Tuesday, May 20, 2014

That eyebrow raise. Wow indeed

Hard stick

We're rooting for ya Chris!

Sorry honey I just don't really like John Mayer.

Creepy robot baby

After a year of telling my friend he looks like Bob Ross, he finally sends me this picture

Wolverine catching public transport

Couldn't help myself

Fish eating another fish

Spokeless fold-up bicycle.

This movie though

What a wonderful life

An expertly chopped onion

Good guy bartender. Still tipped him, of course.

What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added

This dad seriously makes the best pancakes.

A snapping turtle doing what snapping turtles do.

Today was a great day

Pancake-Lollipop, god exist

Drake without make-up

When I go to bed in the summer

You can sit anywhere if you're determined

As someone who suffers from depression, this helps. Hasn't missed a single night in a year and a half.

A bunch of mildly startled cats!

Depressing sweet 16

Trying it tomorrow

No Ragrets

My nut... nut... nut... here it is!!

I hope its not obvious..

Would you like some abdominal muscles?

Sometimes the best legal advice for my clients

Interesting Bicycle.

Her mother gave me a dirty look and walked away after this little girl approached me wearing a frilly dress

Then and Now: Cancer patient vs. Cancer survivor.

Scumbag Brain...

Not designed for lefties

It just doesn't sound right.


Let's play tag Dragonborn!

My face when I wipe and there is blood.

It's 100° in LA and I don't have an A/C

Plumber shirt

He's got balls


Every vegetables dream

For anyone writing a paper.

Chinese food

Boom! Headshot!

Having gone from rags to riches, I can tell you one of the worst feelings of being poor

Jimmy's Muslim friend.