Saturday, March 12, 2022

People's "Screw It, I'll Just Do It Myself" Moments

It feels good to be completely self-reliant. Sure, it's not a good idea to take on projects that you know are totally over your head, but if we never stretched ourselves a little, we'd never learn and grow as people. Sometimes these learning opportunities are forced upon us, often accompanied with someone else's incompetence and our own justified, blinding rage.

For example, when the contractor calls and says "sorry I can't be there for another 3 weeks, and it'll cost 10,000 more than I quoted you," but you say "dude, the pipe has literally burst and all my commissioned self-portraits of me as a space man are getting soaked in grey water" it makes the decision to buy a monkey wrench and start reading manuals that much easier.

So here are some times that people found themselves in situations where the most simple and direct way to solve a problem was with their own two hands. And for some times people left things up to chance, here are people's "screw it, I'll deal with it later" moments.

Father-In-Law Demands Son's Fiancée Iron His Shirt at Her Own Engagement Party "Because She's A Woman"

This woman became the target of her father-in-law-to-be's sexist behavior when he asked her to iron his shirt during a celebration for her engagement to his son. So, of course, she proceeded to destroy the a-hole's shirt.

This story was shared to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, where users submit stories where someone "conforms to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request." u/Stitchywitchlich, the original poster, shared this story about an event that happened to her recently.

It never ceases to amaze us how many people are completely stuck in a completely different dimension… A dimension where it is still the lost days of yesteryear where everything plays out like an episode of 'Mad Men.' 

Let's just hope that the apple fell very far from the tree and that her future husband is nothing like his father. If he's the spitting image or a clone of his old man, she's going to be in for a bad time. 


The Wonderful Musings Of Sewer Tank Trucks

It's gotta be an interesting life to lead, that of the noble poop man. It's one of those services that literally everyone is going to depend on. If the job wasn't being done by someone, we'd have some huge problems on our hands. And feet. And seeping into our shoes. So we can only thank the patience and hard work of anyone who does this job. Poop is a lot like slipping on a banana peel. In theory it is extremely funny. In person, maybe not so much.

So hats off to the folks who drive around in a truck filled with human waste. And hats even more off to those who do it with a terrific sense of humor. 

What is it about funny signs that make them so compelling? Is it the folksiness? Maybe the commitment to the bit? Whatever it is, it hits even  harder when it's on the side of a septic tank truck. Call us childish or whatever, but man these are great. For those who are into sign humor, there's this sign with a pun game that's way too on point or this restaurant sign that dispenses jokes and wisdom.

Entitled Dad Leaves Kids On Plane With Stranger, Ends Up Wholesomely

Some parents can't handle their own kids. Some parents just don't want to handle their own kids. Some parents make their kids someone else's problem. It's unclear what kind of logic would make a parent think "plane ride with my child? Sounds like an opportunity to do my own thing." Sheer exhaustion? In all likelihood it's not a moment of logic at all. It's just a thing some people do because other people are willing to put up with it. And we all get to collectively disapprove of those people, so there's that.

You can only hope the person you abandon your kids with is someone with professional childcare experience. While it's a not-so-noble dad move to foist the burden of your children onto a stranger, it's something else entirely to get furious around firearms, like this entitled dad who was furious his son needed permission to hold a gun. For more airplane shenanigans, here's a flight attendant's wildest stories.

Employee Reverses Customer's Coin Revenge By Counting It All Out

A pretty common way to "get back" at the people fining you is by paying that fine in a really inconvenient way, such as this tenant who got an unfair fine and paid in 37 installments. These plans are usually pretty awesome, but if you're not paying the person who wronged you directly, you run the risk of only inconveniencing the poor employee who made the mistake of working for a company who keeps screwing people over. And having to be the customer service meat shield for an organization that makes tons of people angry isn't fair to the employees.

This lady came in expecting the usual "shock and awe" of paying in hundreds of quarters, but she just so happened to give them to an employee who was fully prepared to take things to their logical extent. That being, counting out all the coins to make sure this was the right amount of legal tender.

Who knows if this lady had a terrific reason to try and inconvenience someone. She just seems to have pointed her inconvenience at the wrong person. This woman was hoping to get some kind of reaction for her intense feelings, but in the end she was offered no quarter.