Monday, February 14, 2022

Dude Live Tweets His Foray Into Creepy Liminal Space

This one might strike a chord with anyone who's ever found themselves exploring an abandoned area, or at least on that's just "not in use." It can get eerie very fast.

Liminal spaces are technically described as "a space between two spaces." So think like "areas between two states of being" like hallways and airports. That said the term has been used to describe areas that don't exist for their own purpose, and more broadly just very creepy, often empty zones of foggy understanding. In this case, a dude found himself wandering the backrooms of a hotel, but it comes off way creepier than that should be.

Maybe it's the quizzically pointless stacks of chairs and strangely airy zones with no people, but this all has the vibe of a level of a video game where something has just gone wrong or is about to go wrong. @Yearoutwilliam takes us on a journey through the back, into a space that feels almost adjacent to reality. Fun.

Manufacturing Line Worker Flips the Script on Supervisor

There's something odd that occasionally happens when someone is promoted off the floor into a management position… Despite having walked the walk themselves and despite knowing exactly how everything operates from a line perspective, they lose their grip on reality and start acting exactly like the big brass above them. Making the exact same mistakes that come along with that.

We can typically chalk this odd behavior up to the new world and new pressures they find themselves in. They've never been in a management position before so they model off of the nearest example. I can tell you from experience that they are also being directly told how they should think and act. "You're in charge now. It's time to stop acting like those vermin who used to be your peers." 

As time passes the more impressionable will become indistinguishable from their bosses and the stronger willed will find themselves replaced or in the crosshairs for not "Seeing things from a business perspective."

Those who survive by morphing into their bosses will start acting like decisions, that the line knows aren't going to work, are a good ideas. When they fail spectacularly they're as quick as upper management to either pretend that it never happened or find slime 

Luckily, in this case, u/cranknation93 was able to protect themselves with process. When he asked his supervisor to sign their own name to their orders, they balked hard, knowing that they weren't going to be able to blame it on anyone else down the line. 

Cruel Mother Allows Boyfriend to Punish Her 16-Year-Old Son, Forces Him to Babysit Boyfriends Kids When He’s Supposed to Be at Work

When I was growing up my parents were certain to ensure that I learned valuable lessons about what it meant to work a job and make money with your own time and hard work. 

So, the summer after I turned 16 I had to have a job. I got a job working at the local baseball park that was home to a High-A baseball team. 

For those who don't know what that means, that means that it was three steps down from the major leagues. Players would first have to prove themselves in A, then double AA and finally AAA before they made it to the big times. 

It was a great job. Probably just as good as any 16 year old could ask for. The other lads and I ran a BBQ grill area that was usually rented out for corporate events before the games. 

That meant an endless supply of fresh tasty burgers and brats (which were often leftover in copious quantities.) for the entire summer. And, if we were quick with the pack down, we could often catch the game on from the bottom of the second inning. 

Cash was in hand. My parents probably would have preferred that it made it to my savings account but the reality is that it seldom did. After all, what were savings when there were Oakleys and video games to buy. Plus I had hefty monthly payments to consider. My World of Warcraft account wasn't going to pay for itself

Looking back, I was fortunate and privileged in the fact that my earnings didn't have to go back into supporting the family at that point of my life. For that reason and several others, I don't think that I ever quite caught the lesson that my parents were trying to teach. 

To this day shiny things often catch a paycheck before it makes it into my savings. (The shiny new glowing mechanical keyboard that I'm typing this on now is a testament to that fact.) But those building blocks my parents provided me were important to me becoming the (relatively) well adjusted and (relatively) functioning adult I am today.


The point is… What I'm trying to say… The whole reason for that drawn out soliloquy… is that the kid has a job. He seems to, at the age of 16, have a firm grasp on how important it is that he is at that job. That is a lesson most parents wish their kids would learn.

Your shy boyfriend then punishes him for wanting to go to that job instead of watching his shy children. (Who your son has no obligation to baby sit.) What do you think that whole thing teaches your son?

Then you, his mother, come along and reinforce that lesson. 

Nicely done. Great work. Good parenting.

From that it should be easy to extrapolate an answer.

Woman Dedicates Her Entire TikTok Account to Calling Out Her Creepy Karen Neighbor Controversy

The woman says she started the account to help her keep record of everything her crazy Karen neighbor is putting her family through. Now, her TikTok viewers are heavily invested in the dramatic saga. 

Manchild Eats Wife's Photoshoot, Wonders Why She's Mad

So this guy's wife makes elaborate meals and takes pictures of them. If it's her job, then great. If it's her hobby, people have worse hobbies.

This dude had enough of waiting to eat, so he decided the best course of action would be to eat all of his wife's work while she was staging it, thus, making her work for the day null and void. She got angry, and now he's confused as to why that would be.

Honestly it sounds more like he's trying to push the blame on her by trying to "say his case" to the internet. That seems to have backfired, and pretty much every single comment is some description of how selfish, immature and childish this dude clearly is.

The sad reality is that people like this aren't exactly good at learning. If this person's story is legit, it's unlikely that he'll actually change the way he thinks based on the overwhelming feedback. And he'll probably come away from this thinking that 99.9% of people must be wrong, because obviously he feels a certain way about this and his feelings must be right because he is the one having them.

But man it's pretty funny to watch all these people call this guy a child.

For another entitled act of childishness, here's the mom who bullied kids off of a playground and wondered if she was in the wrong.

Boss Makes Employee Work During Lunch Break, Tells Them Not to Eat off Break

This boss didn't hesitate to send their worker out on errands during their lunch break. Eating on company time though? That was out of line. Since the understanding apparently didn't go both ways… u/unitedstatesoflabia knew that they needed to draw the line in the sand. 

Some expert Malicious Compliance would set her boss straight.

Breaks are one of the few times that you get to escape off into your own thoughts and dissociate away from the prison that can be the working day. They're essential to our sanity and well being, as well as being a legal requirement too.

I've definitely had some employment relationships in the past where there has been some mutual flexibility with break timing. But it was always with the understanding that, if I come to help with something on my lunch break, then I'm going to make it up afterwards. If I miss a lunch on a day because we're too busy? Alright, I'm taking a double lunch tomorrow. It was always win-win, and that is how it has to be. That's how you foster a stronger relationship. 

Satisfying Times People Quit An Unreasonable Boss

There is a type of boss who will take everything from you and then blame you for not trying hard enough. It's not because you're actually not working hard enough. It's because they can't be bothered to think of you as a person. They'll tell you you have no value, and then when you give any indication that you don't need to be around, they'll backpedal while still insisting that it's absurd you could possibly do better. You know, an abusive relationship.

The thing these kinds of bosses seem to forget is that you don't exist exclusively to serve them. You have a life outside of work, and work is just part of your larger, meaningful life. It's when bosses try to keep their employees from living the rest of their lives that they're given an opportunity to show off how desperately inhuman they are capable of being.

And boy is it nice to see an overworked employee make that kind of boss realize that they don't need to put up with all of it. You can almost hear the gears spinning in these jackass bosses heads as they try to come up with reasons that their own undervalued worker "needs" to stay.

For a real good one, here's this guy who let everything burn to the ground after his work messed with his vacation.

The Most Out-Of-Place Things People Found In Public Bathrooms

Public bathrooms are, at heart, a paradox. It's a public space designed to facilitate the most private of activities. Maybe the only more private activity than using the bathroom is painting your Warhammer mini figurines. But that privacy lasts forever.

But still, everything changes when you're in a public restroom. Every kind of human interaction takes on a new set of rules, from eye contact to unwarranted compliments. In everyday life it would be fine to ask a colleague if they needed help lifting something, but this universal gesture of goodwill is quizzically met with stony silence when uttered at a urinal.

The public bathroom is a zone of rigid expectations, which is why it's extra memorable to walk in on a whole Thanksgiving dinner in a toilet. We should clarify, a whole Thanksgiving dinner that hasn't been eaten yet.

It's moments like these that keep us up at night. When will the next toilet lobster find us? When will we come across a whole copy of The Declaration of Independence written on a stall door? The questions are too much. Here are some horrifying and cursed toilets.

Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

u/miabee02 posted to r/AITA this week regarding an incident that occurred between her and her older brother. u/miabee02 lives with her brother and has personally borne witness to some of the sleazier things that he has done to women during his, almost criminally, disastrous and delusional lifetime. 

This pillar of society has fathered four illegitimate children with different women whom he has mistreated. Only one of these four children does he have anything to do with or pay child support for. 

u/miabee02 goes on to explain that she feels like it's her brother's life and so she just stays out of it. Here's where I think that u/miabee02 is an a-hole too. At a certain point, it is our duty not to just stand on the sidelines and watch our family members enact wanton destruction of other people's lives. We have a duty to address the situation and not enable it or allow it to continue to happen. The very fact that she is still living with this guy after all that he has done is actually putting other women at risk. Likely, her presence is part of the trap into women thinking "Oh, he can't be that bad. There's another woman here."

That being said. There's nothing wrong at all with her revealing her brother's other indiscretions to a woman who thought that she was going to spend the rest of her life with this man. The fact that he hadn't told her already likely means that he was never going to.