Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Daughter Breaks Leg, Psycho Karen Shuts Off Phone For Vacation, Doesn't Get Why Everyone Is Mad

There's a certain parental instinct you'd think everyone would have when they learn that their kid has been in a life-threatening accident. Maybe you'd think to call your own daughter and like, see how she's doing? Maybe you'd consider rescheduling your trip by a few days? Maybe you'd at least send a text?

It's really difficult to understand the thought process of someone who makes choices like this. "Why are all these people texting me about some kind of emergency? Don't they know I'm on vacation?" One thing we'd really like to know is how this person managed to even have a decent vacation when they knew full well they had real responsibilities to attend to. How do you get to the point when your kid's broken leg is considered an inconvenience so mild that your end can be "solved" by just ignoring it? We'd love to be able to compartmentalize things this well. What a skill.

Probably the most amazing part here is that this lady appears to be baffled as to why her family is upset with her. Imagine having such high self esteem that you couldn't be bothered to self reflect on your own active role in your own kid's pain and suffering. There are sea turtles with a stronger maternal instinct.

Fore some more real excellence, here's the lady who couldn't understand why it was rude to accept a drink from a stranger while actively on a date.

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