Friday, September 30, 2022

Memes and Tweets To Make You Feel Nostalgic and Old

On the one hand, you miss the good old days; on the other, you feel like you're closer to your Medicare era than ever! 


These memes and tweets, many of which were shared via Instagram on @millennial_misery, will make you feel that strange combination of "awww, what a throwback!" and "oh my God, when did I get so old?" If you remember the 90s at all, this applies to you. We are no longer The Culture. Billie Eilish has more Grammys than any of us and she was born after 2000. As one of these tweets puts it, companies aren't necessarily targeting a millennial audience anymore. At least, we're not the priority. That would be Gen-Z. And if you have already made several complaints about Gen-Z as I have, then let's face it: we are now just like our parents. Pretty soon they'll be saying "Ok, millennial" instead of "Ok, boomer." If you're laughing at this, good for you. I'm crying.


For more meme content, check out these top trending autumn fails in honor of the arrival of Fall!

"I got sick of it.': Guy ditches entitled in-laws after endless complaints about a holiday HE paid for

When you finance a vacation for your wife's entire family, you might expect to receive at least one or two words of thanks and gratitude. Well, sometimes the expectation doesn't quite align with reality, and sometimes it really doesn't align. This is how it was when u/Murky_Ad_193 decided to bankroll the entirety of a Disney getaway for their in-laws. They paid for everything, right down to a "McMansion" for the family to stay in, groceries, and a rental truck for them to get around in. 

But, as it often is with entitled people, getting some just left these insane family members wanting more. Throughout the first day, there was nothing but complaints being laid. They argued about rooms, lines, food, and transportation. You name it, it was complained about. That's when u/Murky_Ad_193 decided they had had enough and ditched out on the entire thing, booking themself a separate suite at a resort.  

Read on to see the screenshots of this story and the reactions below. For more family drama check out these 14 stories told by people who decided to actually leave when told "If you don't like it then leave!"

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (September 30, 2022)

I reckon it's that time of the week again and hotter than a sinner at church about it. That's right—it's time for our beloved rootin' tootin' yee-hawest memes! If you are a cowboy/ cowgirl/ cowperson or just love that yee-haw culture, a very howdy to you! It's time to take you to your second rodeo now. Break in those new leather cowboy boots and straiten up that 10 gallon hat. These memes are so howdy dickin' good that you'll slap your grandma from yee-hawing so hard! The cowboy humor is sweeter than a fresh apple pie in July. Round up your cattle, feed you herding pups, give 'em an extra good boy pat on the head, crack open a cold one, sit back and crack up at these most rootinest tootinest yee-haw memes of the week. Heck, a calf bucked in the head would even have a blast with these memes!

Memes for People Who Have Some Serious Beef With Henry Ford for Inventing the 5 Day Work Week

We're aware that the 5-day, 40-hour workweek is nothing new, but knowing that it only started in 1926 is quite a shock to us. Apparently, it began because Mr. Ford believed that it would increase productivity and stability, but really doing a lot of work without proper breaks for a set amount of time is even more stress-provoking than having an entirely unstable and flexible work schedule. Though we didn't really do all that much research on our part to be fair, please don't hold us to that conclusion. Maybe it's better to do your own research, but we don't claim to be historians. But talking about how annoying the workweek is, well, that's our specialty. Perhaps it's because we can truly relate, since we're in on it too, working the same hours as you.


Anyway, let's get into these memes for anyone trying to retire by the age of last year.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Have you ever seen a crude, Sharpie drawing of a schlong on a desk and thought, "wow, that's some grade A hilarity right there"? That's some classic 5th grade humor, which is something that nobody grows out of. 


Nobody ages out of a certain level of joke-making that stems around the faux pas, things you can't say out loud, and wee-wee/doo-doo jokes. It's just funny. Maybe we're laughing because we're uncomfortable or maybe we're laughing because immaturity is sometimes very fun. Either way, if a 10 year old is laughing at something, I'm laughing at it too. Can't explain why.


Some silliness needs no explanation, it just is what it is. So if you've ever laughed at a fart in public, you might even fit into the immature humor category. It's not inherently clever or funny, but that's the point! It's silly, it's youthful, it's mindless and sometimes that's the kind of humor that can save a nation.

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

You know it's a problem when your own daughter tells you to stop procreating.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Overall_Butterfly_16, who shared her story about her extremely dysfunctional family situation. Essentially, she and her older sister are often held responsible for babysitting and taking care of their four younger siblings. Their stepmother is struggling with a disability and a difficult divorce, so she's in need of extra help. Their Dad? Well, he's just working and staying away from home while his two older daughters - both of whom have kids of their own, we should mention - clean up after him.


The Redditors in the comments seem to be in agreement that the original poster needs to move out ASAP. Not even ASAP. Yesterday! These sisters need to draw boundaries and never feel bad about them. Essentially, they need to quiet quit these "responsibilities," and their father needs to either actually quit his job or hire a real nanny if he wants to keep having kids. Which leads me to the next question: why have so many kids if you can barely be around for two? Is he trying to be the subject of the next Cheaper by the Dozen remake? I mean, that's the only logical explanation, right?


For more content like this, check out this post about a son who destroyed his father's pension. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

Top 10 Tinder Moments of the Week (September 29, 2022)

Welcome to this week's 'Top Tinder Moments', a collection of some of the hottest trending images from the wild world of online dating this week.

'I had to do right by the team': Horrible boss fails to justify firing new single mother after she returns to work

Just when you thought horrible bosses couldn't get any worse...they go ahead and do something that you're pretty sure is fully illegal.


That's right. This boss decided it was more cost-efficient and best for the team and their clients to go ahead and fire Jess, a single mom who just returned to the office after maternity leave. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Happy-Mind-2618. It only takes a few sentences into this boss's attempt to justify their decision-making before realizing they are an awful manager with no moral compass. The first big mistake was hiring a replacement for Jess while she was gone. That replacement was a straight-out-of-college young male with minimal experience (so the boss could pay this person far less). Not only is it horrendous to fire a new mom for reasons that were completely out of her control, but also to choose her younger inexperienced male replacement instead is just bad optics all around. Here's hoping that this boss reads all these savage comments and then is met with a sweet sweet lawsuit very soon. 


For more unjust workplace stories, take a look at this post from someone who discovered her male colleagues call her Jessica Rabbit. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

'He kept complaining about how the cat was annoying him': Husband secretly sells wife's cat and gets kicked out

When you adopt a pet, you sign a moral agreement to love it unconditionally and take care of it to the very best of your capability and ability. It's no small thing, taking on responsibility for another living thing. That's why it's something that is best not done lightly, lest you find yourself unprepared and incapable of taking care of the said living thing. It sometimes happens despite careful research and preparation, circumstances change, and we find ourselves needing desperately to re-home our furry friends. It's a decision that usually takes careful, often painful thought.

Or, you know, just sell your wife's cat without telling her after strong-arming her into agreeing to find it a new home. That works too.

That's the path this cosmically colossal a-hole took when he decided to sell his wife's cat out from under her nose. It's a relief that the update to the post makes it seem like they might have found the cat; otherwise, it wouldn't be out of the question to suspect that he'd killed it.

Keep scrolling to see the wife's story, which she shared on Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit. For more family cat drama, check out this mother who blamed the family troubles on her daughter's cat.

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Work is wack sometimes. If you've ever had a job that was completely insufferable, you know the feeling and the urge to get on Linkedin, Zip Recruiter, or Indeed to update your profile and maybe send out a few applications. It's like online dating– maybe you improve your profile and attract some better options


You're just testing the waters, you're not quitting yet. But who knows, maybe if something better comes along, you'll jump ship and get some higher pay, some benefits, and some better treatment at work. The common theme these days searching for a new job is the excruciating self-valuation process, having enough experience, and being prepared for rejection. So exhausting


So fortunately there are people on the Internet who know exactly how you're feeling! For some, humor is the best medicine. Memes can help us laugh at situations that are terrifying, tiring, and sometimes, a downright waste of time. 

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

There's nothing like a Karen going after someone, only to learn she's messing with another Karen!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/KHFan03241995, who shared a wild story about his roommate's wife (one has to wonder if that also makes her his roommate, right?). This woman stopped at an empty intersection, where a Raging Karen angrily attacked her for stopping. By angrily attacked, I do literally mean that the Raging Karen sucker punched the Roommate's Wife in the face. Little did she know, the Roommate's Wife had a temper of her own, got out of the car, and got revenge in what seemed like too crazy an act to not consider her a Karen herself. 


Redditors in the comments were quick to call the original poster out on certain details, and the poster engaged in a heated back-and-forth, so who knows what the truth is at this point? I will say that legalities aside, it's not statistically impossible at this point for a Karen to get mad at another Karen and not know what she's in for until it's too late.


For more content like this, check out this post about a Karen's 1-star review. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

Worker Refused Raise, Gets New Job, Boss Counter Offers With Double Current Salary

It's often said that no one appreciates the work that you do until you're gone. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is take a vacation to prove your worth. Although, a toxic workplace will probably just find some way to blame you for not "leaving things in a good place" before you go on leave.

In a similar fashion, your employer will never appreciate you for what you're worth until they are forced to face continuing on without you. Then you will even find yourself to be surprised at how much you were actually worth to them.

Redditor u/ApprehensiveDoggo shared this story on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, describing their experience with an employer who refused to give them a raise.

This whole post just begs the question… Why weren't they just already paying them the value of the counteroffer if they were worth that much to the company? If they had been earning close to that to begin with they probably wouldn't have gone looking for other jobs.

Read on to see screenshots of the post and some of the reactions. For more employment drama check out this job-seeker who torched an interview by calling out the interviewer for lying.


'Couples who get tattooed are weird': Tattoo artist shares the grossest and most traumatizing stories from tattooing couples

One couple threw a bizarre plot twist to their "relationship" story and another couple didn't know there was going to be bl00d, so up came their meal from earlier that day… It's probably time to re-think that tattoo date. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

'So I bought their home and I evicted them': Homophobic neighbor who constantly shouts slurs gets served serious karma from their gay neighbor

The gay couple waved a poetic goodbye on their new front porch as the homophobic now-ex-neighbors all of a sudden realized what had just happened to them: Karma. 

'Less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts': Karen bizarrely reviews a skatepark in London

Don't feel bad if you get confused while you're reading this, we're confused too, and we're pretty sure that Angela was also confused while she was writing this. Nevertheless, Angela was determined to have her voice heard when she posted this review for a London skatepark.

The review then made its way to Reddit's aggressively named r/F**YouKaren subreddit when a screenshot of the review was posted by Reddit user u/PEDR069.

As you muddle your way through the piece a couple of times you kind of start to get a feel for what she's trying to say. 

The first two sentences read as if she is taking issue with the fact that people are skateboarding to and from the skate park on the streets surrounding "Location is the park," she writes. "GPS the park! Not the roads surrounding it." At first read, I thought that she was specifying the area she was reviewing, but she goes on to applaud the "boarder" that rides their bike to the park and again complains about "tricksters riding the road" and "loud fast boarding."

There are some great catchphrases in here that commenters in the original thread were already parroting. Scroll on to see the screenshot of the review and a couple of reactions below.

Man-Child Fakes Emergency So His Wife Will Leave Her Brother's Wedding and Come Home

It's crazy what people will do for attention. We know that babies will cry, we know that dogs will bark, and now I guess we know that husbands will…fake falling down the stairs so their wives can come home and take care of them!


That's what happened to this Redditor, who shared her story via this thread on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit. Her hubby had been sick for a few days, and after taking care of him 24/7, she decided to let him stay home while she attended her own brother's wedding. Seems like a good compromise to me. He doesn't need to go, and she gets to take one day off from playing caretaker to be there for her brother. Well apparently, that wasn't sufficient for Husband of the Century, who not only faked an emergency to get the Redditor to come home but also pulled the "I warned you something like this could happen" card. 


You've probably guessed correctly by now that this dude is still in his early 20s, but to be honest, this story had me questioning if he was still in grade school. We've seen plenty of other instances of marriage drama recently. This husband spent his anniversary without his own wife and then bragged about it. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story!

'She said that we need to leave': Roommate insists that her father will be staying in female roommate's bed, internet disagrees

Living with people, whether strangers or friends, is a gallimaufry of strange and weird experiences. Everyone's a little odd in their own way, and our strange habits have a way of manifesting themselves in the worst way possible when in a joint living situation. (Good thing that, even in 2018, one in three adults lived with an adult roommate.) All things considered, a little bit of strange is a best-case scenario… As there is no end to the horrible ordeals that a terrible roommate can inflict upon you

Despite all the unpredictable uncertainty, one thing is a given when renting a room; You'll have exclusive rights and access to it. This is why it was all the more surprising to u/notatypicaltaurus when her roommate flat-out told her to clear out so that the roommate's dad could sleep in her room while he was in town.

Keep reading to see the screenshots of the original thread, as posted by the roommate who is being asked to give up her bed for her roommate's father. She posted the thread to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) community to see whether she was in the wrong for refusing to give up her room for her roommate's father to stay. 



'Her face went completely white': Supervisor intervenes when Karen uses slur on employee, has her removed

Ahh, the joys of customer service and retail. A wondrous world where strangers will use you as a punching bag for their emotions at the slightest inconvenience and where going above and beyond will seldom earn you a word of thanks.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Woman Surprises Her Male Coworkers With Her NFL Knowledge, Is Just Secretly Reading an ESPN Article Word-for-Word

Reading truly is knowledge… 

Major Parenting Fail: New Mom Was Not Prepared for Diaper Change Catastrophe

It's no secret that being a new mom is hard, but this woman had a wild night.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/Parenting subreddit by u/khat96, who honestly should be a comedian because the way in which she described her son's Chernobyl-level explosion is one for the books. Without getting into details, let's just say that this woman anticipated that her baby boy needed a diaper change, but she did not anticipate the sheer amount of material that needed to be cleaned. After an emergency bath that seemingly resolved the issue, it only got worse (we'll let her elaborate). 


We hope this woman has not only recovered from this traumatic experience but also that she either books herself on SNL or signs a book deal. Something good has to come out of this. I'd read anything by her even if I never have children. For more family drama, take a look at this story about a mom who called the cops on her husband, and keep scrolling below for u/khat96's full account of the situation!

'She was extremely offended.' Rude dude demands fresh pastries despite already being told they were fresh

The unspoken meaning of words can say more than the words themselves. For this reason, it's always best to guard one's words carefully to ensure that you don't accidentally give the wrong impression or make the wrong implication. 

That's what this guy failed to consider when he basically accused a bakery owner of lying to him when he insisted on receiving only fresh pastries. He had already been into the bakery earlier in the day and been told that the pastry he was after was not ready yet. When he returned later in the day to find the pastries available he was still unusually suspicious of their freshness.

It really does beg the question -why on earth does he still go to this bakery if he really thinks their product is that poor? You might think he'd have found another spot after several instances of unsatisfactory experiences, rather than continuing to return and make wild accusations. This was one of the main points that commenters suggested on the thread when they decided that the poster was the a-hole in this situation.

Keep reading to see the screenshots and reactions to this r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) thread that was posted by u/aitathrowawayzz earlier this week.

For more AITA check out this wife whotricked her man-child husband into thinking her meal was cooked by his mother.

'Set the interview on fire and somehow got offered the job still': Guy calls out interviewer for lying on the job posting

This guy gave his potential employer the middle finger after he fed him the tired "Nobody wants to work anymore" line.


And with good reason too! This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/acfreeman94, who broke down exactly how he called out his interviewer for being completely shady. First, the job posting online was a blatant lie: the Redditor currently works at $32/hour and it turns out this job was actually only offering $18/hour. Second, throughout the interview, there were references to a dust problem in the office that has yet to be resolved. That clearly shows how these people view office conditions for their employees. 


The funny part is that after the Redditor called the interviewer out on all of this, a few days later, the same guy called back offering a ~generous~ increase in pay to $20/hour. Sir, sit down! As the Redditor pointed out, it's not just that people don't want to work anymore; it's that they don't want to do it at such low wages. If these idiots don't actually start listening to their employees and interview candidates, they will be stuck with no one. Oh, and fix that dust issue!


For more content like this, check out this post about employees who walked out of their interviews. Keep scrolling below for the full story!

'This mean anything to you?': Cop tries to flash his badge and use intimidation to get drinks for underaged daughter

The problem with misusing your authority and making a scene is that it makes all those you are associated with look bad. That also goes for any organizations or groups who you might be affiliated with. This is why it's so important to conduct oneself in a manner that suits your station -whether you're on duty or off. Just take this off-duty hotel manager who was fired for being rude to the staff of another hotel as a prime example. 

This server took to Reddit's r/talesfromyourserver community to share an experience they had while serving an off-duty cop and his family. The server shares that while he was serving a man and his daughter trouble started when the two tried to order a drink for the young woman. When it became apparent that she didn't have identification with her, the server became certain that she must have been underage. Whether this assumption was correct or not is uncertain, it's not uncommon for some women in their mid-to-late twenties to appear as if they are under the drinking age despite being well clear of it. Regardless, it's the law that you have to be carrying a valid ID for exact such reason, and this young woman did not have one with her.

Her father started getting himself worked up and flashed his police badge and made vague threats in an attempt to persuade the waiter into serving his daughter.

Read on to see screenshots of this story, as told by u/CasualSquirrel, posted on the popular Reddit community. 

Funniest Memes for People Struggling to Keep Their Cool at Work

For anyone that's ever worked in customer service or retail, it's funny how often and how easy it is to absolutely lose yourself to red-blind rage. For some reason, customers and people who feel entitled to some sort of service, are somehow the most inadequate, infuriating, and enraging human beings in the world. 


Yes, Ma'am, per the sign outside, we are only open from 10-9pm-- no, we won't stay open for you. 


Customers just think that the world revolves around them, which as an employee, can get super annoying. However, there are some redemption moments in customer service where you can pull the "as per my last email" card or even the "you are speaking to the manager already" card. Nothing feels better than that retribution


However, there are times when work brings you to your wits end, here are some relatable memes of those exact, painstaking moments in our lives. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Karen Can't Spell, Writes Wild 1-Star Amazon Review For Birthday Balloons

The internet is a wonderful creation that has opened all kinds of doors and avenues for the advancement of the human race. It allows us to collaborate, push new ideas, and make our voices heard in a way that was never before possible. 

New Officer Makes Subordinate Their Travel Agent, They Book the Officer the Worst Possible Flights

Some people just can't be trusted with a single shred of power. As soon as they manage to find themselves with even a semblance of it, they don't hesitate for a second to wield it over every person they possibly can with a stupid fury. I wish that I could say that these people don't succeed but, based on the stories we see, that's often not the case. It's as if these people have never once stopped to consider or care about other people and the effect that their actions have on their lives. Let's be honest, there are probably not enough cylinders firing up there to handle that type of empathy and introspection.

This thread was posted to the popular r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Reddit user, u/ItsCoolImWithTheBand, who shared their story about a new Lieutenant who made them their de facto personal travel agent.

Keep reading to see screenshots of the story and the reactions below. For more malicious compliance check out this volunteer firefighter who took a zoom call while attending a raging fire on their day off.

Only Female Employee in the Office Discovers Her Boss and Male Colleagues Call Her Jessica Rabbit

This woman found out in the worst way that all the men on her team call her Jessica Rabbit, and that it was her own boss who gave her the nickname. 


She posted this thread to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, where she was met with heated responses from other Redditors in the comments supporting her and encouraging her to seek legal action. So here's what happened: one day at work, she needed to walk over to her male coworker's desk to get him to send her a document (classic). When he opened his phone to do so, she could see that her name was saved in his contacts as Jessica Rabbit. The man obviously was completely embarrassed and was pushed to reveal that the nickname was his boss's doing.


To make matters worse, once she reported the matter to HR, they basically said it was not worth it to pursue this. Why do these workplace dynamics still exist in 2022? Come on, guys! Grow up. May this serve as a How-To of what NOT to do at work. For more workplace drama, take a look at this story about a new employee who quit after his leave negotiations were rejected. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story!

'As I am in mid-sentence, he pushed me back': Enraged customer attacks delivery driver over delivery time

It's no great secret that people tend to get worked up about things that really just aren't worth it. Sure, waiting for an unexpectedly long amount of time for your food can be frustrating, and by the time it arrives it's usually cold, but you're forced to begrudgingly eat it in the state that it's in because your hunger has reached unbearable levels. People tend to get irrational when they're hungry but going as far as to attack a delivery driver over a late delivery is downright insane, especially when a message to the app's customer service team would suffice. 

Hell, I waited two hours for pizza delivery from Uber Eats just last night. The app seemed to think that the rider was delivering on a bicycle but after sitting at a gas station for close to 40 minutes I began to get worried for her well-being. The thought of a woman riding her bike alone down the streets of Brooklyn and coming to a sudden, prolonged, halt started all sorts of wild thoughts going in my mind. When she finally arrived, she wasn't on a bike, but riding in the back of a big SUV. Did this girl suffer a mechanical issue with her bike that led her to need to be picked up? Or was she running a scam in which she and a partner were fielding multiple deliveries at once in order to maximize revenue? The world may never know… but she definitely wasn't wearing cycling-friendly clothing.

If we're tying this back into the point here, at no point did I consider yelling at or attacking my driver when they arrived. A was hungry and incredibly sleepy, but sometimes that's just the way these things go.

Unfortunately for this delivery driver the people they were delivering to had a different opinion, and they found themselves accosted and then assaulted -which ended in a brawl and police involvement.

Keep scrolling to see the screenshots of the thread and for more material check out these wild stories from thirteen delivery drivers


Sunday, September 25, 2022

'No value in your work': Analyst laid off because no one understands his job, goes exactly as you might expect

It's not uncommon for your boss to completely misunderstand what your job is or how you do it; Depending on how connected they are to the inner workings of your trade they might not even understand why your job exists at all. This rule gets exponentially more accurate the more you move up the chain. Usually, direct middle-managers have at least done the base-level productive role that they're managing; or at least something similar at some point in their lives. Executives though are likely to have entered the enterprise straight from business school or dropped right out of their wealthy parent's loins straight into the position. As a result, they aren't going to understand a thing about the methods and needs of your work. Say, for example, if you work at a grocery store, the chances that the shift manager started out bagging groceries are actually pretty high, but the likelihood that the executive of the corporate entity has worked as a cashier, or even touched a grocery bag, is slim-to-none.

This is exactly as it was for dear old Bill here, a soft-spoken and wildly under-appreciated analyst who found himself in hot water simply for the crime of not communicating in a way that his superiors understood. He was told that his work was "not valuable," "worthless" even going as far as to say that "if he didn't do it no one [would] know." The company wouldn't understand his value until he wasn't there.

Keep reading for the screenshots, for more malicious compliance check out this electrician who was quick to turn a terrible clientin when they wanted him to lie to an inspector. 

Cranky Old Male Karen Refuses to Leave Grocery Store When There's a Fire

You know it's time to quit when there's a fire in the grocery store and you're made to stay because a cranky Karen needs their chicken stock!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/EntitledPeople subreddit by u/ThePathUntaken, who recalled that time when not even a literal fire could stop this male Karen from being a Karen. This 70-year-old man named Gerald insisted on having his seven items rung up despite the manager telling everyone to evacuate the store (question: are people named Gerald and Ethel always called that before they become senior citizens because I have never met a teenager named Gerald?). 


Anyway, the Redditor didn't want a fight to escalate, so he rang up the items as smoke filled the aisles. You know there's a problem with workplace dynamics when you feel the impulse to listen to crazy customers instead of prioritizing your safety. Eventually, the Redditor got his manager to intervene since Gerald still wouldn't leave. Even when the manager let Gerald bypass paying so he could GTFO with his items, Gerald still made a point to say that his customer service experience was subpar. Do you know what's also subpar? Having to ring up someone's items while a fire spreads around you. 


For more wild work stories, check out this post where an employee was fired because he only would work 6 days a week. Keep scrolling below for the full story about good old Gerald!

'Please don't come back': Karen destroyed by business owner after leaving 1-star review

There's a certain net of safety that the (rapidly evaporating) anonymity provides to us. After all, there is a reason that the term 'Keyboard Warrior' exists. It's easy to let the darker and more aggressive parts of your personality emerge when you stand to face no consequence for whatever you may do or say.

Funniest Mother Truckin' Trucker Memes That'll Have You Speeding in the Laugh Lane

*Beep**Beep* *Toot**Toot* Watch out, trucker coming through! Got a big load to haul, get out of my way! Ehh, I'm drivin' over here! Or whatever truckers say… I don't know, I've never even met a trucker. These memes had me crackin' up though—you don't need to be a trucker to LOL to memes. But if you are a trucker, then you are going to love these memes. Share them through the radio thingy you guys are always arguing in that I've seen in movies. Trucker life seems hard—you're working for days at a time, you have a tight schedule to follow, and you're away from home for long periods of time. But I must admit, driving one of those big boys looks pretty bada$s. I totally see how trucker culture is a thing—if I had one of those huge bad boys, I would definitely wanna deck it out for the long road ahead! Guess I'll just have to settle for these funny trucker memes for now. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Desperate Woman Bombards Her Boyfriend Working at Target, Demanding Marriage Immediately

This has some serious Walmart energy

Funniest Autumn Fails for the First Week of Fall

Some things should not have a pumpkin spice flavor, people!


You've probably heard or maybe just looked outside, but the first week of fall is upon us. Here at FAIL Blog, we want to celebrate with some autumn fails. Yup, that's right. Not everything goes with this season, contrary to what your coworker thinks. You know, the one who's already wearing a scarf even though it's still 70 degrees outside. The one who already has her entire Halloween plans figured out. The one who's drinking like 5 pumpkin spice lattes a day and bringing way too much Sad Girl Autumn energy into the office. Yeah, that one.


Let's take a step back and recognize that fall is literally just a season. It happens every year. Sure, you can be excited about it. I'm not here to ruin someone's vibe. But I am here to remind those of you who are high on pumpkin spice that too much of anything can be bad for you. Or how about just really annoying? As these memes and tweets will indicate, fall overkill is real. 


For more content like this, check out these top trending "well, that sucks" moments, and keep scrolling below for these autumn fails!

Woman's Ex-Boyfriend Calls the Cops When He Moves Out, She Mocks Him With a Cop Photo Shoot

Nothing like a bottle of wine and two Party City cop costumes to get proper revenge on your ex.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/ExtensionPresent15, who was dating her high school sweetheart for 4 years and even chose to go to the same college as him per his request so they could be together (red flag). 


Eventually, he dumped her and slept on the couch for a week before moving out. On the day of his move, however, she was surprised to find two cop cars waiting outside the whole time…as if she was some kind of threat. She thinks maybe he was nervous her father was going to show up. Who knows? Point is, it was an act of hostility so what did she do to get back at him? 


Wine, Party City, and a social media photo shoot of her and her friend in cop costumes. Take notes, people. This is how you get back at someone while also just trying to make light of a messy situation. For more breakup content, take a look at this post about a girl who was dumped because of how she spoke to her car, and keep scrolling below for the full story!

'I automated my job': Developer discovers a way that they can work for 10 minutes a day from home

There has been a sharp increase in the recent trend of posts of employees claiming to have automated their jobs as soon as they were asked to work from home or remote full-time.

This poster claims to have set up a remote workstation for their tech job. And "in about a week" they were able to "write, debug, and perfect a simple script that performed [their] entire job."

It all just goes back to that old saying, often attributed to Billionaire Bill Gates, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."

Often companies aren't willing to pay employees enough to warrant their extra effort and innovation. A lack of trust between the two parties can hinder actual progress as the employee often fears that their own innovation could make them redundant.

This is probably why we see stories like this popping up so frequently. When the chance presents itself, tech-savvy employees are more than happy to dramatically increase the efficiency of their tasks, but they need to know that they can trust their employer to reward that innovation, rather than blindly punish it.

All of this was what led Redditor u/throwaway59724 to automate their role at the first chance possible.

Their script was able to scan on-site drives for new files and then process them as required. u/throwaway59724 now reports that they now "Clock in every day, play video games or do whatever, and at the end of the day [they] look over the logs to make sure everything ran smoothly… then clock out. [They're] only at their desk maybe 10 minutes a day."

It sure sounds like u/throwaway59724 has unlocked a cheat code to life. All they had to do was enter the following into their menu screen at startup: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

Read on for the full story.

Traumarama: Embarrassed Woman Shares a Very Messy Story From the Colonoscopy Recovery Room

How do you recover from this? 

Mom Lets Son's Ex-Girlfriend Stay With Her, Then Attends Her Graduation Instead of His

At first, it seemed like this woman was a saint. Then, it became clear that she straight up liked her son's ex more than her son.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Bun_Range363, who clearly thought she was in the right when she was writing this. But people sounded off in the comments online and were very upfront about where she went wrong. It's one thing to show sympathy to your son's ex when she has no place to stay. It's another to choose to attend her college graduation over your own son's graduation. 


This mother clearly felt her son made a mistake in his relationship, and based on what we know from the few details given, he very well may have. But he was 17. And he's her kid. It's tough to watch people on these threads try to justify stupid decisions that are just begging to be criticized. The lack of self-awareness is eye-opening. Like this woman wrote this and genuinely thought we'd all understand.


For more bad decisions, take a look at this story about a guy who hid his girlfriend's toothbrush to "make a point." 


Keep scrolling below for the original post and for the blunt feedback she got!

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Past Week

Ah, to date in the modern world. 
Was the world always this crazy or has the internet just made it that much easier to out people?
It's like they don't even try to hide it.
In fact, many like to take it upon themselves to virtually grab a megaphone, climb an invisible rooftop, and shout to the masses 'I probably need psychological help but instead I'm gonna share way too many details about my creepy preferences and expect the people who surf the internet to applaud me'.

There seems to be too much information readily available at any given moment, and the memes we've added below do a good job of proving that. 
Some people feel it necessary to make a point that they are not a serial killer (Because we all know that serial killers tend to be upfront about that), others are married and looking for 'friends' on Tinder (Obviously the best app to find your next bestie), and some people are freakishly honest about being attracted to women when they cry. 
Apps are delightful and cruel, designed to keep you swiping until you come across a profile that makes you gag and delete your account immediately, only to reopen it the second you're bored, lonely, or both.
Have fun scrolling through these ridiculous (but super funny) memes we've found, and remember…
You can't save everyone.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Creepy Guy Gets Called Out for Sitting Next to Passenger on Empty Train

There should be a rule that creepy people don't get to take public transit.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Unlikely-Strategy596, who shared his story about taking public transit and enjoying a nice nearly empty street car…that is, until that moment of peace was interrupted by a creepy guy who chose to sit down right next to him. It should be noted that the Redditor is male and as the comments seem to suggest, he was just given a glimpse into what life is like as a woman taking public transit every day.


If only there were a way to detect creepy people like this dude and stop them from entering public places, we would all lead happier lives. There are just certain things you don't do: sit next to people on the train when there are tons of empty seats, choose the urinal immediately next to someone else when there are plenty of vacant ones, or hog the shared armrest on a flight. That last one isn't necessarily creepy, it's just rude AF. 


For more public transit stories, check out this one about a small business owner who followed a shoplifter home on the bus. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story!

Funniest Work Memes and Tweets to Celebrate That It's Finally Friday

Whether it's constantly following up on emails, making corny jokes to your boss to get in his or her good graces, or just dealing with the mess that is interviewing, it takes way too much effort to stomach office culture throughout the work week. 


But we finally made it to Friday, so it's time to enjoy these memes and tweets compiled from @humorous_resources and @corporate_millennial_memes. So as we procrastinate and count the seconds before the end of the work day, we're here to provide you with funny office culture jokes that will make you question why we even created corporate work environments in the first place. Not that working remotely is that much better, but we can't always get what we want (right, boomers?). What we can get, however, is the ability to laugh at the complete mediocrity that is office culture. 


For more content like this, check out these relatable adulting memes. Keep scrolling below!

'I laughed at her': Used car dealership tries to use shady practices and implement fees, surprised when client walks out

A used car dealership thought that they had out-of-state buyers trapped and used the opportunity to try and renege on terms and instate higher fees; they were shocked when the buyers got up and walked away from the deal.

This couple had been searching for a used car after losing their previous one in an accident. They finally found one they wanted at a dealership 90 minutes away from their house. They took extra time and care to ensure they had the time to make this journey. Everything on their end was sorted, they were sure to arrive at the dealership right when they agreed to, but the dealership soon showed that they had no intention of upholding their end of the deal.

I mean, there's a reason that the term "used car salesman" is a thing, referring to someone who is insincere or dishonest. Stereotypes aren't usually true and can be rooted in nefarious places; Still, even with stereotypes aside, it's always wise to be weary when buying anything used -especially when it's a complex machine with an endless number of things that could be wrong with it.

"The first thing she does is pull out a different set of numbers than we were originally given and agreed to," the author writes regarding their meeting, explaining that the additional fees and terms totaled nearly one thousand dollars. 

They were then told that "If [they] don't like the fee, [they] could leave." They took that advice and stood up and left, losing nothing except a frustrating amount of time.

Commenters shared some experiences of their own and offered some sage advice in the comments.

"Whenever someone messes around in a high-value transaction- the best course is to leave," shared BluehibiscusEmpire. "Because if they are like that pre-sale, it will be a lot worse after you have given them the money."

Keep scrolling to see screenshots of the thread and the reactions below. For more malicious compliance check out this rude customer who was given exactly what they wanted by a clever flight attendant. 

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (Sept. 22, 2022)

Well howdy doody, everybody! We're back at it with another round up of our favorite yee-haw memes from this week. We simply can't get enough of 'em! We lasso'd y'all up a good'um bunch to LOL to and we hope you appreciate the fruit of our labor. We know y'all are working yourselves to the bone out there own the fields in the farm, in the barn, or wherever. It's important for hardworking Americans to take a break and have a healthy hearty laugh from time to time. In fact, the labor union requires it! These hilarious memes will have you howling at the moon, they're so doggone-it funny! They will make the yee to your haw. The barrel to your hay. The corn for your biscuits. Hell, even your old timer papaw the farmer will get a good laugh out of these. Nothing like rootin' tootin' yeehaw memes to bring cowboys and cowgirls together. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Being literally broke is definitely not funny, but we must admit that sometimes we just feel broke in a relative way. Like last week we may have had 15 more dollars to my name and now suddenly we can't get that chipotle bowl that we wanted and so we feel that we are significantly poorer suddenly. The good thing I've been broke, however, is that it's a great way to relate to other broke people. And they can definitely be funny sometimes to look back at questionable decisions we've made in the past when we felt cash poor. We've all been there.

Whether you're feeling extra broke today, or you actually fully have a stable job and you just wanna reminisce on the days that you were only able to afford $.99 Arizona's from 7-Eleven, we got you. This Memes list will surely bring a smile to your face.

20+ Incredibly Cursed Foods That Should Be Banned From Existance

There are some creations that people out there thought were brilliant when they came up with them that really shouldn't have come into existence at all. In fact, we should ban these people from even further participating in society. Items that make this list include the "peeing Calvin sticker" and "tow-hitch testicles," both of which are worshipped and frequently used by a certain particular demographic. Other things that I'd put on this list include subscription services for things that should be a one-time payment, gender reveal parties, and web advertisements with that little box in the corner that looks like it's going to close the ad but really clicks through.

Well, let's add some of these food creations to that list, shall we? The world really could have done without a 'Flaming Hot Cheeto encrusted chicken' and a 'Fruity Pebbles Pizza,' but those are just some of the more obvious ones; I'd also like to submit the face-shaped pie as a candidate for being banned from existence. 

For more terrifying edible experiences, check out this collection next.

Girlfriend Gets Dumped, Goes to Ex's Mom for Support and Leaves Crying

Just another classic story of boy meets girl, boy and girl break up, and girl cries about it to boy's mother!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/throwawawa7, who writes about her son's recent breakup. They had been dating for over two years so, in fairness to the ex-girlfriend, she had formed a relationship with his family. 


However, after they broke up, some time passed and he began seeing someone new. Here's where things went way wrong. The ex went marching to his parents' place and wept about the breakup to his mother. Yikes. It seems like she handled things as well as one could in this situation. In fact, many of the comments on Reddit seem to suggest that she could have gone way further. Still, she managed to tell her son's ex that he hasn't done anything wrong by seeing someone new. This "reality check" set her off. Not only did she start crying louder, but also she told the mom that if she could "throw her away like this, then it's no wonder [the mom's] son can as well." 


If this girl had spoken to literally anyone in her life about whether or not it was a good idea to confront her ex's mother, they would have suggested that she process her feelings in any other way. I'd rather she vent to me before going to the boy's family. 


For more breakup content, take a look at this post about a guy who made his girlfriend pay for his family's meal. 

Employee Asks for Day Off for Grandfather's Funeral, Boss Makes Him Provide a "Funeral Note"

Horrible bosses really do have no say, don't they? This employee was forced to provide a funeral note after requesting a day off to attend his grandfather's service. 


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/snaresht, who took a photo of his boss's request. It's actually kind of crazy when you think about the absolute lack of shame here. Even if we don't know the full story about the employee's trustworthiness, some things should be kept off limits. This is precisely the reason why there's an unnecessary stigma against taking sick days and/or mental health days when that is 100% something all workers are entitled to take. Sure, perhaps this person might have had more luck if he or she took a sick day instead, but then that day could potentially take away from, I don't know, a legitimate sick day. Family emergencies should just not be questioned. Full stop. 


If we accept "funeral note" requests, what's next? Selfies in front of the casket? A video recording of the service? Leave these people alone! For more ridiculous content about bad employers, here is a story about a worker who was attacked by his boss's dog in the office.


Keep scrolling below for the original post and for the best comments!

'My manager insists I turn my camera and mic on': Manager late for web meeting on employee's day off, witnesses literal inferno via Zoom

This volunteer firefighter was threatened to be fired while attending a fire on their day off.

Employee Fired and Told His Work Is Worthless, Gets Better Job at the Competing Firm

These managers had no clue their former employee added so much value to the company. In fact, they told the employee his work was worthless. They learned the truth the hard way.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Thinkstopsay, who shared a story about his accountant friend Bill. Although he was quiet and reserved, Bill always provided excellent data for over 15 years. However, because of his quiet nature, his work often went unsung. When his managers hired a consulting firm to help cut down costs, the firm wrongly determined that Bill added no value to the company and he was fired. 


Bill decided that because he apparently added no value, there was no need for him to do his work during his final month on the job. So, he spent all his energy getting a bigger and better job at the competition, where he was ultimately much more valued and helped increase revenue for his new company. Meanwhile, revenue for his former company declined significantly. This just goes to show that there is, in fact, some justice in this world!


For more content like this, check out this story about an awful nepotism hire finally hearing what he needed to hear. Keep scrolling below for the original post and for the best comments!

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

We'll leave it for you to judge who is in the wrong here, but there ain't no way we're siding with the HOA. Even still, parking cars in front of your neighbor's house and blocking the street in the process is pretty damn entitled behavior… So we're finding it pretty hard to side with the poster either. It's probably the mounting jet lag and utter lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble agreeing with anyone today.

Harassing your neighbor with your car collection and making it, so the street is completely impassable is just not a good way to get even with your annoying HOA. Sure HOAs' are all too frequently the bane of many home-owning person's existences but dealing with them should involve less collateral to those who have to continue to exist around you.

That's my take on this one at least, it's not like the neighbors had any part in this. Whats your read on the situation?

Keep reading to see the screenshots below. For more HOA drama check out this HOA Karen who took issue with the particular type of shrubbery that the guy had in his yard.