Friday, October 18, 2019

Woman's Co-Worker Criticizes Her For Wearing Bikini On Work Trip

Woman's co-worker criticizes her for wearing a bikini on a work trip.

This woman asked the people of Reddit whether she was in the wrong for breaking out the bikini while on a work trip. Her co-worker apparently pulled her aside to say that it wasn't appropriate. Was she overstepping with the wardrobe choice, or did her co-worker blow the bikini moment out of proportion? You be the judge. 

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Awkward and Funny Times Old People Showed Their Age on Facebook

Old people on Facebook

Old people Facebook is just one of those things you get or don't. With so many old people trying to navigate a social media site they don't fully grasp, there are funny, charming and awkward moments to be had. So here comes some improper internet etiquette, oversharing and general weirdness from old people online.

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Boss Strangles Employee, Gets Fired And Loses Everything

An evil, narcissistic boss tries to strangle employee, ends up getting fired and losing everything.

This horrible, narcissistic, and short-tempered boss got what was coming to them when they proceeded to assault an employee, and tried to strangle them. 

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Hippos Easily Chomping Watermelons To Bits

So much power. This is oddly satisfying to watch. With a bite force of 8,100 newtons it's really no wonder that hippos can absolutely crush watermelons. 

Submitted by: (via ABC News)

Hidden Camera Footage Of Mormon Temple Ritual

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! 

Submitted by: (via NewNameNoah)

Twitter Users Share Times They Forgot Words And Had To Make Them Up

Twitter users share times that they forgot words and had to make them up.

These people had some serious brain farts when it came to time to assign the word to the thing. Sometimes it's very difficult!

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Girl Trolls Scientologists With Photoshop

Girl trolls scientologists with the help of her photoshop skills.

Shelby got these unsuspecting scientologists good with her photoshop skills. Really seems like they bought it. 

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Features That Would Go In A Startled House, like a Haunted House But Not As Bad

Askreddit answers to what would go in a startled house, like a haunted house but just for startling people.

The users of AskReddit were met with a challenge to name things that would go in a startled house, which takes the concept of a haunted house but tones it down to just startling people rather then truly freaking them out. It's reminiscent of the punishments people thought up for the residents of Heck, which would be like Hell but not as bad.

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The Worst Defenses People Have Made In Court

A collection of the worst defenses people have seen made in the court of law.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the worst defenses they'd seen made in court. The resulting insights offer rare glimpses at some criminally dumb criminals. These people were nowhere near ready for court, and their "defenses" speak volumes to that. 

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Ominous Signs That Are Too Good At Being Spooky

Warning signs that are very scary

Overall, it's good that we have signs like these, because it means someone is looking out for you. That said, such a casual reminder of your own mortality can seem a little off-putting, especially when spooky signs do too good a job. Some could even argue that some scary signs are scarier than they have to be.

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Guy Wears Cursed Shawl, Ends Up Losing Girlfriend

Guy wears an ugly, cursed shawl and ends up losing his girlfriend in the process.

This guy found himself in quite the silly conundrum after wearing a "cursed shawl" alongside his shawl bro. Sounds like it sent his girlfriend into a bit of a tailspin, and she proceeded to aggressively question him on his sexuality. At a certain point, it just became clear that things weren't destined to be. Who knew a shawl could end up crushing a relationship with such swift precision. 

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Comments Section From Mark Zuckerberg's Conference Is Eerily Wholesome

Mark Zuckerberg's live conference comments section ends up looking like a dystopian novel.

What episode of Black Mirror is this? Just a little unsettling to read through the tidal wave of comically wholesome feedback in the comments section. Looks like the world of Facebook users in this particular scenario have nothing but great thing to say about the Zuck. 

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Snoop Dogg Confirms He Hired A Professional Blunt Roller He Pays 40-50K a Year

Seems like a pretty sweet gig. At first the job sounds easy, but then you remember he's working for Snoop Dogg. That salaried blunt roller is probably rolling his fingers to the bone.

Submitted by: (via The Howard Stern Show)

Tales From Movie Theater

Customer service stories from a movie Theater Employee

Imgur user Hymeria told some misadventures from working at a movie theater. Honestly, there are too many stories of entitled customers and various terrible customers being kicked out for their nonsense. Working with the general public allows you to meet incredibly nice people, but also the most petty, entitled and miserable people in the world.

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Optometrist Tells Woman It's Her Job To Make Babies

Woman asks people on Reddit if it's okay to leave an optometrist a negative review after they told her it's her to job to make babies.

This woman decided to ask the people of Reddit whether she was in the wrong for wanting to leave an optometrist a negative review, because he allegedly said it was her job to make babies. It sounds like people are either in utter disbelief over the terrible comment, or they want to make sure she didn't mishear the statement. 

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WTF And Cursed Moments From Our Dystopian World

A collection of cursed and WTF moments from our creepy world.

The curse is strong with these uncomfortable images. Sometimes creepy images remind us just how spooky the world can get. 

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Guy Arranges Meetings With Telemarketers and Shuts Them Down In Person

Guy sets ups meetings to reject telemarketers in a chicken suit.

Some things that we all can agree to hate are telemarketers, spam, and convincing scams.The whole "please don't call me back, take us off your list thing" is working less and less these days, so this guy opted to set up a meeting and make an inception style mockery of the whole process. People have their own strategies for shutting down marketing and scam calls, but the effort put into this is awesome.

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