Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Scumbag Family Members Steal Woman's Savings, Deny It, Beaten By Evidence

It's really hard for me to imagine living in this scenario. I was fortunate, privileged, enough to grow up in a safe and secure environment. My heart goes out to everyone who has to endure this sort of uncertainty and strife within their own homes. 

Unfortunately for this user, who has now deleted their profile, that is not the case for them. 

They live with their mother and older sister. The poster works as a house cleaner on their days off and keeps all of that money in a safe disguised as a book on their shelf. 

They resorted to using this safe because they have already had two incidents involving theft with their mother and sister. She says that she has forgiven them as much as she can but no longer trusts them. 

It really is such hard luck to have people like this in your life. I only wish that someone had told her to get a bank account after those first two instances. There was no way that her family was going to be stopped by a small safe. 

The poster then explains how she garnered enough evidence to confront her family in front of the rest of the family at an event. It sounds like she needs to get the police involved at the very least.


For more terrible family members who can't keep their hands off other people's property... Check out this wife who had a habit of stealing from her husband and his family.

Creepy Neighbor Peers Through Woman's Windows, Says She Can't Walk Around Her House Topless

When u/nobrasonmain adjusted her morning routine to include straying into her kitchen after her workout... She can't have anticipated that it would lead to issues with her neighbors.

See u/nobrasonmain loves to crank out a morning workout in the little home gym setup that she has in her garage. Once she's done with that she chucks her sweaty shirt off and into the laundry hamper while she makes her way to the shower.

This week she had added an additional detour to that route. Stopping by the kitchen on the way to her shower to grab a bite to eat and refuel before continuing on to the sweet relief that running water provides after a workout. 

Unbeknownst to her, her neighbor had been watching her during the first few days that she was doing this. He confronted her about it, telling her that she needs to behave appropriately towards him and his family. 

Honestly, this guy really needs to not put his drama onto someone else. If the fact that you are able to stare into someone else's windows bothers you that much it's time to put in a tree or a hedge as a bit of a buffer. That or just pull the curtains closed. 

Just because you can't control yourself, or because your wife is mad that you can't control yourself, doesn't mean that you can tell your neighbors what they can or can't do in their own home. 

Keep in mind too; She still has a sports bra on...


For more of the world's best neighbors. Check out this HOA Karen who had a guy's old Mercedes-Benz towed.

Senior Designer Uses Gendered Slur on Junior Designer, Calls Her Lazy, Surprised When HR Gets Involved

Maybe we should feel bad for u/aitabadworker. He sounds like he is pretty stressed out. But, it's the way that he is taking his stress out on other people that is the problem here.

u/aitabadworker posted to AITA this week asking for advice regarding his coworker, who he also refers to as his subordinate. Really, she seems to just be his coworker though. 

He does seem to be a little confused on the matter. Stating both that "I'm not technically her "boss," and that "I've tried to look out for her best interests and be a friendly boss". 

So, that's the first red flag here. A guy that is not technically someone's boss thinks that he also is their boss. Oh, and he wants to tell her what she can and can't do after work hours.

Meanwhile, he's holding a grudge against her for not asking for work that she doesn't know about because he hasn't told her about it.

It sounds like he is unraveling at both ends a little bit and if he doesn't want to get fired before the baby comes he needs to take a time out and sort whatever it is that is causing this in his mind. 

Go see a therapist or take up meditation and stop taking it out on the people you work with!

The first part of this post is the original thread along with a selection of comments from that post.

Item #19 begins a second post that was made about the original topic in the r/antiwork subreddit where commenters were even less sympathetic. 


For more like this check out this insane and narcissistic list of rules that were posted in a medical clinic.

Freaky Double Take Moments That Made Our Eyes Figuratively Bleed

If eyes are so good at seeing things, why are eyes also so bad at seeing things? Every single one of us has been in a situation where we think we're looking at a face in the trees or a dark specter in a dumpster and every single time it's just a sign or a rock or something. We're glad every time that we're not looking at a mysterious demon looking back at us, but maybe it would be nice if one time it was legit just so we don't feel stupid.

The smallest amount of reflection, shadow or skewed perspective will have our eyes pushing us into believing one thing is a different thing. Just once we'd like to see a traffic cone actually be a lost wizard's hat. Is that too much to ask for? A safety wizard that directs traffic? In case you want to confuse your eyes some more, here are some more freaky double take moments that had our eyes thoroughly tricked.

Daughter Breaks Leg, Psycho Karen Shuts Off Phone For Vacation, Doesn't Get Why Everyone Is Mad

There's a certain parental instinct you'd think everyone would have when they learn that their kid has been in a life-threatening accident. Maybe you'd think to call your own daughter and like, see how she's doing? Maybe you'd consider rescheduling your trip by a few days? Maybe you'd at least send a text?

It's really difficult to understand the thought process of someone who makes choices like this. "Why are all these people texting me about some kind of emergency? Don't they know I'm on vacation?" One thing we'd really like to know is how this person managed to even have a decent vacation when they knew full well they had real responsibilities to attend to. How do you get to the point when your kid's broken leg is considered an inconvenience so mild that your end can be "solved" by just ignoring it? We'd love to be able to compartmentalize things this well. What a skill.

Probably the most amazing part here is that this lady appears to be baffled as to why her family is upset with her. Imagine having such high self esteem that you couldn't be bothered to self reflect on your own active role in your own kid's pain and suffering. There are sea turtles with a stronger maternal instinct.

Fore some more real excellence, here's the lady who couldn't understand why it was rude to accept a drink from a stranger while actively on a date.

Elder Scrolls Memes That Are As Inevitable As Cliff Racers

The Elder Scrolls games have served us for decades as the premier place to steal from shopkeepers, get addicted to skooma, be intolerant of cat people, and increase our agility by jumping. Every few years (okay, more than a few) we get a new installment of the game, and then within a few years after that we get the non-glitchy version with definitely at least half as many chairs clipping through walls.

But for all of its flaws, popping in Morrowind and taking a silt strider to Balmora and looking at Caius Cosades rippling abs or booting up Skyrim just to shout a few draugrs back into the grave never really gets as old as it definitely should by now. And with that time, boy have we gotten a whole lot of Elder Scrolls memes out of it all.

At the end of the day, it's not about graphics or horse armor. It's about what makes role playing games truly great. And that's naming yourself Barf Fart, setting your eyes way too wide in character creation, giving yourself a big purple afro and murder-hoboing your way through a swamp until you've killed and stolen just enough gold to buy a big hammer and fictional drugs. Absolutely terrific.

The Wildest Junk Parents Confiscated From Their Kids

We all remember a time as kids when we were able to get our hands on something we shouldn't have. Anything hot, sharp or filthy felt like a magnet to our underdeveloped brains. Finding a knife or dirty diaper on the playground only meant one thing: today is going to be a much more interesting day than usual. Remember when the woods used to just have smut in it sometimes? Man, the pre-internet days were weird. 

It's every parent's responsibility to at least keep the more dangerous stuff out of their kid's hands, but they're impossible to watch 24 hours a day. And for some reason, things like your elderly neighbor's boudoir polaroids and syringes full of dog pee just happen to find themselves in kids lives. We don't know how they got there. The world is just a big place. Honestly it's good that children spend so much time exploring and trying to make sense of the world they live in, but of course it's not an enviable position to be a parent trying to snatch a jar of teeth out of your 7 year old's hands as they scream "teeth man teeth man I am the teeth man."

Everyone knows that kids are strange creatures. Can we blame them for trying to make weapons out of old pieces or rebar and smashing old DVDs with them? Sometimes, but not a whole lot. They're right, that's a fun thing to do.