Monday, March 15, 2021

Mildly Infuriating Images Responsible For Deep Irritation

This collection of infuriating images is enough to rattle the most calm of minds. Things just aren't as they should be. Or at least, how some might expect them to be. They're a little off, maybe the result of obnoxious carelessness. And from that can arise deep frustration from folks experiencing a world that didn't align with their expectations. 

Masterful Low Budget DIY Solutions

There are wise people among us who are frugal and decent with tools. These masters of DIY solutions have our respect. And while some of us don't like the idea of using a beer can as a shower head, you have to admit that it's not stupid if it works.

Twitter Thread: Opening A Wildly Corroded Can Of Chef Boyardee

Twitter user @DinosaurDracula left people with their jaws on the floor after opening a wildly corroded can of Chef Boyardee from 1995. The monstrous contents that resulted from the grand reveal did not disappoint. Well, didn't disappoint in that they're just about as cursed as cursed food comes.

Double-Take-Causing Images of Skewed Perspective

With a camera tilt here and well placed cat there, one image can quickly become a double-take inducing image of skewed perspective. Sometimes two items will blend together so well that it takes a minute to realize you're looking at some intriguing perspective.

Sign Has Dad Jokes for Days Literally

There's something charming about a puntacular sign. And this sign in particular isn't alone. The Carroll County Veterinary Clinic has some stiff competition when it comes to this other sign whose pun game is too on point. Here are some more dadtacular dad jokes and an extra smattering of puns to fill the pun void.

Dude Uses Free Time to Sort Through Ocean Plastic

Rob Arnold has spent a dizzying amount of time sifting through washed up litter, and has some interesting and informative things to say about the plastic he's seen. Some of this stuff can even be traced back to specific incidents from decades ago, which is crazy to think about.

Twitter Thread: The Human Body's Evolutionary Leftovers

Awesome, our bodies are like natural history museums. Apparently, we're brimming with evolutionary leftovers, and Dorsa Amir mapped out a way to play around with some of these in a fun Twitter thread. 

Sign's Pun Game is Too On Point

The sign for the Indian Hills Community Center has a long history of having a pun game that's too strong. There's something weirdly quaint about a sign with good puns. For some more quality puns, here's a smattering of puns to fill the pun void.

Lazy Manager Karen Lets Everything Fall To Pieces

In this world, stories of incompetent managers and entitled Karens aren't rare. There are dumb bosses like this manager who suspended an employee and then expected them at their next shift. In the apocalyptic world of entitled Karens, there are tales like this military wife Karen who demanded salutes. But when the two are one in the same, things can get especially ridiculous. At least this one had a happy ending.

Unsafe Toys People Remember From The Olden Days

Anyone with a few decades on them can remember a time when toys were heavy, sharp, fast, toxic and scalding. Whether it was a playground slide that would sear the flesh off your palms or a chemistry set that could have made biker crank, people had a different idea of what was considered safe for children. People remember the wildly dangerous activities they participated in as children.

Stupid Things Restaurants Used Instead of Dishes

One of the things we don't miss about restaurants is the need to make increasingly inconvenient, and sometimes potentially dangerous presentation. For example, serving food on top of a bed of bite-sized rocks is kind of a bad idea. Here are outlandish restaurant presentations, from broccoli on barbed wire to burgers on a guitar.

Uplifting Tumblr Story About A Selfless Farmer

Someone's cutting onions in here, man. Anyone else get a little misty eyed? This uplifting Tumblr story is worth the effort. An entertaining and heartfelt read. 

Impressive Creations of Questionable Taste

People are an incredibly creative bunch. Sometimes are creativity surpasses artwork and even leads to cursed food created in the underworld's kitchen. Sometimes people make things just because they can be done, and not necessarily because they will be popular or even nice looking. We're the kings of making things well but with questionable taste. There's no denying that these took a lot of talent to create, but the big question is "why?"

Overly Ominous and Uniquely Spooky Signs

We see warning signs every day, and some hazards become more "everyday" than others. These spooky signs go above and beyond when addressing strange, overly specific, or even vague danger. Spooky signs say a lot with their creepiness.

Misfortune Monday: It Never Ends

There's no question that the world is merciless. Water damage will destroy ceilings, shelves will collapse, and laptops will explode There's no good way to mitigate every single mistake, failure, error and blunder so we all just have to learn to deal with them. Knowing that life is uncertain doesn't make it less perilous, but it makes it slightly easier to live with.

Supportive Tumblr Thread On Dealing With Invasive Thoughts

Assigning silly identities and voices to those various thought streams that might pop up as invasive, and with a dark tone around them, can be helpful in riding out the process back toward peace. If you're able to step outside the thought when it pops up, recognize it as that, and not identify with the thought, it can almost end up being a game of sorts. Is the conspiracy theorist with the panicked strain piping up again from the back corridors of your mind? Maybe.