaning under EVERY shelf and EVERY display like my life depended on it, and a few minutes after Fran had left, costumers began to trickle in. But I was under STRICT instructions to ONLY clean under the shelves. Customers began to cue at the register (this was before there was self serve registers). CUSTOMER: (after noticing I was there but not serving them) "Hello? Are you working? Can I get some service please?" ME: "I'm so sorry Sir." (bringin


Text - The customer stormed out of the store and a few minutes later, came back with Fran in toe (she had been outside smoking). CUSTOMER: (addressing Fran) "This poor young lady is in tears because you threatened her job. Fran, you have to stop doing this to your staff. Frank (the manager in charge of Fran) will be hearing about this." ME: (feeling brave an empowered by this) "I TOLD you I'm working on 5 hours of sleep after working all might with Frank packing shelves. I'm going to go home to


Text - It turned out that that customer was one of Frank's close friends and was the driver of the tour bus that arrived every day. I turned up to work my regular shift the next day and explained to Frank everything that had happened and how Fran had treated me. He told me to go back to work and he would take care of it. Fran got a HARSH talking to about her behavior and conduct in the work place and was let go. This was her FINAL warning, as she had been doing this for months to other staff mem


Text - I never saw Fran in work uniform after that but she did come in from time to time to buy groceries (we were the only grocery store in the area, apart from a takeaway shop). I'd always give the same "Hi. Welcome to [store location]. How are you today?" with the BIGGEST grin on my face. Boy was that sweet! 12.2k 374 1 Share

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Tattoo Choices That Had People Asking Questions

When a customer comes in slurring and demanding a chest tattoo of Mario and Luigi using the same toilet, any semi-responsible tattoo artist is going to ask them if they're sure about it. Some people here had an artist take pity on them and just said no, while others insisted. Here are some stories of dumb tattoo translations and some straight up strange and troubling tattoos.


Text - PoisonAlii 566 points · 18 hours ago Not a tattoo artist but I am an idiot. I was 19 and super into piercings and tattoos. I'd had both my nipples double pierced, a + one side and a x the other. Decided the finishing touch would be to get the Punisher skull tattooed above the diagonal piercings, skull and crossbones, so cool. Told the guy what I wanted and he flat out said "no way in hell am I doing that shit" I was mad but wanted a tattoo so instead got the skull on my calf. 19yo me was


Text - cklamath 10.7k points · 20 hours ago This isnt my story, but a story I was told at a bar. I was talking to a guy while smoking and he was a tattoo artist. He told me he had a female client who wanted a neck tattoo that said "Fuck ya'll bitches, your man chose me". He said that he delicately, as politely as humanly possible, got her to agree to just the words "He chose me". He said the kicker was telling the woman that the tattoo would be meaningful in different social situations. Such as


Text - CoolHandRK1 6.2k points · 21 hours ago Opposite end of this spectrum. I was 19 and my buddy from the dorms in college decides he wants a tattoo on his stomach of his initials. Think Tupac "Thug Life" tattoo but like gothic lettering initial or something. Sounded stupid to me but whatever, I am not a tattoo guy. But, we go into this tattoo shop that was pretty popular at the beach near us and he tells the guy what he wants and is looking at pricing and fonts etc. But, the tattoo guy starts


Text - ReverendAISharkton 5.9k points · 20 hours ago I was getting work done and the receptionist came in to speak with the artist. She had someone at the front desk looking for a quote on "Barbed wire starting around his wrist and wrapping around his arm all the way up to the shoulder," "How about nothing, because that's stupid and I won't do it." "Oh, uh, okay, I'll tell him." He looked at me and said, "Sometimes you have to be the good taste police. I did a Nike Swoosh once when I was broke a


Text - urbanlulu 3.6k points · 21 hours ago not me, but one of my artists. he said a couple came in and the guy wanted his girlfriends name tattooed on his chest, like in big writing all across the top of his chest. him and the owner of the shop flat out said no. he told me they said no because he found out they had been dating for three months and the font/design he was wanting would've made a hard coverup. so they decided they didn't want to the tattoo since they knew it screamed "coming back


Text - TrashApocalypse 3.6k points · 18 hours ago · edited 15 hours ago 2 This was actually a post tattoo proclamation. Woman came in with her boyfriend wanting his name with a crown over It on her wrist. I tried to talk her out of it but she insisted so, my general policy is to do the tattoo well, maybe with a thinner line weight so it's easier to cover later, but at least it'll be a good tattoo. So, fast forward to after the tattoo, she's all wrapped up, ready to go, and she asks me to look at


Text - victoriamour 3.4k points · 1 day ago Whenever someone between the ages of 18 and 25 comes in, we always give them a quick once-over to make sure they're sober and then ask them if they're 100% sure.


Text - moonbeanie 3.3k points · 21 hours ago I was out on a bike ride one day and an old pickup with a canopy on it drove by. On the canopy was a business logo and the business name was "You Want What Where? Mobile Tattoo Service". I can't even begin to imagine what they've seen.


Text - ipunchcats22 3.1k points · 18 hours ago I witnessed a tattoo artist attempt to talk a guy out of a tattoo while getting one. This guy who was maybe early 30s came in, he was super awkward and had a few other people with him. They where obviously drunk. He explained to the artist he wanted a hello kitty tramp stamp the size of a cd. His friends all laughed and started to record this guy. The artist asked him why and he said his friends thought it was funny. The artist tried to talk him out


Text - meatloafchicken 2.5k points · 15 hours ago The first tattoo I ever got to do in a shop was a cover-up of a woman's name, let's say "Amy", on this guy's chest. The man explained to me that she cheated on him with some guy named "Keith". I lived in a somewhat small town, and the very next day this couple comes in wanting the woman's named tattooed on the guys butt. The guy who owned the shop was gonna let me do this as my second tattoo seeing as he was pleased with the one from the day befo


Text - DKETwitch 2.2k points · 17 hours ago Not an artist but, a friend in college wanted to get "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." on her back since she loved the poem by Dylan Thomas. Problem was it was too long so she was going to shorten it to "Do not go gentle". I had to convince her that was probably not a great idea.


Text - professorlowcash 2.0k points · 18 hours ago I get to tell this one all the time! Several years ago I tattooed the words "Jeffrey Dahmer" in shitty scratchy writing on a girl's neck for her 18th birthday. She had been coming into the shop a lot with her friends as they got tattooed and talking about it. She had the letters drawn up exactly as she wanted them and everything. The answer was always the same. "No fucking way". When she finally turned 18 she came in with a few friends and asked


Text - Upstairs-Chef 1.5k points · 19 hours ago Definitely the Pillsbury doughboy holding money bags, accompanied with the gentleman's street name which I can no longer remember. Runner up is 'evil bitch' on the girls thighs


Text - Th3C1ph3r3r 1.3k points · 1 day ago · edited 8 hours ago not mine but our tattoo artist's friend, he was indecisive of his first tattoo, so what he did was to take a marker, did some quick scribble on his arm and said "this one", the artist and even his friends went "wtf is wrong with you are you sure" and he indeed was sure. since then, it has become the symbol of his indecisiveness


Text - Rowanrobot 1.1k points · 20 hours ago I know a guy with a "left shark" tramp stamp. It was apparently a meme about a bad backup dancer at Katy Perry's halftime show performance? To me, it just looks like a janky cartoon shark welcoming you into this poor guys ass.


Text - mt995 790 points · 18 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago Back when I was an apprentice, I tattooed matching pieces for a young couple. It was Arabic text, running from the nape of the neck right down the spine to the coccyx. They initially wouldn't tell me what I said, but after I refused to tattoo it without knowing, they told me. Hers said "you are the jelly to my peanut butter" and his said the reverse. They'd been together for two months... I don't do couple/relationship tattoos anymore.


Text - longshot338 771 points · 18 hours ago oh, boy...I was traveling through Germany in my late teens and had a few too many liters of beer, when I stumbled into a tattoo shop demanding a flaming pentagram, held by a demon's hand, with a banner of my name under it. I'd been carrying a sketch for MONTHS...the shop owner asked me,"Bist du dir SEHR sicher?"and I kinda had a moment there...I said...sorta tentatively, yes, and he turned me away immediately..too drunk to consent. saved my life!


Text - BusinessWarthog6 678 points · 21 hours ago Not an artist but when I was getting my first tattoo I was sitting in the waiting area and this girl probably 18-20 was with her mom and they were talking with the artist. The girl wanted some Arabic script on her arm and the artist asked them if they knew what it meant at least 2 times and they said no but insisted on getting it. She did end up getting it.

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